est. 1967

James Hargest College's approved colours
#34: James Hargest College

Aon NZ


2007 SGM minutes

  Printer Friendly Version 1 April 2008  

2023 Aon Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Monday 3 December 2007
Wellington (business to be conducted by postal ballot)
  1. Roll Call/Proxy Recognition: The following members attended by postal proxy: bull, camp, carm, colu, fair, hamb, jhar, kgca, khsd, lytt, mlbb, napb, pomp, qhsd, splh, stbd, sthi, stkt, stln, stmg, timg, verd, waka, wlco, wncs, wnhs, wtkb, wtlb (28). 80 member schools not in attendance. In addition 5 ballots were received from not yet current members (ronc,stpc,tekc,vill,whak)
    As the business of the meeting involves changes to the constitution, Rules and Regulations the quorum is 40% of members.quorum: NOT MET
  2. Apologies: nil
  3. Meeting adjourned: until the earlier of:
    • a sufficient ballots for a quorum being received; or
    • 1 April 2008
Tuesday 5 February 2008
meeting reconvened

  1. Roll Call/Proxy Recognition: The following members attended by postal proxy: bthc, bull, camp, carm, colu, dilw, fair, hamb, horo, jhar, kgca, khsd, lytt, mlbb, mlbg, napb, nthc, otum, pmrg, pomp, qhsd, ronc, rrgs, splh, stan, stbd, sthi, stkt, stln, stmg, stpc, tawa, teaw, tekc, timg, trgb, verd, vill, waka, whak, whgb, wlco, wlgc, wncs, wnhs, wtkb, wtlb (47). 70 member schools not in attendance.
    quorum: MET
  2. Apologies: nil
    1. Item: That remit 1 from the 2007 AGM be implemented by making the amendments to Rule 17 (Safety) that are listed in part 1 of the 2007 postal ballot brief paper. As this is a Rule change it requires approval by 75% of those attending in person or by proxy.
      moved: the Executive seconded: Proxy outcome: CARRIED (46/1[rrgs])
    2. Item: That remit 7 from the 2007 AGM be implemented by making the amendments to the Constitution, Rules and Regulations that are listed in part 2 of the 2007 postal ballot brief paper. As this is involves changes to the constitution, Rules and Regulations it requires approval by 75% of those attending in person or by proxy.
      moved: the Executive seconded: Proxy outcome: CARRIED (46/1[rrgs])
    3. Item: That the awarding of Top Ten badges be corrected by making the amendment listed in part 3 of the 2007 postal ballot brief paper. As this is a constitutional change it requires approval by 75% of those attending in person or by proxy.
      moved: the Executive seconded: Proxy outcome: CARRIED (47/0)
  3. Meeting closed

The Executive Officer