Following are the results achieved by Paparangi at the regatta.
Crew - WNCS 1: Rebecca Porter | Savanah Lewis | Victoria Cate | Mahalia Tapa-Mosen | Bella Blackburn | Lucy Lilburn | Paparangi Hipango | Jessica Jones + Caroline Hardey (cox)
Coaches - Nathan Tutty | Rick Grobecker
Crew - WNCS 2: Victoria Cate | Mahalia Tapa-Mosen | Paparangi Hipango | Jessica Jones + Bridget Batley (cox)
Coaches - Nathan Tutty | Rick Grobecker
Crew - WNCS 1: Victoria Cate | Mahalia Tapa-Mosen | Paparangi Hipango | Jessica Jones + Bridget Batley (cox)
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