2022 Aon North Island Secondary Schools Champs regattas Logo Karapiro, 11&12&13&14 March 2022
terms & conditions: Boys Events, Girls Events | progression system | entries | results: Boys Events, Girls Events

Penalties, exclusions & relegations 26 July 2023

As a consequence of the Exclusions:

Wrap-upNISSC 2022

The North Island Championships are finished for another year. Due to taking place during Phase 3 of the Red setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework for the coronavirus pandemic, these would be by far the most unusual North Island Championships ever held.

In order to attend the regatta, schools operated out of Zones, set up to keep numbers down and reduce contact between groups. Even then the usual regatta had to be broken into 2 parts to reduce numbers to fit within the venue's capacity for Zones. Hence ending up with a NISSC Boys Events Regatta (Fri/Sat) and a NISSC Girls Events Regatta (Sun/Mon), which needed an extra day (Mon) to accmodate them.

In the lead up to the regattas, and even while they were underway, squads had to grapple with last-minute scratchings and changes when students tested positive for COVID-19 and/or had to isolate. Despite this, unlike in 2021, the regatta went ahead and was able to be completed.

Unfortunately, the weather was far from cooperative this year. It was excellent for the first two days (Fri/Sat). That meant the NISSC Boys Events Regatta was able to be completed without incident. But then, on Sunday, the wind rose sufficently to bring a halt to racing with heats for just 6 of 26 events completed. The solution was to race all heats races as time trials on the Monday and award medals to the fastest 3 crews across in each event.

Hamilton Boys High School again won the Derbyshire Shield for Champion School of the regatta. The top 3 was rounded out by Waikato Diocesan School and St Peters School.

Waikato Diocesan School and St Peters School shared Derbyshire Shield for Champion School of the regatta. The top 3 was rounded out by Mt Albert Grammar School.

This year in the 12 pennant events (those with unrestricted entry i.e. U18, excl novice) honours were shared between 10 different schools. MTAL managed to win two; picking up the boys pair and four. As did SPLH; picking up the girls quad and the boys double. The other boys events were split between HAMB, HAUR, SPLH, and STPA. The other girls events were spread between MTMA, TAKA, WLGC, WKDS, and WTLG.

Hamilton Boys High School again won the Boys Under-18 Eights and Waikato Diocesan School again won the Girls Under-18 Eights.

Schools will now be looking forward, COVID-19 allowing, to heading to Ruataniwha to compete against their South Island counterparts at the 2022 Aon Maadi Cup.

Results by rowIT

Live results were available during the regatta. Results can be found on the rowIT website: Boys Events Regatta, Girls Events Regatta

Boys Events Regatta results for:

Girls Events Regatta results for:

Confused by the colors or codes? There's a list of school codes and colours, as well a page with indicative images of school colours.

COVID-19 Red, Phase 3

The following schools withdrew from NISSC Regattas due to the number of students and/or other key members of their team who are affected by COVID-19:

News 2022-03-02

2022 Stats

At close of entries there are 790 students entered in the Boys Event Regatta and 866 students entered in the Girls Event Regatta. They are representing 74 schools and are entered in 3993 seats in 1147 crews.

Format change

This regatta started off split into four 1-day regattas (events being split by Event Gender then into N18/U15/U16 and U17/U18 classifications). After entries closed at 8:00am on Tuesday 2 March, NZSSRA, NZRA, and KRI's Members decided the regatta should change format and become two 2-day regattas.

Entry Fees

Entry fees (exclusive of GST) for the regatta were set by members at the 2021 AGM: 1X $21, 2X/2- $23, 4X+/4+ $31, 8X+/8+ $38, amenity $19.00 per student*, COVID-19 Levy $15 per student (incl reserves).

* reduced by KRI from $28 when the regatta was split into two 2-day regattas

Tent Sites

Tent sites are allocated within Zones as part of the KRI CPF "Red" regatta plan.


While North Island schools are competing on Lake Karapiro for recognition as the best the North Island has to offer their South Island counter-parts will be do the same thing up at the 2022 Meridian South Island Champs on Lake Ruataniwha. Keep a watch on both regattas for indicators of who may claim the top spot at Maadi!

Entry limits

There is an entry limit of 3 events per rower; and 3 crews per event per school in singles and doubles events, 4 crews in other events. These limits will not rise during late entries, which are only available in emergencies upon application.

Number of events per student

School age rowers should only be racing 2 events at a Championships regatta. A few rowers could be considered for 3 events; none should be doing more.

NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria

Schools are limited to 3 "new" students in an eight and 1 "new" student in other boats ("new" students are those who've swapped schools or come from overseas and looks back over the past 2 years). There is now also a limit of 2 students with an NZSSSC-issued PCRE per crew (1 in singles!).

2021 Stats

Although the regatta was cancelled, there were 1970 students from 89 schools entered in 4895 seats in 1355 crews. 325 races were scheduled to complete the regatta and find the winners of all 52 events (incl exhibition U17 2-).

Regatta Documentation


This New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Association regatta is sanctioned by the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council.

© Copyright NZSSRA 2003-2025