MARCH 2000

  • Championships
    • 2000
    • Boat Trailers
    • Sponsorship
    • 2001

The School Rowing Championships will be held at Lake Ruataniwhia with racing starting on the afternoon of Monday 27th March, Repacharges on 29th, Semifinals on 30th and finals on Friday 31st March and Saturday 1st April.
If you are planning to send a team then you should have by now made accommodation bookings. We know accommodation is now very tight

Some points to note

Racing will start on Monday afternoon.

While most North Island crews have probably made bookings for trailers to go South if you have not then try TOP CAT fast ferry as this we understand has very competitive rates as compared with Tranzrail.

I would like to repeat that it is with much pleasure I advise that Mighty River Power have undertaken to take over from ECNZ and will be the principal sponsor of the 2000 regatta which will be formally known as the


I repeat from the last newsletter that the 2001 regatta will be held at Karapiro on Tuesday 27th March through to Saturday 31st March. Like the two previous regattas at Karapiro the volume of entries and a 6 lane course will probably mean racing in heats will start on the Monday afternoon.  

Notice is given that the annual general meeting of the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Association will be held at Lake Ruataniwhia in the MacRae Lounge on Thursday 30th March at 7:00 pm.
The agenda for the meeting can be found here

We believe many of the School Associations no longer function and those that do face a diminishing amount of support.

Your comments and input will be asked for at the AGM.  

Those who attended the meeting in 1999 raised a number of matters. The continuation of Lightweight events in the regatta program was one issue.

The principal area of concern is that pupils who are not natural lightweight are being entered in these events. The weight limits are:

While there is no objection or concern if a crew member is a natural lightweight, at past regattas it has been observed at the weigh-in that many of of the lightweight rowers are not natural lightweights. Many have been following a weight loss program, often not supervised or planned and involving going with out proper food on the evening before and morning leading up to the weigh in and racing.

Although the event is an Under 19 event it is noted that many of the rowers fall into the U17 and U16 age groups. If U17 and 16 rowers cannot meet the U19 weight limit then the continuation of the event must be questioned. The concern is that pupils are being encouraged to develop unhealthy eating habits in an effort to loose weight to enter these events. It is well known and documented that such practices and pressures can lead to eating disorders that can develop into grave medical problems.

We cannot eliminate these events until a majority of members vote to do so. The last vote on the matter was lost by one vote.
As the events are on the program we strongly recommend that the school has in place proper checks to ensure only natural light weights are entered into the event and that the school acts to stop pupils who are not natural lights entering. The legal responsibility for consequences for not adopting such a policy rests with the school.

The executive has for the past two years now been of the opinion that there are insufficient checks and balances in place between Schools and Coaches to make it safe for us to continue to allow these events in the program and we will again raise the matter at the next AGM

The annual season for changing colours seems to be underway. These should all be sorted out by the time entries close.

We ask if you could check our web page and see if your colors are listed in this page and if they are check that they are correct. If not, we ask that you supply us with the details (print out the form and send it to us) so we can add them.

If you are contemplating changing colours then DO NOT order your singlets until approval has been obtained from the Secretary. We would hate you to end up with singlets that clash and that are not acceptable.

The annual account for membership was sent out late last year most schools paid before Xmas. If you have still not paid your subscription then this must be attended to.
You MUST be financial to row at North Island, South Island and National School Championships.

The Secretary