est. 1967

Paraparaumu College's approved colours
#58: Paraparaumu College

Aon NZ


Regatta Safety System

  Printer Friendly Version Download Monday, 23 January 2023  

2023 Aon Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

    The purposes of these Requirements are to provide for the safety of competitors and officials.
    1. Primary Duties of Officials
      It is the primary duty of every race official to provide for the safety of competitors and officials.
    2. Duties of the Chief Umpire
      The Chief Umpire shall verify the existence of safety requirements at the regatta site before allowing the regatta to proceed, and shall report his or her findings to the Schools Committee at the conclusion of the regatta.

    1. Suspending Racing
      If the Chief Umpire finds that the requirements of safety described in rules cannot be met under then existing conditions, he or she shall stop or suspend all racing until such time as safe and fair conditions are restored. The Chief Umpire, if possible, shall consult with the Regatta CommitteeOrganising Committee either before suspending racing, or as soon as practical thereafter. If the Umpire or Starter for a particular race finds that the requirements of these rules cannot be met under then existing conditions, he or she shall stop or suspend that race and shall inform the Chief Umpire.
    2. The Regatta CommitteeOrganising Committee shall prepare:
      1. a report listing, for each phase of the regatta by event and race, the crews that contain students who have had medical alerts issued and distribute this report to Umpires and the safety boats.
      2. a report listing the schools and students who have medical alerts issued and provide it those manning the first aid facilities
      The reports shall be destroyed following the conclusion of the regatta.
    3. Officials' Briefing
      Procedures to be followed in the case of accident or emergency shall be prepared and communicated to officials before the regatta. Officials shall also be informed of local hazards and the traffic rules that will be displayed and brought to the attention of competitors.
    4. Pre-Regatta Meeting
      Each school attending the regatta shall appoint an adult safety officer for the school team.
      No later than one hour before the first race in a regatta, the Chief Umpire or his or her delegate shall hold a meeting for the school team safety officers, at which the Safety Provisions for the regatta shall be given. Attendance by schools wishing to compete at the regatta will be compulsory.
      The school team safety officer will be responsible for advising all competitors and other members of their school party of the Safety Provisions in place.
      Schools who have not been briefed with the Safety Provisions shall not be permitted to take part in the regatta.
    5. Traffic Patterns
      The local organizing committee shall devise and post in a conspicuous place at the regatta site a diagram showing all traffic patterns and regulations on the water. This diagram shall show the racecourse itself, the route to be taken by crews from the launching area to the start, any "warm-up" area, any "cool-down" area, and the route to be taken by crews returning from the finish line. To the extent possible, it shall also show all known obstacles that may interfere with a crew's progress on or near the course. If conditions call for a different traffic pattern during practice hours than during racing, such practice traffic pattern shall also be posted.
    6. First-aid Station Location
      The local organizing committee shall also post, at the same place as the diagram showing traffic patterns, the location of the first-aid station and any Automated External Defibrillators (AED's) onsite, and the location of a telephone, and the method to summon medical assistance in case of emergency.
    7. First Aid Facilities
      First aid facilities shall be provided at the regatta site capable of dealing with minor injuries, and of providing immediate attention for hypothermia, drowning, dehydration, and heat stroke. The first aid facility shall have the capability of summoning an ambulance, paramedics, or other emergency assistance that is on call and within ten minutes travel distance. If such emergency assistance is not located within ten minutes distance, the local organizing committee shall provide for an ambulance or paramedic to be present at the site.
    8. Approaching the Start; Warm-up on the Course
      No crew shall enter the starting area until the previous race has cleared, and unless explicitly permitted to do so by the Starter.
    9. Rules Of The Road in Warm upWarm-up and Warm downWarm-down areas
      1. Given the bow of a boat is facing zero degrees any boat must give way to any other boat approaching it in an arc between zero and 90 degrees.
      2. It is the responsibility of any boat overtaking another to ensure that it can do so in such a manner so as to not come into collision with any other craft.

  4. BOATS (umpires, safety, officials)
    1. Provision of Umpire and Safety boats
      The local organising committee shall provide motor boat forboats for use by Umpires and by safety personnel. Each boat shall be capable, when occupied, of maintaining a speed necessary to follow a race, but without unnecessary wake. The local organizing committee shall use its best efforts to procure boat whoseboats whose hull design minimizes wake, such as flat-bottomed or catamaran boatcatamaran boats.
    2. Boats to Follow Races
      Each race shall be followed by at least one Umpire. In a race without coxswains where there are more than six crews competing, a secondary Umpire may follow the race initially, who may subsequently withdraw if he or she judges that the race is proceeding satisfactorily.
    3. Safety Boats
      Safety boats suitable for rescue duty, manned by persons experienced in boat handling and who have knowledge of Maritime Rules for Navigation Safety and Collision Prevention, and who are properly equipped, must be available throughout the period of the regatta and during approved practice times. The safety boats must be deployed and positioned to ensure rapid assistance in any part of the regatta area. In addition to one Umpire's boat, for each race it is desirable that there be another boat immediately accessible to the crews for use in case of emergency. This boat may be the secondary Umpire's boat, a safety boat following the race, or one of a series of safety boat stationedboats stationed at the perimeter of the course. The designated safety boat(s) are not to be made available for any other purpose during the running of the regatta.
    4. Unavailability of Boats
      If for any reason a safety boat is unavailable in an emergency, the Umpire's boat shall assume immediate responsibility for attending to such an emergency. If the emergency requires the Umpire to leave a race in progress for a significant amount of time, and if there is no other Umpire available to follow the race, the Umpire may stop the race.
    5. Equipment and radios
      Each boat shall carry at least two spare PFD and a radio. All boats and personnel on the water must be included in the general radio frequency for the regatta. Umpire boats shall carry ten approved buoyancy aids or PFD, and a throw line. Safety boats shall carry:
      1. A bailer, and, for inflatable rubber dinghies, a suitable inflation pump and a spare inflation valve.
      2. A sound signalling and warning device.
      3. A grab line at least fifteen metres long with a large knot tied in one end to assist throwing (ideally a purpose made rescue/heaving line - 'throw bag').
      4. Ten approved buoyancy aids or PFD.
      5. A basic first aid kit.
      6. A sharp knife in carrying sheath.
      7. A paddle.
      8. Simple handholds fixed to the side of the launch to give help to any person being rescued and provide self-help should the driver fall overboard.
      9. Engine cut-out lanyard device, accessible to the driver at all times.
      10. Fire extinguisher.

    1. Known Obstacles
      If a crew is steering toward a previously known or identified obstacle or installation, and is in reasonable danger of collision, the Umpire shall name the crew and call out "Obstacle!". If collision is imminent, the Umpire shall order the crew to stop. That crew may then correct its course and continue with the race, but shall not be entitled to any consideration, such as a re-row or advancement in the progression system, as a result of such occurrence.
    2. Unknown Obstacle
      If a crew is steering toward a previously unknown or unidentified obstacle or installation obstructing its assigned lane, and is in reasonable danger of collision, the Umpire shall name the crew, call out "Obstacle!" and instruct the crew to alter its course. If collision is imminent, the Umpire shall order the crew to stop, after which it may correct its course and continue with the race. If the opportunity of a crew to win or advance is affected by such occurrence, the Umpire may take appropriate action to restore that opportunity.

    All rowing craft competing in the regatta shall be inspected to see they comply with Rule 4.
    1. No boat shall be permitted to take part in any race that does not meet the following requirements (see Rule 4.1).
      1. Bow Balls
      2. Foot Release Devices
      3. Coxswains area
    2. Any boat may be inspected before racing commences and may be spot-checked at any other time to see it complies with these requirements.
    3. If observed not to comply immediately before or during a race the boat shall be disqualified.
    4. If checked when coming off the water from a race it is found not to comply it shall be disqualified.

    1. All crew members must be in good health and be able to swim a minimum of fifty metres dressed for competition. Crew members who do not meet these requirements may be allowed to compete subject to an assessment of the risks involved.
    2. The Regatta CommitteeOrganising Committee must be notified of any crew member with a disability and that crew member will be allowed to compete subject to suitable rescue facilities being provided.
    3. When going on the water the stroke of each crew has overall responsibility for that crew. It is the stroke's responsibility to ensure the crew complies with the Rules and the stroke is the person to whom any inquiry will be directed should an incident occur.

    1. Weights
      Any coxswain found to have secured to his or her person the required dead weights in any boat on the water or being launched or retrieved will result in that boat being disqualified from the race it is proceeding to, or has raced in.
    2. Lifejackets
      A coxswain must at all times while on the water wear a life jacket. Failure to do so will result in that boat being disqualified from the race it is proceeding to, or has raced in.

    All persons on board any Umpires, Safety, Observation, Television or other craft supplied by or authorised by the Regatta CommitteeOrganising Committee to be on or near the course shall at all times wear a lifejacket or PFD.
    Other PFD'sPFD or equipment required by local or national Governmental agencies shall also be carried and where required be in working order.
    1. Safety Officer Presence
      A safety officerSafety Officer shall be on duty at all times the lake is open for rowing including training time before and after the days racing.
      The safety officerSafety Officer shall raise a GREEN flag on a flagpole in front of the control tower when the venue is open. A RED flag shall be raised when the lake is closed.
      A sufficient number of manned safety boats shall be available at all times the lake is open for training.
      Both the Safety officerSafety Officer and safety boat crew shall have working radios at hand.
    2. Coach to obtain Clearance
      The coach of the crew wishing to train shall contact the safety officerSafety Officer on duty and inform him/her of the crew intent.
      If the safety officerSafety Officer cannot be located or the Red flag is flying the crew may NOT proceed on the water.
      The coach is to report to the safety officerSafety Officer when the crew is off the water.
      At all times the crew shall make to the nearest safe shore if it is observed that the lake has been closed while training or if instructed to do so.
    3. Responsibility of Safety Officer
      The safety officerSafety Officer on duty shall record Coach name, school, number of boats being launched and time permission given and time given, when boats cleared off water. The boats returning shall be checked in.
      The safety officerSafety Officer shall not permit any boat to go on the water until there is clear visibility over the entire training area.
      The safety officerSafety Officer shall not permit any boat on the water until half an hour after official sun rise and later than half an hour before official sun set however these times may be altered by the Chief Umpire if the Chief Umpire is satisfied there is adequate lighting.
      Any crew that has not been checked back in by the reported time shall be searched for. The lake shall be closed if the Safety officerSafety Officer has to leave his/her post.

    The Regatta CommitteeOrganising Committee shall ensure all Local Authority and Statutory Body Regulations applying in the area with respect to the regatta venue are known and that any requirements in addition to those already noted above are applied and enforced.

Safety System dated 23 January 2023