MARCH 2000

The order of business will be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Apologies
  3. Presidents Address
  4. Correspondence in/out
  5. Minutes Previous AGM (1998)
  6. Treasurers Report (1998-1999 and 1999-2000)
    Note: as there was no quorum at last years AGM no official business was discussed and Treasurers report could not be adopted.
  7. Election of Officers
    Hon Auditor, Hon Solicitor and confirmation of Association representatives.
    Confirmation of re-election of President and Secretary Treasurer (This was an order of business last year but as there was no quorum this could not take place. The incumbents stood unopposed and have continued in office).
  8. Election of Life members
    Nominations have been received for the appointment of the following persons as Life Members of this Association
  9. Championship Regattas
    2001 Regatta Report from WBOPSSRA
    2002 Regatta Application to host from SIRI
  10. Remits
    Executive: That Lightweight rowing events be removed from the list of events rowed at the NZ Secondary Schools Championships.
  11. General
    Discussion Topic: What is the future of the Local NZSSRA Schools Local Associations, Do we need to modify our structure.
    Discussion Topic: With the introduction of "C" finals How many entries should be received before "C" finals cut in and could we contemplated "D" finals? In considering these points the difference in lanes available between Ruataniwhia and Karapiro must be considered.
  12. Subscriptions
    There is a need to review the subscription level. A new subscription level to be discussed.
  13. The Secretary