NZSSRA: 2010 AGM minutes

7pm, Tuesday 23 March 2010
Events Centre Theatre, Twizel (Agenda)

Meeting opens at 7:09PM chaired by NZSSRA President, Trudy Keys

  1. Roll Call: there are 112 Member schools entered at the regatta. The quorum for the meeting is 20% (23) of those schools (ref clauses 10.11). The roll call establishes there are 55 members present by delegate or proxy, of whom 50 are entered in the regatta: agsb, aqui, bthc, camb, cbhs, cghs, chco, crom, eggs, fran, gldw, hamb, hamg, haur, htvh, iona, jhar, jmcg, lind, macl, mlbb, mlbg, mtas, napb, napg, nelb, nplg, obhs, otum, puke, qmar, rrgs, shlh, sjhs, sldb, sptw, stan, stcc, sthi, stkt*, stmg, stor, stpc, taka, timg, vill, wegc, wkds, wlco, wlgc, wncs, wtlb, G CARR-SMITH, J COLLIN, T COSTELLO, F STRACHAN.
    Also in attendance is: R Milne (for Karapiro Rowing)
    *=late arrival
  2. Apologies: carm, culi, horo*, linc, mtal, stln, splh*, twiz, wtsc, N LYNCH
    *=apology for voting delegate
  3. President's Address: the President welcomes attendees and guests then reads her report, which is also circulated at the meeting. Note is made of a busy upcoming winter for the Executive Committee, which will be spent resolving IT issues, reviewing the Championships Programme of Events and considering the structure of the Association. There will be meetings with Principal representatives, NZSSSC and NZRA to discuss these issues and find outcomes that can be put to our Principals to vote on before next season gets underway; so we can move forward as a more professional organisation in the future.
  4. Correspondence in/out: the Executive Officer advises there was no correspondence received in relation to the AGM other than material that will be presented for individual items in the Agenda.
  5. Minutes of Previous AGM: the Minutes of the 2009 AGM, having been circulated to schools are moved for adoption as a correct record.
    moved: WNCS seconded: GLDW outcome: CARRIED
  6. Life Member
    1. Mr Leslie Saywood is nominated for membership by Wanganui, their citation is read by the Chairman.
      Leslie has coached at several Wanganui Schools and served over a dozen years on the NZSSRA Executive Committee representing the region. As well as coaching, Leslie is a race official and can be seen on the water umpiring at NZSSRA Championships and Wanganui Regattas. Leslie is also on the Executive of the newly-formed NZRRROA.
      nominated: Wanganui endorsed: Executive Committee outcome: ELECTED by acclamation
      Leslie is presented with his Life Membership badge by the President.
  7. Election of Officers
    1. Honorary Solicitor: Mr Richard Watts is the only candidate and is elected for another term by acclamation.
    2. Honorary Auditor: No nominations were received prior to the AGM so the Chairman calls for nominations from the floor for the position of Hon Auditor. There are no nominations. Waikato/Bay of Plenty explains that although we do not currently have an Hon Auditor and have not been able to find one for a while we have found an accounting firm that has volunteered to look at the accounts this year. A plea is made to the AGM to check within their schools and pupils' parents to see whether a volunteer for Honorary Auditor can be found. A question from the audience is asked about a "plan B". The Executive Officer explains it is hoped the Tauranga firm will agree to continue to be involved but failing that the Executive Committee could consider hiring an auditor. The Executive Officer notes there could be a significant cost doing this; the Maadi accounts are being audited this year at a cost of $7,000. T Costello reminds the AGM we are not dealing in huge amounts of money in the Association's accounts and declares he is satisfied if the matter is left with the Executive Committee.
  8. Treasurer's Report the Executive Officer reads his report, which is circulated at the meeting. The Executive Officer draws attention to the declaration of interest, which clearly sets out his relationship with rowIT Ltd. Attention is also drawn to the fact this is a draft report, as the Association's books are with, Kevin Fox Ltd, an accounting firm in Tauranga that has volunteered to compile a set of annual figures. SPTS asks what is supposed to happen with the accounts. After referring to the constitution (clause 11.7) the Executive Officer advises they are supposed to be examined by the Hon Auditor but that position is vacant. NPLG asks a question about the payment received from SIRI and is told SIRI characterises the amenity fees rise imposed by members in 2008 (to cover rowIT Ltd's IT services) as an "NZSSRA Levy" and pays this to NZSSRA to pay to rowIT Ltd. HAMG asks why there is no similar payment from Karapiro Rowing and is advised Karapiro Rowing treats the IT services as a standard regatta cost and pays rowIT Ltd directly.
    moved (accepted as interim report until a full report is received from Kevin Fox Ltd): Executive Officer seconded: AVSG outcome: CARRIED
  9. Report on business carried out by Executive Committee during past year: the Executive Officer invites attendees to read the report, which is circulated at the AGM, at their leisure and to contact their Local Representatives or himself if they have any questions.
  10. Championship Regattas
    1. 2009: Chief Umpire's reports from 2009 NZ Championships. The Executive Officer announces this is available in the AGM material and invites attendees to read it at their leisure.
    2. 2011: fees proposals for Championships regattas (fees ex-GST)
      1. North Island Championships: Karapiro Rowing Inc propose: 8+ $32.00, 4x+/4+ $25.00, 2x,2- $20.00, 1x $14.00, amenity $17.50 (per pupil), substitution $5.00, late scratching $40.00, non-progression $50.00, tent site $150.00, tent site power $100.00. Mr Roger Milne (Karapiro Rowing Board) is on hand to field questions about the proposal. Mr Milne explains the new tent site electricity fee is due to plans by the Waipa District Council to charge individual users at the domian an electricity fee and it appears this fee will apply to each tent site as well as each on site supplier like coffee carts. Mr Mark Meates (VILL) asks the meeting what happens to the electricity fee if it is set by the AGM but then Waipa District Council sets a different fee. Mr Milne suggest that fee be marked "proposed" and be subject to confirmation once the actual fee is known.
        WTLB raises a query about tent site allocation saying they were unhappy with the ballot carried out by rowIt Ltd and want Karapiro Rowing to be in charge of it. The Executive Officer, speaking for rowIT Ltd, interrupts to point out that the ballot was left in Karapiro Rowing's hands. The tent site orders, which have been collected as part of online entry since 2002, were passed to Karapiro Rowing who later came back to rowIT Ltd and asked for a random ballot to be conducted. This was done and the resulting allocation passed to Karapiro Rowing who adjusted it before returning it to rowIT Ltd for circulating to entrants. Mr Carr-Smith points out Karapiro Rowing had every opportunity to conduct the ballot themselves or to change the draw if they were unhappy with it. There is some discussion about who ended up in which sites and the merits of the draw; for example, whether it should have been weighted in favour of large schools. WLGC expresses satisfaction that the ballot was random and every school attending the regatta pays the same amount and has the same opportunity to get a front row site. WKDS asks WTLB whether they are saying the draw was not random. WTLB advise they accept the draw was random. Members agree to leave the allocation of tent sites at next season's regattas in Karapiro Rowing's hands. HAMB asks whether, if Karapiro Rowing chooses to delegate the draw to rowIT Ltd again, Members will abide by the decision or whether we can expect to see the matter raised again at the 2011 AGM. The President returns members attention to the actual business at hand being the proposed NISSC fees.
        moved: all the proposed changes be approved except the tent site power fee, which shall remain a "proposed" fee at this time: FRAN seconded: HAMG outcome: CARRIED
      2. New Zealand Championships: Karapiro Rowing Inc propose: 8+ $62.00, 4x+/4+ $47.00, 2x,2- $35.00, 1x $25.00, amenity $22.50 (per pupil), substitution $5.00, late scratching $40.00, non-progression $50.00, front tent site $200.00, rear tent site $160.00, tent site power $100.00
        moved: all the proposed changes be approved except the tent site power fee, which shall remain a "proposed" fee at this time: STOR seconded: VILL outcome: CARRIED
        Karapiro Rowing will write to NZSSRA with the electricity fees once these are known.
      3. South Island Championships: the Executive Officer notes the fees proposal from SIRI is part of their application to host the regatta; SIRI did not apply to host the 2011 SISSC at the 2009 AGM and the regatta is currently unallocated. Members suggest we approve SIRI as host first. The Executive Officer refers Members to SIRI's application and draws attention to alterations made by SIRI to the standard hosting application forms (both for this application and their applications to host 2012 Championships):
        1. Paragraph 1: addition of the words "provided they do not conflict with the externally imposed rules and regulations and 'natural justice'"
        2. Paragraph 2: addition of the words "provided this does not conflict with the sponsorship arrangements in place by SIR or RNZ".
        Members are also advised SIRI has entered a sponsorship arrangement with Meridian Energy that grants Meridian the naming rights to South Island Secondary School Championships until 2012. The Executive Committee has agreed not to contract the major sponsorship of these regattas with NZRA if SIRI is accepted as host of the regattas. No other sponsorship arrangements are in place for future NZSSRA Championships.
        moved: SIRI be accepted as host for SISSC 2011: JHAR seconded: CGHS outcome: CARRIED
        Looking at the regatta fees South Island Rowing Inc propose: 8+ $40.00, 4x+/4+ $32.00, 2x,2- $20.00, 1x $12.00, amenity $12.00 (per pupil). The Executive Officer notes this marks a change from recent years when SIRI charged a seat fee but brings the fees structure for SISSC in line with other NZSSRA Championships.
        moved: proposed fee changes be approved: AVSG seconded: STAN outcome: CARRIED
    3. 2011 & 2012: Applications to host Championships regattas:
      The Executive Officer notes the applications for 2012 Championships do not have dates listed because NZSSSC has not yet set the dates for Summer Tournament Week that year and will be doing so in April. T Costello asks about the relevance of Summer Tournament Week and it is explained Maadi is held during Tournament week; the 2010 Summer Tournament Week is this week. All summer sports are expected to hold their major championships during that week and schools are discouraged from participating in events outside Summer Tournament Week.
      1. North Island Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from Karapiro Rowing to host the 2012 NISSC at Karapiro. The Executive Officer advises the meeting Karapiro Rowing has added a late proviso to their application. They will only accept entries by an electronic system compatible with their regatta management system.
        moved accept application: CAMB seconded: STKT outcome: CARRIED
      2. 2011 South Island Championships already dealt with earlier in the meeting
      3. South Island Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from SIRI to host the 2012 SISSC at Ruataniwha.
        moved accept application: CGHS seconded: VILL outcome: CARRIED
      4. New Zealand Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from SIRI to host the 2012 Maadi at Ruataniwha during Summer Tournament week.
        moved accept application: SHLH seconded: CBHS outcome: CARRIED
  11. Other matters/business from the floor:
    1. IONA: asks that the entry dates for the regattas at Karapiro next season be set so Maadi entries close after NISSC is held. The Executive Officer explains the entry date is determined by the amount of time required to provide material to the publishers for the printed programme and so it can't really be brought closer to Maadi meaning the regatta dates will need to be set with this in mind.
    2. CBHS: asks about the relationship between the schoolrowing website and the Association. The Executive Officer explains it is the official website of the Association and and goes on to explain the website was created by and has been developed and maintained by himself for the last 15 years on a voluntary basis. The Association only pays for the domain names and hosting costs but advertising on the website covers a lot of those costs.
    3. M Meates (VILL): raises the issue of whether the correct people are being contacted by the Association. The Executive Officer explains he keeps a number of email address lists. Sports Coordinators are the Association's primary point of contact because each school has one and the turnover in other positions is too high to use as regular contacts. Teachers in charge of Rowing, where known, are cc'd material sent to Sports Coordinators. Principals are emailed material that requires their attention. If a specific school is being contacted then any other contacts held for that school (e.g. coaches, school rowing club, parents, etc) are cc'd. These, and other non-specific rowing contacts, are also sent emails when important milestones occur: annual subs going out, newsletters being circulated, regatta entries opening and closing, etc. The Executive Officer notes he cannot contact schools if their addresses are not updated or other people if he does not have their email addresses and invites any attendees who are not currently receiving communications to provide their emails at the conclusion of the meeting. Members are also asked to make sure they have notified the Executive Officer of other email contacts associated with their school.
    4. WTLB: enquires about the Race Committee's plans for dealing with the weather issues. The President advises the meeting the Executive Committee met with the Race Committee yesterday so the Exec could be briefed on how the regatta going, and she refers the question to the Executive Officer, who is on the Race Committee. However, T Costello reminds the AGM it is a long-standing convention that matters for the Race Committee are not addressed during the AGM, as the AGM cannot direct the Race Committee in carrying out its business, and such questions should be put to the Race Committee after the AGM has concluded.
    5. CBHS: asks about information being circulated in relation to the review of the Programme of Events. The Executive Officer explains this decision making process is in the hands of the Executive Committee and members need to keep in contact with their Local Association representative. JHAR asks when the Executive Committee will be meeting to carry out the review. The President explains this will be taking place during the winter break. She advises the meeting Nelson/Marlborough, Dave Williamson, is coordinating the receipt of material and asks members with suggestions to make sure those get to Dave, [email protected], by the end of April.
    6. M Meates (VILL): ask for transparency regarding rowIT Ltd.
    7. RRGS: seeks an assurance clubs will only need to enter athlete data for new pupils once each season instead of into the NZRA system as well as the NZSSRA system. The Executive Committee is unable to give that assurance but the Association is meeting with NZRA to resolve IT issues.
    8. Kurt Williamson (MLBB): asks the Executive Officer, in his capacity as rowIT Ltd representative, how much profit he/rowIT is making from NZSSRA Championships. In light of Mr Meates' request for more transparency Mr Carr-Smith explains the company has made a loss every year. He further notes the company has not paid dividends, directors fees or made shareholder loans so he is not personally profiting from rowIT, the losses are real and it would be difficult to say a profit was being made at all. Mr Williamson follows up with questions about how much rowIT Ltd makes from the Championships and is told rowIT Ltd is still charging the same $2 per athlete per regatta fee it has done for the past three seasons and that fee is not expected to rise in the near future. Mr Carr-Smith further notes there are approximately 1880 pupils at this regatta. Mr Williamson seeks confirmation the fee is in fact $2 per seat but Mr Carr-Smith confirms it is the much lower rate of only $2 per athlete, which Mr Carr-Smith notes is less than the cost of the NZRA Levy at an equivalent regatta.1 Mr Williamson then enquires why rowIT does other work for free. Mr Carr-Smith explains he offers basic results publication for any regatta in the country for free, as making all regatta results accessible was one of the drivers behind the rowIT Ltd project, but these are not the useful searchable database driven results that NZSSRA has for its regattas. Mr Williamson asks about National Champs results in the database. Mr Carr-Smith explains he adds these, as well as NZ's international results to the database, when he gets the time as a free service to the rowing community because the results can't be easily found elsewhere and also because the results benefit ranking data used by NZSSRA. Mr Carr-Smith explains this is a time-consuming process which is why the 2010 Nationals results have not been added yet. Mr Williamson switches tack to ask why the rowIT system is not integrated with RP7 (the regatta management system) used by SIRI. Mr Carr-Smith explains he is not allowed to integrate the two systems yet as that would contravene the licence to use RP7. Mr Carr-Smith notes NZSSRA is working on getting a licence to integrate the two systems but he is not involved with that process, as it would cause a conflict of interest, and refers the question to the President. The President explains the matter of a licence for RP7 integration is ongoing and will be dealt with over winter. Mr Williamson asks why the licence hasn't been completed yet and says he wants accountability. The President reiterates, as per address at the start of the meeting, NZSSRA is working with NZRA on this matter and it is still ongoing. Mr Williamson persists with this line of questioning until Waikato/Bay of Plenty suggests he will continue to receive the same answer no matter how many times he asks the question and asks him to move on. Nelson/Marlborough also signals Mr Williamson should end his questioning.
  12. Date for next AGM: Tuesday evening during Maadi. The Executive Officer advises there was a cost of $750 for the use of NZRA's marquee and for the the PA system in 2009. He compares this with the $50 charge for the current venue, and asks members whether they know of any less costly alternative venues for the 2011 AGM. Some suggestions are put forward by members including one from WKDS that perhaps a local school could help out. STPC volunteers the use of its hall for this purpose, subject to confirmation; the Executive Officer to follow up with the school nearer the time of the AGM.

The Executive Officer  


  1. approximately 1880 pupils @ $2.00 for rowIT = $3,760, approximately 4200 seats @ $1 for NZRA seat levy = $4,200

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