est. 1967

Rangiora High School's approved colours
#60: Rangiora High School

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Newsletter - Spring 2019/2020

  Printer Friendly Version Spring 2019/2020  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Download a full copy of the newsletter
(comes with photos, regatta dates and few more things) [.pdf 978KB]

Happy holidays to all, we hope that you all enjoy a safe and Merry Christmas! But first we know you have some big regattas coming up and likely some rowing camps on the horizon too!

Enjoy your time on the water!

Limits on entries at School Championship Regattas in 2020

The following limits have been proposed by hosts and approved by the Schools Committee for the 2020 school regattas and the following will be applied at each event:

Aon Maadi CupAon North Island Secondary School ChampsMeridian South Island Secondary School Champs
Singles & Doubles
1 crew per event per school
All other events
4 crews per event per school
Single, Double/Pair, Four/Quad
2 crews per event per school
Eights and Octuples
No Limit
Single, Double/Pair, Four/Quad
2 crews per event per school
Eights and Octuples
No Limit

After the close of entries regatta control may call for supplementary entries, which are limited late entries. But only where this will not require extra races to be completed. Schools should not rely on being able to get one of these late entries.

Also please note our recommendation for number of events - students should only be entered into 2 events with the occasional student undertaking 3 events. Should students be entered in more than the recommended 2-3 entries per student, Principals will be required to sign off the entry and could be contacted directly by the Schools Committee.

Bluebridge Deal - Card now on Rowing NZ App!

Bluebridge are continuing the special deal for ferry crossings by the rowing community. Simply use the promo code "OARSOME" when booking and then show the Rowing NZ Bluebridge card upon check in and your rowing club will receive discounted rates from the preferred supplier for Cook Strait transport. The traditional business card we used is now available on the Rowing NZ App under - Directory - Rowing NZ Partners.

Visit for more information.

2020 Aon Maadi Cup Week

Sunday: Parade, Safety Briefing, NZSSRA AGM
Monday: heats begin
Tuesday: heats end, all repechages begin
Wednesday: reps end, quarter finals, E&F Finals
Thursday: Semi-finals, C&D Finals
Friday: A&B Finals (events 1-26)
Saturday: A&B Finals (events 27-50)
Sunday: emergency reserve morning

This schedule is subject to change particularly due to weather issues

Schools Regatta Programme 2020

Day 1 Day 2
Event # Event name Maadi time Event # Event name Maadi time
1 B U17 1X 8:30 27 G U16 4X+ 8:30
2 G U17 4+ 8:50 28 B U16 2X 8:50
3 B U15 2X 9:10 29 G U18 1X 9:10
4 G U15 4X+ 9:30 30 B U18 1X 9:30
5 B U18 2- 9:50 31 G U15 2X 9:50
6 G U18 2X 10:10 32 B U15 4X+ 10:10
7 B U16 4X+ 10:30 33 G U17 8+ 10:30
8 G U16 1X 10:50 34 B U17 4+ 10:50
9 B N18 2X 11:10 35 G N18 4X+ 11:10
10 G N18 8+ 11:30 36 B N18 4+ 11:30
11 B U17 8+ 11:50 37 G U16 4+ 11:50
12 G U17 4X+ 12:10 38 B U16 8+ 12:10
13 B U15 8X+ 12:30 39 G U18 4X+ 12:30
14 G U15 4+ 12:50 40 B U18 2X 12:50
15 B U18 4X+ 13:10 41 G U15 8+ 13:10
16 G U18 2- 13:30 42 B U15 4+ 13:30
17 B U16 4+ 13:50 43 G U17 2X 13:50
18 G U16 8+ 14:10 44 B U17 4X+ 14:10
19 B N18 8+ 14:30 45 G N18 4+ 14:30
20 G N18 2X 14:50 46 B N18 4X+ 14:50
21 B U17 2X 15:10 47 G U16 2X 15:10
22 G U17 1X 15:30 48 B U16 1X 15:30
23 G U15 8X+ 15:50 49 G U18 8+ 15:50
24 B U15 8+ 16:10 50 B U18 8+ 16:10
25 B U18 4+ 16:30   16:30
26 G U18 4+ 16:50   16:50


The NZSSRA 2020 AGM will take place on Sunday 29th March after the safety briefing of the Aon Maadi Cup, at the Twizel Events Centre. As per the 4-yearly cycle this AGM will review the Membership Fee.

  • Remits - The closing date for remits for the AGM is February 23rd 2020.
    Note: The Rules and Regulations are not up for change in 2020 (ref cl 14.6 of constitution).
  • Nominations - The nominations for the following positions are called for and due on the accompanying dates.
    • NZSSRA Life Members - 19th January 2020
    • Schools Committee Elected member - 23rd February 2020
  • Applications to host - 2022 Championships and any fee change proposals for 2021 - 23rd February 2020.

Please make remits, nominations and applications in writing to [email protected]

Review of NZSSRA Membership Fee

This year is the four-yearly review of the school rowing membership fee. The Schools Committee will be reviewing the fee which is currently $160 per school per year should you have any feedback on the safety system please don't hesitate to contact Sonya.

Heel Restraints - Safety Check!

Any time crews hit the water, but particularly when they head out to race please ensure all rowers are checking the heel restraints! Each heel must be tied down independently and by material that is strong and in good condition (many of the cotton shoelaces deteriorate quickly! Consider using stronger nylon). The restraints are used so that a rower can get out of the boat without delay.


School Colours updating your rowsuits?

Schools are required to compete in approved colours so if you are updating your rowsuit stock please make sure the colours you have are the ones registered against your school name. If your school is new or would like to change its colours you will also need to contact Sonya at [email protected] and get your new colours approved.

School Contact Details

If your school has had changes in your sports coordinators or teachers in charge of rowing please email these new details to Sonya so we can provide your school with all the relevant information for the coming season. Any coaches who would also like to receive these updates please also send your details.