NZSSRA: 2007 AGM Agenda

7pm, Tuesday 27 March 2007
Events Centre, Lake Karapiro

The order of business will be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Apologies
  3. President's Address
  4. Correspondence in/out
  5. Minutes of Previous AGM
  6. Treasurers Report
  7. Report on business carried out by Executive Committee during past year
  8. Life member
    1. Mr Garry Carr-Smith has been nominated by Lytton High School for life membership of NZSSRA. The nomination is endorsed by the Executive Committee.
  9. Election of Officers
    1. President: Mrs Trudy Keys has indicated her willingness to stand again. No other nominations were received.
    2. Executive Officer: Mr Andrew Carr-Smith has indicated his willingness to stand again. No other nominations were received.
    3. Hon Solicitor: Mr Richard Watts has been nominated by the Executive Committee.
    4. Hon Auditor: No nominations were received
  10. Remits

    For more information on the remits please see the Notices page on our website.

    1. REMIT
      That Rule 17 (Safety) be altered so the Director of Maritime Safety is satisfied NZSSRA has a safety system that can be approved for the purposes of Maritime Safety Rule 91.4(2)(d) (exemption to carrying/wearing personal flotation devices).

      MOVED BY: the Executive Committee

      NOTE: 2007 is not a rule change year but the Executive Committee deems maintaining our safety requirements an emergency for the purposes of clause 10.6. 75% approval is required for this remit to pass.
    2. REMIT
      That the President be paid an annual honorarium ($500).

      MOVED BY: the Executive Committee

    3. REMIT
      That a review of the annual membership subscription be carried out by the Executive every four years.

      MOVED BY: the Executive Committee

      NOTE: If this remit is to be enshrined in the constitution it will require 75% approval to pass.
    4. REMIT
      That the constitution be altered to include provisions for managing NZSSRA's trade marks (encompassing the traditional use of those marks by member schools).

      MOVED BY: the Executive Committee

      NOTE: This remit will require 75% approval to pass
    5. REMIT
      That the right to merchandise licensed apparel at NZSSRA regattas be offered in the first instance to the Local Association of the region in which the regatta is being held, on such terms and conditions as are agreed between NZSSRA and the Local Association.

      MOVED BY: Waikato/Bay of Plenty Local Association

    6. REMIT
      That NZSSRA retain the right to control and approve fund raising activities undertaken by participating schools at venues hosting NZSSRA sanctioned regattas.

      MOVED BY: Waikato/Bay of Plenty Local Association

    7. REMIT
      That the definition of "Championships" be amended to clarify the fact the North Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships and the South Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships are Championships regattas for the purposes of NZSSRA's Constitution, Rules and Regulations.

      MOVED BY: Christchurch Girls High School

      NOTE: This remit will require 75% approval to pass
  11. Championship Regattas
    1. 2006updated: South Island Rowing Inc Chief Umpire's report on the 2006 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta.
    2. 2008updated: South Island Rowing has not proposed any change be made to the existing charges and entry fees applicable to championship regattas. South Island Rowing Inc have provided proposed fees for 2008 and a supporting budget.
      The proposed fees (GST exclusive) are: 1x = 24 || 2x/2- = $32 || 4x/4+ = $40 || 8+ = $56 || ammenity = $16 (applies to pupils, coaches and members of management teams)
    3. 2009: An application has been received from Karapiro Rowing Inc. The regatta to be held between 30th March and 5th April 2009. Karapiro wish to discuss the matter of Sponsorship (reg 16).
  12. Other matters

The Executive Officer  

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