NZSSRA: Library

Water Safety


If you have an article you think the school rowing community might find useful please let us know at [email protected]. We will be happy to consider your submission for inclusion on our website.

Operational Documents Constitution, Rules, Regs, Forms, Progressions...

If you are interested in how the NZSSRA is run then you should read our constitution. Along with the governing Articles, our constitution contains Regulations for regattas held under the auspices of the NZSSRA and the Rules for racing and the Safety System for use at those regattas. In addition we have a set of tables for progression systems, which are used to ensure major regattas are completed in a timely manner. And to make sure you have access to all the relevant documents we have also included the forms that are listed in the appendices of the constitution.


NZSSRA members are also members of the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council. In addition our Championships regattas are sanctioned by the NZSSSC. The NZSSSC constitution [.pdf 74KB] contains policies and guidelines for secondary school sports; including the new pupil eligibility criteria introduced at NZSSRA Championships in 2008.

Newletters and Notices Occasional and irregular items

A couple of times each year the NZSSRA puts out a newsletter to our member schools. The most recent newsletter is always available. Some of the past newsletters can be found in the archives. In addition to newsletters we also occasionally carry notices. These have been for such things as requests from people seeking coaching positions and offers of rowing related goods.


Historical constitutions, AGM details and items and articles that are no longer current have been retired to the archives.

© Copyright NZSSRA 2003-2024