Maadi 2013
After a brilliant week of rowing and some very close racing we identified New Zealand's new premier rowing school: St Peters School, winners of the Star Trophy! [Points table] Other major trophy winners were:
- Executive Trophy: St Margarets College
(Sweep Oar Champs) [Points table]
- Presidents Scull: Kavanagh College/St Peters School (tie)
(Sculling Champs) [Points table]
- Maadi Cup: Christs College [5:57.41]
(B U18 8+) [results]
- Levin 75th Jubilee Cup: St Margarets College [6:46.54]
(G U18 8+) [results]
- Simon Briggs Cup: Ben McPherson, Hamilton Boys High School
(Coxswain of the regatta)
- Bill Eady Cup: Janey Wackrow from St Peters School
(RowingNZ's Junior coach of the year: domestic & international competition)
Thanks to Ruataniwha Rowing and the many officials and volunteers who have hosted a superb 2012 Aon Maadi Cup regatta!
Maadi DVDs 2012 Aon Maadi
Maadi DVDs are now shipping and there are copies available in stock for those who have not placed orders.
- Full 4 disc set of all A finals, medal ceremonies and relevant interviews: $80 (incl GST and P&P)
- 2 disc sets for either Friday or Saturday: $45 (incl GST and P&P)
Orders can be placed by: email [email protected] or phone 0800 488226 or 04 5662474
LIVE WEBCAST Ruataniwha, 30 & 31 March 2012
Both days of finals are being webcast live from Lake Ruataniwha. The webcast URL is www.r2.co.nz/20120330.
The is also a webcam looking out over the dais and back down the lake towards the start - provided by www.rowingimages.com. The webcam picture updates every minute.
Day sheets 26-29 March 2012
- Saturday now available online. Racing starts at 8:00am. Finals for events 25 to 48 will be held with A finals for events at 20 minute intervals and B finals being held before the A final.
- Friday now available online. Racing starts at 8:00am. Finals for events 1 to 24 will be held with A finals for events at 20 minute intervals and B finals being held before the A final.
- Thursday now available online. Racing starts at 8:00am. Semi-final racing finishes at 12:05pm.
- Wednesday now available online. Racing starts at 8:00am with Event 13 (G U15 4+). Repechage racing finishes at 2:18pm. Semi-finals will begin tomorrow
in the afternoonUPDATED.
- Tuesday now available online. Racing starts at 8:00am with Event 32. Heats for the Levin 75th Jubilee Cup (G U18 8+) and Maadi Cup (B U18 8+) are 12:18-12:30 then repechage races begin after a 30minute break. Racing finishes with repechages for Event 24 at 5:04pm.
- Monday: racing starts at 8:00am and continues at four-minute intervals until Event 31 (Girls U17 8+) finishes the day with heats at 4:16pm and 4:20pm.
Notices & Updates
- Dawn Service
Thursday at Maadi will begin at 6:00am with a Dawn Service held at the victory dais at Lake Ruataniwha.
- WebcamNEW
A webcam looking out over the dais and back down the lake towards the start has been provided by www.rowingimages.com. The webcam picture updates every minute.
- Coaches
There will be a couple of presentations about the new RowingNZ Coach Development Program. These will held in the theatre room (just behind the weigh-in area in the new buildings). Duration approx 20mins. Times: Wednesday 2:45pm; Thursday tba
- Finals Webcast
There will be a live webcast of the two days of Finals (Friday and Saturday) at www.r2.co.nz/20120330. There is no coverage until Friday
- Weather
Victoria University provides an excellent weather forecast service.
The Windfinder website does a good job of forecasting local conditions.
- Parking
From Wednesday through to Saturday vehicle parking will be controlled and there will be a charge for vehicle entry to the complex. The vehicle fee will be $20 and it will cover all four days; there will not be a separate daily charge. Schools will be issued with one free parking voucher for each 10 rowers entered to row in the regatta and all appropriately ticketed vehicles will be given a suitable identification sticker. The entry gate will be controlled by volunteers from the local coastguard (yes, even the lakes come under the watchful eye of the coastguard) and they will receive a share of the gate takings.
- Tent sites
The tent site allocation list is now available. There is still a number of tent sites vacant so if you wish to book a site, or confirm an existing booking, please contact Trevor by email at [email protected]. Please note that site bookings made for the last Maadi Cup at Ruataniwha have not necessarily been "rolled over" so all prospective site holders should check the list.
- Newsletter
The latest Maadi update newsletter (.pdf [2.6MB]) available for download.
- Didymo / boat & gear washing
Sadly, didymo is well established in Lake Ruataniwha. It is now more important than ever for schools returning to other venues from Ruataniwha to carefully wash all their on-water equipment. This includes any socks and footwear that goes in that Lake. Don't forget "Check, clean, dry".
- Safety Briefing
The Safety Briefing was held in the Twizel Events Centre Theatre at 4:00pm on Sunday. 100% turnout was not achieved and the missing schools will have to get a briefing from the Chief Umpire before their crews take to the water on Monday.
- Twizel Parade
The inaugural Twizel Parade went really well. The streets were lined as a police car headed up a procession of several hundred pupils; representing most of the schools attending the regatta. A pair of pipers accompanied the parade.
- Message from Chief Umpire
There is a message from the Chief Umpire (.pdf [20KB]) available for download.
- Boat park
The boat park has been upgraded with more boat racks and the clearance of trees for easier access. Please be courteous to others when setting up in the boat park, despite additional racks there will not be enough storage for all skiffs and some will have to be stored on trailers. Be aware racks are designed for specific skiffs, i.e. 8’s, 4’s etc and we ask schools to store only skiffs for which the racks are designed; to maximise storage. This will mean that it is unlikely schools will be able to rack all their boats in one spot, but will ensure that we optimise available storage. Schools who choose not to co-operate with this request will be asked to vacate racks that are not designed for the skiff stored on it.
- Practice starts
To assist those crews that have not been to the lake before, the start will be operating on Sunday afternoon, times will be advised. This is an opportunity provided to those unfamiliar with the starting system and not a general invitation for crews who want to practice starts.
- Aussie schools
We have two schools from Australia attending the regatta. Thank you to those schools that generously offered their help to make sure the Aussies have boats to race in!
- NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria:
Revised criteria take effect this year. An updated article about the NZSSSC School Team Eligibility Criteria is available from NZSSRA.
Safety is of paramount concern on Lake Ruataniwha. It is a snow-fed hydro lake, which means the water is very cold and the flow is unpredictable. Similarly, the surrounding area is quite unique and the following safety information is for everyone. Please be careful.
Safety on land
- You must have a Fire Extinguisher in your tent
- No Charcoal barbeques
- No open fires
- A first aid kit must be available in your tent
- Please advise the regatta Secretary of your one person point of contact in case of emergency and their contact mobile number
- Please keep the access for St Johns Staff clear for emergency use.
- Please make sure the Chief Safety Officer and St Johns know of any "life threatening" illness.
Safety on the water
- If you capsize stay with your boat.
- Coxswains MUST wear a life jacket on the water at all times. Training and Racing. No exceptions
- Managers, Coaches Strokes and Coxswains. Please read the Lake "Rowed Code" particularly in relation to the warm up area and direction to travel in the bay at the start.
- If you are in trouble raise an arm and verbally attract attention.
- Refrain from collapsing and lying down in your boat at the completion of a race.
- Wear appropriate warm clothing on the cooler days
- Drink plenty of fluids on the warmer days
- The 1st Response Jet ski and safety boat are there for your safety. Their movement is kept to a minimum. They are in radio contact with all race umpires and only move when requested to attend a medical or on water problem.
Sponsors, Supporting Partners & Patrons
- Principal sponsor: Aon New Zealand
- Day sponsors:
- Supporting partners: Rowing New Zealand,
Sky Sport,
- Race patrons:
Twizel Auto and Rex Miller Engineering,
Air Force Careers,
New Wave Sportswear,
Twizel Combined Services Club,
Waikato University,
The Musterers Hut and Upper Waitaki Electrical,
Streamline Technology Ltd,
Bruce Fraser,
Kiwi International Rowing Skiffs,
Lincoln College,
ECL Group,
Army Careers,
MacKenzie Pharmacy Limited and Twizel Holiday Park,
The University of Auckland,
Twizel Four Square,
MacKenzie Country Inn,
Wintech Racing and GPM Boat Repairs,
Poppies Restaurant and Café,
Trust Aoraki,
Kiwi International Rowing Skiffs,
Aon NZ,
Aon NZ,
Streamline Technology Ltd,
Aon NZ,
Concept 2 NZ Ltd,
Concept 2 NZ Ltd,
Aon NZ,
Twizel Promotions & Development Association,
NZ Community Trust,
MacKenzie Four Square,
Dunedin Regatta Club,
MacKenzie District Council & Twizel Community Board,
Aspen Court Motels,
The University of Auckland,
Whitestone Contracting Limited,
Oarthentic Oars,
Buildlink/MacKenzie Country Building Supplies,
Navy Careers,
Croker Oars - New Zealand Ltd,
Waikato University,
MacKenzie Properties,
The Southern Trust,
Aon NZ,
Aon NZ
2012 Maadi Cup Regatta 26 March - 1 April 2012, Lake Ruataniwha
- Where: Lake Ruataniwha [map], Twizel, New Zealand.
- When: Monday 26 - Saturday 31 March 2011
(reserve day: Sunday 1 April until noon)
- What: New Zealand's largest and most colourful regatta; approximately 1800 pupils (including reserves) from 120 schools, in almost 1300 crews requiring more than 400 races across 48 events.
- Communication with the organisers of the 2012 Maadi Cup Regatta can be made using email to: [email protected]
The 2012 Aon Maadi Cup regatta kicks off with Mainfreight Monday.
Today Mainfreight, the international logistics company, give all those at the 2012 Aon Maadi the opportunity to talk to their team about prospects for employment with them... or to just kick back and relax with a bit of swingball and more. Their tent is set up behind the Row Shoppe.

Monday features racing from 8:00am until 4:20pm. 118 races at four-minute intervals. Heats for events 1-31. (Monday Day Sheet)
The 2012 Aon Maadi Cup regatta continue with The University of Auckland Tuesday.
The University of Auckland has a competiton to win an 8GB iPod touch player. Entry forms must be completed and returned to one of the competition boxes in the foyer of the Row Shoppe today. Winner to be drawn on Saturday.
Tuesday features racing from 8:00am until 5:04pm. 90 races. Heats for events 31-48 and repechages for events 1-24. (Tuesday Day Sheet)
Wind disruption: shortened races27 March
A headwind down the course is making it too rough to use the start and beginning of the course so races have been shortened to make use of the clear water further down the course.
- Heats for Event 44 (Boys Novice Four) were raced over 1500m
- Heats for Event 45 (Girls U16 Double) were raced over 1000m
- Heats for Event 46 (Boys U16 Single) were raced over 1000m
- Heats for Event 47 (Girls U18 Eights) were raced over 1000m
- Heats for Event 48 (Boys U18 Eights) were raced over 1000m
Repechage races started at 4:00pm. Races are 1500m. Final race of day to be Event 12 Boys Lightweight Four. (Updated daysheet online)
The remaining repechages originally scheduled for this afternoon will start the day tomorrow: Wednesday repechage daysheet online
The University of Waikato Wednesday www.waikato.ac.nz
The 2012 Aon Maadi Cup regatta continues with The University of Waikato Wednesday.
The University of Waikato Wednesday brings you news of the Hillary Scholarships. Pick up a brochure from the Secretary's Office about what they have to offer rowing students.
Wednesday features repechage racing from 8:00am until 2:18pm. 68 races. A start will be made on semi-final races later in the afternoonUPDATED. (Wednesday Day Sheet).
Dawn Service 6:00am 29 March 2012, Lake Ruataniwha
Thursday morning will start with a Dawn Service. This will be held at 6:00am at the victory dais at Lake Ruataniwha. The Dawn Service has become an annual part of the Maadi Cup regatta; commemorating the regatta's ties with our Armed Forces deployment to Camp Maadi during Workd War Two.
New Zealand Defence Force Thursday www.nzdf.mil.nz
The 2012 Aon Maadi Cup regatta continues with New Zealand Defence Force Thursday.
The day will open at 0600 with a Dawn Service on the victory dais. Come and reflect on where the Maadi Cup came from. The Defence Force will have an LAV and an LOV at the lake for a couple of days and their recruitment bus will be here too.
Thursday features racing from 8:00am until 12:05pm (with breaks). 38 races. All the semi-finals will be completed. (Thursday Day Sheet)
New Zealand Eight 31 March 2012
The New Zealand Eight will be conducting a row past at 11:20am during day two of Finals at Maadi. This eight has a chance at the Lucerne regatta later this year to qualify for the 2012 Olympic Games.
