NZSSRA: Newsletter - Spring 2017/2018

Download a full copy of the newsletter
(comes with photos, regatta dates and few more things) [.pdf 1MB]

Welcome to the 2017/18 Season!

I hope you have all enjoyed a break over the winter period. I am sure you are starting up your learn to row programmes and we welcome your new intake.

Coaching Conference Support

Rowing NZ held its Coaches Conference "Squaring up to Youth Coaching" during May and the Schools Committee was pleased to support 10 Coaches from School Programmes to attend this event. Each region nominated one coach and we were pleased with the overwhelming positive response to the event. Hopefully it will stand the coaches in good stead for the season ahead.

Lightweight Not Sanctioned at School Regattas

The New Zealand Secondary School Sports Council (NZSSSC) advised all schools in April that their board has resolved not to provide a sanction for lightweight rowing events at the NISS, SISS and Maadi Cup Rowing Championship regattas.

NZSSSC release available here

The NZSSSC decision has been informed by the position of International and National rowing bodies, concerns for the health & safety of students and NZSSSC's responsibility to reflect the wishes of the majority of principals of schools that are involved in rowing competitions;

Limits on entries at School Championship Regattas in 2018

The following limits have been approved by the Schools Committee for the 2018 school regattas and the following will be applied at each event:

The 2018 Aon North Island Secondary School Championships limits are yet to be approved, we will advise schools as soon as possible. But it is likely they will be similar to the 2017 limits which were:

New Accommodation Option Opening in Cambridge

Some schools struggle to find accommodation options for large groups so we would just like to let you know that a new facility specifically designed for sporting groups will be opening soon in Cambridge. Podium Lodge is an 86 bed facility with different room configurations and options. The contact person is Anne Edgecombe [email protected].

School Colours updating your rowsuits

Schools are required to compete in approved colours so if you are updating your rowsuit stock please make sure the colours you have are the ones registered against your school name. Check out for a list of school colours. If your school is new or would like to change its colours you will also need to contact Sonya at [email protected] and get your new colours approved (this is a quick and easy process and can save you a lot of trouble and dollars should your colours conflict!).

Remember all colours need to be unique to the school (or a boys/girls school pairing) and distinctive from other approved school colours (and where practical distinctive from the club colours approved by the NZRA).

Updating your Contact Details

If your school has had changes in your sports coordinators or teachers in charge of rowing please email these new details to Sonya so we can provide your school with all the relevant information for the coming season. Any coaches who would also like to receive these updates please also send your details.

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