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#102: Verdon College

Aon NZ


2005 AGM minutes

  Printer Friendly Version 28 March 2005  

2023 Aon Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

7pm, Tuesday 23 March 2004
MacRae Lounge, Lake Ruataniwha
  1. Roll Call/Quorum: There are 97 schools competing at the regatta. The quorum for this meeting is 20% of those competing: 19 members. The Roll call established there are 52 members present.
  2. Apologies: Father Earl Crotty, Brother Terence Costello, St Paul's Collegiate, Wanganui City College
    moved: Wanganui Collegiate seconded: Christs College outcome: CARRIED
  3. President's Address: the President comments on her report, which had been circulated at the meeting, and enlarges upon some points made in that report.
  4. Correspondence in/out: the Executive Officer notes that correspondence will be dealt with under individual items in the Agenda.
  5. Minutes of Previous AGM: The Minutes of the previous AGM, having been circulated are moved for adoption as a correct record.
    moved: Wanganui Collegiate School seconded: Christ's College outcome: CARRIED
  6. Treasurers Report: the Executive Officer comments on his report, which had been previously circulated
    moved: G Carr-Smith seconded: Bethlehem College oucome: CARRIED
  7. Election of Officers: The Chairman called for nominations from the floor for the positions of Hon Auditor and Hon Solicitor. There being no nominations it was moved that the Executive be given the power to appoint as necessary
    moved: Wanganui Collegiate seconded: Marlborough Boys College outcome: CARRIED
  8. Remits
    1. REMIT
      That the Constitution, Rules and Regulations and Appendices be changed to add the word "Novice" as part of any U15 event.
      moved: The Executive (as instructed by the 2003 AGM) seconded: St Kentigern College outcome: LOST(4/36)
    2. REMIT
      That the constitution Rules and Regulations and Appendices be changed to remove the age group U19 and replace it with U18.
      moved: The Executive (as instructed by the 2003 AGM) seconded: St Kentigern College outcome: CARRIED(26/19)
      In the comments made when presenting the remits on the order paper the Executive asked if the members could advise the Executive whether it had the power to grant dispensations. Due to the divergent opinions no clear answer can be determined so a motion is moved by the Chair that 'The Executive has power to grant exemptions'; seconded by Wanganui High School. Following some debate the motion is amended to read 'That the Executive has power to grant dispensations to students in their fifth year at secondary school'; moved by Hauraki Plains College, seconded by James Hargest. Following further debate the amendment is put and carried. The amended motion is then put and carried. Members are assured that such exemptions will not be automatically granted: a sub-committee of the Executive will consider such applications on a case-by-case basis and the Executive will decide what process would have to be followed to apply.
    3. REMIT
      that Rule 17.3 (B) be replaced with:
      "Pre Regatta Meeting.
      Each school attending the regatta shall appoint an
      adult safety officer for the school team. 
      No later than one hour before the first race in
      a regatta, the Chief Umpire or his or her delegate
      shall hold a meeting for the school team safety
      officers, at which the Safety Provisions for the
      regatta shall be given. Attendance by schools
      wishing to compete at the regatta will be compulsory.
      The school team safety officer will be responsible for
      advising all competitors and other members of their
      school party of the Safety Provisions in place.
      Schools who have not been briefed with the Safety
      Provisions shall not be permitted to take part in
      the regatta.
      moved: the Executive seconded: Wanganui Collegiate School outcome: CARRIED
    4. REMIT
      that Rule 17.13 be changed to add the words
      "and Statutory Body"
      after the words
      "Local Authority"
      moved: the Executive seconded: Christ's College outcome: CARRIED
  9. Championship Regatta 2005: Karapiro Rowing Inc gives a report on their progress with planning for the 2005 regatta. As advised last year they are holding their entry charges for the regatta. Some discussion is held about a suggestion that racing start on the Sunday however KRI is informed this would not be acceptable.
    The fees for the regatta will be 8 = $55.00, 4 = $45.00, 2 = $32.00, 1 = $20.00. The amenity fee for each rower or coxswain will be as follows: for electronic entry $11.25, for paper entry will be $16.87. Tent site costs will be: front row $168.75, back rows $112.50. In answering a question regarding the amenity fees the KRI representative advises these are set to recover the over $10,000 costs charged to KRI by the Waipa County for the hire of the water, and grounds and buildings. He also points out that the entry fees had not changed for some 6 years.
    It is moved that the fee Structure be accepted
    moved: Wanganui Collegiate School seconded: Otumoetai College outcome: CARRIED
  10. Championship Regatta 2006
    An application was received from South Island Rowing Inc to conduct the regatta between 27 March and 1 April 2006
  11. Other matters
    1. Future regatta dates: 4th April 2005, 27th March 2006, 26th March 2007 and 31st March 2008
    2. Online entry: The executive officer advises that almost exactly double the number of schools used the system this year as compared with last year and in the case of the Championships 57 schools out of 97 had used the system.
      This second year of use identified areas of improvement and many of these have already been put into place. Some problems occurred when schools made adjustments to their entries after printing the Pro Forma Invoice. Others, when schools forgot to drop rowers from their squad for the regattas (especially those rowers who had left school) leaving the schools wondering why those rowers were listed as reserves and charged amenity fees.
      Next year because the Championships are being rowed after Easter and the Island Championships beforehand we will be in a position to close entries to the championships after these regattas. Discussions with KRI indicate that paper entries will close before electronic and in addition there was thought being given about offering a discount on the amenity fee if electronic ~ either CDS or NZSSRA online is used. By being able to close off after the Island Championships members should be able to only send in those entries they intend racing instead of the extras they also put in, in case crews perform. This, from comments passed by some schools, will save the entry fees (and in some cases amenity fees) paid now for the unwanted entries. For those wanting to know how the system works members are advised that there will be education sessions during the regatta. Members are reminded that KRI, the hosts of the next year's regatta, are giving a discount on the Amenity fee to those schools using electronic entry next year which will amount to $3.00 per rower.

The meeting closes at 9:10pm

the Executive Officer