2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap - 7pm, Tuesday 25 March 2003 ARA Lounge, Lake Karapiro
The order of business will be as follows:
- Roll Call
- Apologies
- President's Address
- Correspondence in/out
- Minutes Previous AGM
- Treasurers Report
- Election of Officers
- President: One nomination has been received for Mrs Trudy Keys. Moved James Hargest High School
- Executive Officer: Mr. G Carr-Smith has advised he will make himself available for re-election,no other nominations were received.
- Hon Auditor
- Hon Solicitor
- Life member
A nomination has been received that Father Crotty, A founding member of this body and a person who contributed long service in the interests of the NZSSRA be made a life member of this Association. The Executive after due consideration ids delighted to recommend that this nomination be received and be adopted by the members.
MOVED BY: Mr Fred Strachan QSM - Life member
- Remits
- Championship Regatta
2004 Regatta Report from South Island Rowing Inc and entry and other fees 2005 Regatta Application to host from:- Waikato Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Rowing Association
- Karapiro Rowing Incorporated
- Regatta Dates 2005 and 2008
A letter from the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Association is Attached regarding the impact of the early occurrence of Easter in these two years with what would be the normal Summer Tournament Week dates and a proposed change effectively till after Easter. It is felt either the normal Tournament week date or modified one would be acceptable for 2005 with the regatta being scheduled for Karapiro. However the normal date for 2008 of 10th March would create havoc with the schedule for all regattas if the NZSSRA Champs were held on this date however the alternative poses some potential problems and risks as the regatta would be at Ruataniwhia. Members views on this matter are asked for.
- Trophies
The Executive moves that the meeting expresses its thanks to the donors of two new trophies to be competed for at the Championships. And that the donors be advised The trophies are:- The Presidents Scull presented by Southland Rowing Association for best sculling school base on points awarded in A finals of all sculling events
- The Executive Trophy presented by the Carr-Smith Family for the best sweep oared school based on points awarded in A finals of all sweep events
MOVED BY: The Executive
- Other
- On-Line Entry: comments required as to development and use and report on first use.
- Base Age Date: the executive discussed at its last meeting various ways in which the base age date could be changed to address some of the problems that have emerged from the last change we made. Some of the areas discussed by the executive were a version of the FISA Junior rule, Making U19 under 18, Making U15 a Novice class. There was a general consensus on the desirability of having the U19 become an U18 age group and some were for and some were against the possibility of making the U15 a "Novice" class E.g. had not rowed in a previous championships.
Member�s views on this matter are required to see if there is a desire to change and how.
- Other matters
The Executive Officer