est. 1967

Hastings Boys High School's approved colours
#112: Hastings Boys High School

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Newsletter - 2007/02

  Printer Friendly Version February 2007  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

  • 2007 Maadi
    • Regatta Entry
    • Boats
    • Training
    • Warning
    • 'A' finalist identification
    • Results/Live coverage
    • Invitation: licensed officials
    • Activities
  • 2007 AGM
    • Remits
    • Voting
  • Reminders
    • Didymo
    • Travel discounts
    • Maadi Trophies
    • School Colours
    • Contact Details

2007 Aon NZ Secondary Schools Rowing Champs Karapiro, 26 March - 1 April 2007


The 2007 Aon NZ Secondary School Rowing Championships will be held at Lake Karapiro near Cambridge in the Waikato, North Island. Racing starts on Monday 26th March with heats followed by repechages and semi-finals leading up to finals on Friday 30th and Saturday 31st march. The regatta's Terms and Conditions are attached.

Your best source of information about the regatta is online at Maadi 2007

Regatta Entry

Entry into the regatta is ONLY by way of Online Regatta Entry on our website: Entries close at 1:00PM on Tuesday 13 March 2007 (the 1st Tuesday after North Island Secondary School Champs, the 2nd Tuesday after the South Island Secondary School Champs).

Entry Limits

There is a limit of 72 crews per event at Maadi. This limit might affect a small number of events where many schools enter multiple crews. If more than 72 entries are received for an event the Regatta Committee will scratch the highest numbered crews first and (to decide between crews with the same number) crews will be scratched in reverse order of entry. If you have queries about the limit please contact the Executive Officer.


The Regatta Committee asks schools to please contact it and provide an indication of how many boats the school is bringing to the regatta. This is to help ensure the boat park is set up with enough space for everybody. You can contact the Regatta Committee at: 2007.maadi[]

The boat park will open mid-morning on Saturday, 24 March. Schools will need to make their own provision for looking after boat before this time. Any boats arriving before the boat park opens should line up their trailers in the Karapiro Domain.

Security will not be in place until the boat park is officially opened. If schools arrive before that time they will need to provide their own security to avoid the fate of one school that recently suffered from the theft and destruction of some of its riggers.

Safety Meeting

We remind all schools attending Maadi that the school's Adult Safety Officer must attend the Safety, Coaches and Officials meeting being held on in the Watersports Center beside the control tower, on Sunday 25th March at 5:00pm. A roll call will be held. Schools that have not attended a safety meeting will not be permitted to take part in the regatta (Rule 17). The Adult Safety Officers must be named on the School Party form, which is one of the documents produced by Online Regatta Entry.


Light and weather conditions permitting, there will be supervised training (no coaching boats allowed) from 12:00PM to 5:00PM on Sunday, 25 March 2007. Training hours during the regatta will be notified in due course but they will be as extensive as possible.

Warning Radios and cell phones

We are seeing an increase in the usage of radios and cell phones as communication tools during training. Coaches and competitors are reminded there is an absolute prohibition against carrying such equipment during a race (whether or not it is used) and the penalty is mandatory disqualification of the SCHOOL (rule 4.8). Because there were rumours of cell phone usage during Maadi 2006 the organisers are going to be especially vigilant in enforcing rule 4.8 during the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta. You have been warned so we can look forward to a disqualification-free regatta.

'A' Finalist Identification

Boats that make an 'A' Final will be offered two vinyl labels to be affixed adjacent to the bow seat on both sides of the boat. These labels, which can be easily removed from boats without removing or damaging the boats surface/paintwork, will show the logo of the regatta's principal sponsor: Aon Insurance Brokers.

Regatta results/Live coverage

Our usual continuously updated searchable results service covering all phases of the regatta will be available through the regatta's website at Maadi 2007.

This year the finals days of the regatta will be broadcast live on SKY TV and (subject to arrangement with Sky) we will also have our usual live web cast. The Sky broadcast can be seen:

  • Friday, 30 March, 9:30AM - 4:30PM on Sky Sport 1
  • Saturday, 31 March, 9:30AM - 1:30PM on Sky Sport 1
  • Saturday, 31 March, 1:30PM - 4:30PM on Sky Sport 2

We invite you to spread the news about our extensive online and TV coverage!

Invitation licensed race officials

Any current licensed race official from the South Island, who intends to be at Maadi, is invited to contact the Chief Umpire, Lee Spear, if they would like to be involved at some stage as an official. Lee can be emailed at spearro[] .

Activities got down time during regatta?

Karapiro Rowing Inc, working with Visit Hamilton, has identified a number of activities in the Waikato region that schools might be interested in for when their pupils or supporters have down-time during the regatta. Jet boating, rafting, horse shows and tours are among the opportunities identified. For more information please see the Notices page of our website.

2007 Annual General Meeting


The agenda for the 2007 NZSSRA Annual General Meeting is attached. The AGM will be held at the Watersports Center at Lake Karapiro on Tuesday 27th March 2007 at 7:00pm. Business includes 7 remits and an application to host our 2009 National Championships regatta, from KRI. There is also a nomination for a new life member: Garry Carr-Smith.

AGM Remits

There are 7 remits for discussion at this year's AGM: safety updates, honorarium for President, annual subscription review, trade mark management, merchandising at NZSSRA event, fundraising by members at NZSSRA sanctioned events, confirmation North/South Island Secondary Schools Championships are Championship regattas.
More details of all the remits can be found on the Notices page of our website.

AGM Voting

Principals will have the ability to cast their schools' votes by:

  • Attending the AGM
  • Appointing a voting delegate
  • Appointing a proxy
  • Completing the appropriate section of the entry forms.

If a voting delegate or proxy is appointed, please ensure they attend the AGM so the school's vote can be counted!



Didymo Check, Clean, Dry

We remind all schools attending Maadi that all on-water equipment must be washed before being used on the lake for the first time. "Check, clean, dry"! Biosecurity New Zealand will have staff on site during the regatta to provide advice and to monitor schools. The entire South Island is Controlled Area, so schools coming north for the regatta need to be especially vigilant. Advice on the correct method to protect against the spread of Didymo can be found on the Biosecurity website:


Members crossing Cook's Strait are advised there is a group rate available for travel on the Interislander. For more details please contact the Executive Officer.

Maadi Trophies

Schools who hold trophies won at the 2006 Championships are reminded that these should be handed into the Regatta Secretary on the day the regatta commences. The Rules require these to be cleaned and engraved and good order and repair.

School Colours

Rule 10.1 of our Rules for Racing allows crews from a school that are not wearing approved colours to be disqualified from the regatta, so it essential you take the time to check your colours online: If you need changes to your colours approved then please contact the Executive Officer: xo[]

Contact Details

We are still missing contact email addresses for many of our members. Ideally we should have email addresses for the following people:

  • The School's Principal
  • The School's Sports Co-ordinator and/or Teacher in Charge of Rowing.
  • A contact within the rowing community

If you have not already provided these addresses (hint: did you receive an email about the newsletter?) then please make them available to the Executive Officer: update.records[]

Andrew Carr-Smith
Executive Officer