NZSSRA: Newsletter - February 2023

Download a full copy of the newsletter
(comes with photos, regatta dates and few more things) [.pdf 2063KB]


Well it's been a tale of two islands over the past few weeks. Havoc and heartbreak in the North Island while the NZ Champs were blessed with calm and tranquility down at Lake Ruataniwha.

Our hearts go out to all those who have suffered loss and destruction in the two major weather events so please reach out to the Rowing NZ Community & Development Team if you need assistance.

Many thanks to the clubs and schools that have donated ergs to the Gisborne Rowing Club. We are so very grateful to have such a supportive community.

The school rowing season is busy, busy, busy right now so please take care and take time.

Advice from Ryan Trent Pathway Physical Performance Coach

"With 4 weeks left before Aon Maadi Regatta, hopefully you have done all the hard strength and conditioning training already. As rowing is a strength endurance sport, it is an important part of your overall training program and should be planned into a well-structured periodisation framework. Recommendation is two to three S and C sessions a week and these sessions should focus on building good base strength using movements that complement rowing, teaching good movement patterns, full range of motion, core strength and joint stability.

My top bit of advice is make sure you do good dynamic stretching as part of your warm up and good static stretching as part of your cool down. This all helps with recovery between racing as well as prevents injury."


The New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Association AGM will be held at 5pm on Sunday 26 March 2023 at The Don Rowlands Centre, Karāpiro.

Please provide the following information for your school ASAP as this was due 24 February 2023:

Important dates

Maadi NEWS

Creative Rowers

We are inviting schools to supply a short video that may be screened on the big screen, social media channels or livestream.

Ideas: where you row, your squad, a bit about your school, anything interesting that may be relevant i.e. famous past rowers, what you hope to achieve at Maadi 2023 etc. Nice and light, fun and punchy, something to make you stand out.

Specs Required:

Please email all entries to: [email protected]

Maadi Apparel

The 2023 Aon Maadi Regatta apparel collection is now available for pre-sale.

Pre-order today at: for collection at the Regatta.

Pre-orders close 12 March 2023.

Best Banner Competition

Prizes will be awarded to the school bringing the best banner to the Aon Maadi Regatta opening parade on Sundayt 26 March

Maadi Parade

We will be kicking off the 2023 Aon Maadi Regatta with our traditional schools parade through the main street of Cambridge on Sunday 26 March.

Please assemble at 12:15pm outside Cambridge Primary School, 17 Wilson Street.

St Peters School, Cambridge will be leading the schools off at 12:30pm.

We look forward to seeing all of the schools and their banners.

Message from NZ Police

We recently had a meeting with the NZ Police and they have the following advice for all attendees at regattas this season:

Adopt a School

If this is your first time heading to Maadi in Cambridge, we want to let you know about the "Adopt a School" initiative.

The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce kindly organise this amongst the retailers in Cambridge whereby they support a school for the duration of the Maadi Regatta and dress up their shop windows in the school colours.

We have had great interest from the retailers this year so I will be sure to let you know after Maadi entries close if you have been allocated a retailer for this year's Regatta.

I encourage you to touch base with your retailer to help in their window decoration inspiration.

Liquor Ban

A timely reminder from Karāpiro Rowing:

There is a 'liquor ban' in place for NISS and Maadi Regattas.

Should schools wish to host a function post racing, they can mail their requests through to [email protected] and we will try accommodate you in one of the venues.

These venues will have a bar available for use.

Maadi Progression System

Due to the anticipated level of entries, it will again not be possible to use the usual Maadi progression system (Option 7) for all events. After the Schools Committee considered a few options for managing racing, they settled on using the progression system to control race numbers.

To see all NZSSRA Progression Systems, go to the following page:

For all U18 events (note this does not include U18 Novice events), Option 7 will be used. For all other events, an updated Option 1 will be used.

Please note - there will only be A, B, and C Finals at Aon Maadi 2023.


Please ensure that all trophies for the NISS/SISS/Maadi Regattas you have on hand, are engraved accordingly, repaired (if they have taken a tumble), cleaned and returned for this year's school championship regattas.

They can be dropped off at the Rowing NZ office at Karāpiro/Karāpiro Rowing Tower/Secretary's Office at Lake Ruataniwha before or at each regatta.

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