NZSSRA has a small Board of Directors. The daily administrative business and most functions of NZSSRA are carried out by the Schools Committee; meaning the Board's main non-legislative responsibility is as the appointments committee for the Schools Committee (its appointments being subject to ratification by Members).

Contact details

Board Members

As of 2021 the NZSSRA Board has 5 members. It is headed by the President who is elected for a 3-year term. The President appoints 4 Directors to the Board on 4-year terms. One Director is appointed/reappointed each year.

See Article 9 of the constitution for full details of the Board. The current office holders are listed below:


Board Members Appointed by the President

* shortened terms due to transition in Board terms
** shortened term as filling extraordinary vacancy

Former Members

For a list of past members of the board see the past officers page.

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