2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap - Tuesday 26 October 2010 Wellington (business to be conducted by postal ballot) (Agenda)
- Roll call/Ballots: D Campbell, N Campbell, G Carr-Smith, J Collin, J Drummond, L Saywood, F Strachan, agsb, ashb, bthc, carm, cbhs, cghs, crai, culi, dioc, edwt, fran, gldw, hamb, jhar, jmcg, macl, mlbg, mtal, nayl, ncog, ngta, obhs, oghs, otum, puke, ronc, rose, shak, sjhm, sldg, smco, splh, stcc, stkt, stkv, stmg, stmw, taka, timb, timg, trgb, trid, vill, wegc, wngc, wnhs, wood, wtkb, wtlb (56). Ballots not received from remaining 90 members.
The quorum for a General Meeting is 40% of members. quorum: NOT MET (38%)
- Apologies: nil
- Meeting adjourned: until the earlier of:
- a sufficient ballots for a quorum being received; or
- 29 March 2011
Friday 29 October 2010 meeting reconvened
- Roll Call/Ballots: Ballots received from the following members*. D Campbell, N Campbell, G Carr-Smith, J Collin, T Costello, E Crotty, J Drummond, L Saywood, F Strachan, agsb, ashb, avsg, bthc, carm, cbhs, cghs, crai, culi, dilw, dioc, edwt, fran, gghs, gldw, hamb, jhar, jmcg, jpcr, kgca, macl, mlbg, mtal, nayl, ncog, ngta, obhs, oghs, otum, puke, ronc, rose, rotb, shak, sjhm, sldg, smco, splh, stan, stcc, stkt, stkv, stln, stmg, stmw, stpc, taka, timb, timg, trgb, trid, vill, wegc, whak, whhs, wlco, wlgc, wngc, wnhs, wood, wtkb, wtlb (71). Ballot not received from remaining 74 members.
The quorum for a General Meeting is 40% of members. quorum: MET (48%)
- Apologies: bull (lodged by Executive Officer as postal ballot was returned undelivered by NZ Post)
- Policy Proposition: in order to further its objects in relation to school rowing the Association should adopt and pursue a policy of closer integration with NZRA as laid out in the School Rowing Integration Project Plan.
- For: D Campbell, N Campbell, G Carr-Smith, J Collin, E Crotty, J Drummond, L Saywood, F Strachan, agsb, ashb, avsg, bthc, cbhs, cghs, crai, dilw, dioc, edwt, fran, gghs, gldw, hamb, jhar, jmcg, jpcr, kgca, macl, mlbg, mtal, nayl, ncog, ngta, obhs, oghs, otum, puke, ronc, rose, rotb, sjhm, smco, sldg, splh, stan, stcc, stkt, stkv, stln, stmg, stmw, stpc, timb, timg, trgb, trid, vill, wegc, whak, wlco, wlgc, wngc, wnhs, wood, wtkb, wtlb (65)
- Against: T Costello, carm, culi, shak, taka (5)
- Abstain: whhs (1)
As this is a policy proposition a 50% majority is required to pass CARRIED (92%)
- Meeting closed
* This includes 9 ballots received after 29 October. All ballots were accidentally mixed before minutes were drafted, precluding positive identification of the 9 late ballots
The Executive Officer |