Maadi 2017
New Zealand's premier rowing school: St Peter's School, winners of the Star Trophy! [Points table] Other major trophy winners were:
- Executive Trophy: Rangi Ruru Girls School
(Sweep Oar Champs) [Points table]
- Presidents Scull: St Peter's School
(Sculling Champs) [Points table]
- Maadi Cup: Christs College [5:58.09]
(B U18 8+) [results]
- Levin 75th Jubilee Cup: Diocesan School for Girls [6:46.63]
(G U18 8+) [results]
- Simon Briggs Cup: Katelyn Williamson, St Peter's School
(Coxswain of the regatta)
- Bill Eady Cup: Rachel Arbuckle from Diocesan School for Girls
(RowingNZ's Junior coach of the year: domestic & international competition)
Watching Maadi
- Television
Sky Sport are broadcasting a Maadi package during the week following the regatta:
- Wednesday 13 April 2016, 7:00PM, SKY Sport 1
- Wednesday 13 April 2016, 11:00PM, SKY Sport 4
- Thursday 14 April 2016, 1:30PM, SKY Sport 4
- Thursday 14 April 2016, 9:00PM, SKY Sport 1
- Friday 15 April 2016, 9:30AM, SKY Sport 1
- Online
To replay all the action you can still reach the web cast from Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Rowing Celebration took photos of the medal ceremonies as well as a range of other photos around the venue.
Sharron Bennett took a range of photos (often with a focus on Otago crews).
Fundraiser outcome
At Maadis run by South Island Rowing Inc proceeds from the gate fee (paid on Friday and Saturday) go towards supporting the local community.
In 2016 the proceeds are going to the new Twizel Medical Centre. They will help the Centre reach its goal of getting an X-ray machine.
At present those requiring an X-ray face a long trip through to Timaru for that service. So an X-racy machine will be a welcome addition to the new Centre's facilities!
An update on the amount raised will be provided when that information becomes available.
2017 rumour - the truth...
Due to somebody getting confused about which months Maadi and the World Masters Games are being held a rumour started that there is a clash and consequently Maadi would shift South next year. This is incorrect!
The 2017 Aon Maadi is taking place at Lake Karapiro between 27 March and 2 April 2017.
The World Masters Games are being held a month after Maadi (21-30 April). So there is no clash.
2016 Aon Maadi4 - 10 April 2016, Lake Ruataniwha
- Where: Lake Ruataniwa [map], Twizel, New Zealand.
- When: Monday 4 - Saturday 9 April 2016
(reserve day: Sunday 10 April until noon)
- What: New Zealand's premier regatta; 2112 pupils from 119 schools in 1564 crews, requiring 566 races across 52 events, and supported by many great sponsors.
- Hosted by: South Island Rowing
Communication with the organisers of the 2016 Maadi Cup Regatta can be made using email to: [email protected]
WEBCAST Lake Ruataniwha, 7-9 April 2016
Three days were webcast live from Lake Ruataniwha. The webcasts can be found at livestream.com/i-filmsport. Direct links for each day are:
- Thursday: Semi-finals and C & D finals
- Friday: A & B finals for events 1-26
- Saturday: A & B finals for events 27-52
Day sheets 4-10 April 2016
- Saturday. Racing starts at 8:25am. Finals for events 27 to 52 will be held with A finals for events at 20 minute intervals and B finals being held before the A final.
- Friday. Racing starts at 12:30pm
8:25am. Finals for events 1 to 26 will be held with A finals for events at 10 20 minute intervals and B finals being held before the A final.
- Thursday. Racing starts at 8:00am. There are semi-finals and 'C' & 'D' finals at 4 minute intervals. Last race of day is 2:16pm.
- Wednesday Racing starts at 8:00am with Event 27 (G U16 4X+). Repechage racing finishes at 12:16pm. Quarter-finals and 'E' & 'F' Finals will begin 12:46pm. They are completed and the day ends at 4:38pm with event 48.
The online day sheet is gradualy being updated to show the rest of the day, as the draw becomes available.
- Tuesday. Racing starts at 8:00am with Event33. Heats for the Levin 75th Jubilee Cup (G U18 8+) and Maadi Cup (B U18 8+) are 12:36-12:56pm then repechage races begin at 1:20pm. Racing finishes with repechages for Event 24 at 5:22pm.
- Monday. Racing starts at 8:00am and continues at four-minute intervals until Event 32 (Boys U15 4X+) finishes the day with 4 heats at 4:44pm through to 5:06pm.
Expulsion unacceptable behaviour
On Friday a school expelled one of its pupils from the regatta. The Race Committee is satisfied the pupil had left the regatta venue and the Principal of the school and the rower's parent had been informed. So a substitution was allowed under Rule 21.3.
Protest unfair conditions
On Thursday a protest regarding unfair race conditions (outside lanes allegedly wind-affected) was disallowed. The Race Committee found conditions were consistent across the course for all crews.
Protests unfair conditions
On Thursday two protests regarding unfair race conditions (alleged boat wash) were disallowed. The Race Committee found there was no significant boat wash being generated. It was determined the water was less calm for the first 1000m than the second 1000m but conditions across the course were consistent for all crews. So there was no disadvantage.
Exclusion failing to make weight
On Thursday two lightweight crews were excluded from Event 36 (Boys Lightweight Double). A crew in the C Final failed to weigh-in . A crew in the Semi-final failed to make weight .
Appeal race penalty over-turned
On Thursday an appeal was received from a crew that had recieved a race penalty from an Umpire. The Race Committee accepted a warning would have been more appropriate in the circumstances and removed the race penalty.
Protest crew hindered
On Thursday a protest was allowed regarding a crew being hindered by a substantial and significant amount of weed. A re-row was offered but declined.
Protest unfair conditions
On Wednesday a protest regarding unfair race conditions was disallowed. The Race Committee found all crews were exposed to the same conditions.
Appeal crew overweight
On Tuesday an appeal was received from a lightweight crew that failed to make weight and was excluded from racing. The Race Committee did not uphold the appeal.
Relegation boat underweight
On Monday a crew was relegated when its boat was found to be underweight during a spot check after its heat (for Event 24: Girls Novice Double). Instead of progressing to the semi-finals the crew was relegated to the repechages.
Schools need to make sure their boats are test-weighed. Boat weight can change over time; especially after a spell of dry weather. It is dangerous to presume a boat that made weight at the North or South Island Secondary School Champs will still be heavy enough at Maadi; especially if it was close to the minimum weight previously.
Protest damage in Start Zone
On Monday a protest regarding damage in the Start Zone was upheld. The Race Committee found there was no damage but there was a mistake made in the way the Rules had been applied. A re-row was offered but declined.
Competitions at Maadi
There were 3 competions taking place during this year's regatta:
- Best banner: Otago Girls High School
- Best mascot: Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
- Best t-shirt: Hauraki Plains College
Notices & Updates2016-03-22
- Preliminary stats from 2016:
2175 pupils (excluding reserves) from 119 schools entered in 5557 seats in 1547 crews. 583 races will be required to complete the regatta and find the winners of all 52 events.
- Secretary/Office
The office will be open from Saturday 2nd April should you require information about the site or regatta.
- Boat Park
The boat park will be open for trailer access from Thursday 31st March. Please report to the boat park volunteers on arrival or if the gate is closed please contact Trevor the site manager 021 134 1073.
- Safety Briefing
The Safety Briefing will be held in the Twizel Events Centre Theatre at 4:00pm on Sunday 3 April. Attendance by every school's Adult Safety Officer is compulsory; a roll will be taken. Schools that fail to attend a safety briefing will not be allowed to race.
The NZSSRA AGM also be held in the Twizel Events Centre Theatre . It will be at 5:00pm on Sunday 3 April; following the Maadi Safety Briefing. We would love to hear your thoughts on school rowing at this meeting.
- Party concerns
A reminder that after complaints were received and the concerns of the School Committee around young people and alcohol, NZSSRA and Rowing NZ do not endorse any form of “party” at the Aon Maadi Cup. Should another organisation or school be holding a party then this function is their full responsibility and under the trademark established around the Maadi Cup any event is prevented from being referred to as a "Maadi Party".
- Finals Webcast
There will be a live webcast of the three last days of the regatta (Thursday, Friday and Saturday). This covers semi-finals, and A-D finals. .
- Stats from 2015:
2198 pupils (excluding reserves) from 120 schools entered in 5632 seats in 1627 crews. 588 races were required to complete the regatta and find the winners of all 52 events.
- Progression system
The current progression system was brought in in 2013 and introduced quarter-finals, C - F finals, has fewer eliminations from heats, and more...
- Number of events per pupil
After seeking advice from physiologists, leading elite coaches and the NZ Secondary School Sports Council the Schools Committee makes the following health & saftey recommendation: School age rowers should only be racing 2 events at a Championships regatta. A few rowers could be considered for 3 events; none should be doing more.
- Entry limits
Doubles: 1 crew per event per school. Singles: 2 crews per event per school. All other events: 4 crews per event per school. (Limits may be relaxed during supplementary entries)
- Tent sites
A list of the 2015-16 Season sites can be found on the South Island Rowing Inc website: www.ruataniwha.co.nz.
Any school needing a tent site should contact either South Island Rowing Inc's Course Manager, Trevor Wilson ([email protected]) or Secretary, Philip Bell ([email protected]).
Saturday 9 April 2016
Saturday: day sheet, live results
Saturdayopen in separate window
delayed start
Fog delayed start on Saturday. Any lost time will gradually be caught up during the day. So crews should be prepared to race as scheduled.
Friday delayed start
Wind delayed the start of racing on Friday. Plan B (compressing racing to have A finals at 15 minute intervals) was readied but the wind persisted. So Plan C was signed off by the NZSSRA Schools Committee. This involved compressing racing to have A finals at 10 minute intervals with an event's B final being held before the A final. Effectively this gave a full afternoon's racing at 5 minute intervals. Races were rescheduled accordingly and a new day sheet produced: Friday.
Items missing
Items have been going missing at the regatta; including oars, flags and a bike.
If you find any lost or abandoned property please hand it in to the Secretary's Office.
The longer items remain missing the greater the presumption they have been stolen. Footage from the security cameras, which are installed around the venue, will be reviewed to help track down any stolen property.
New Zealand Defence Force Thursday www.nzdf.mil.nz
The 2016 Aon Maadi Cup regatta continues with New Zealand Defence Force Thursday.
Thursday features racing from 8:00am until 2:16pm. 92 races. All the semi-finals and 'C' & 'D' finals will be completed. By the end of the day all the 'A' & 'B' finalists will be known (Thursday Day Sheet)
The LIVE WEBCAST starts today.
The 2016 Aon Maadi Cup regatta continues with The University of Auckland Wednesday.
Wednesday starts with racing from 8:00am until 12:16pm to complete the repechages. 60 races. (Wednesday morning Day Sheet). In the afternoon Quarter-finals will be raced. Any E and F Finals will also be raced (before the respective event's Quarter-finals).
The 2016 Aon Maadi Cup regatta continue with University of Otago Tuesday.
Tuesday features racing from 8:00am until 5:22pm. 134 races. Heats for events 33-52 and repechages for events 1-26. (Tuesday Day Sheet)
- Television
Sky Sport are broadcasting a Maadi package during the week following the regatta:
- Wednesday 13 April 2015, 7:00PM, SKY Sport 1
- Wednesday 13 April 2015, 11:00PM, SKY Sport 4
- Thursday 14 April 2015, 1:30PM, SKY Sport 4
- Thursday 14 April 2015, 9:00PM, SKY Sport 1
- Friday 15 April 2015, 9:30AM, SKY Sport 1
Sponsors, Supporting Partners & Patrons
- Principal sponsor: Aon New Zealand
- Day sponsors: tba
- Supporting partners: Rowing New Zealand, rowIT, Sky Sport
- Event sponsors:
