2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap - 7pm, Tuesday 27 March 2007 Marquee, Lake Karapiro (Agenda)
- Roll Call/Quorum: there are 105 schools entered at the regatta. The quorum for the meeting is 40% (42) of those schools (ref clauses 10.11 & 10.6 and remit 1). The roll call establishes there are 55 members present, of whom 45 are entered in the regatta and have a voting delegate or proxy in attendance: aqui, birk, bthc, CAMP, cghs, chco, dioc, edbc, fair, fras, gbhs, gghs, hamb, hlcr, jmcg, kava, kgca, KHSD, kris, LYTT, mlbb, mlbg, mtma, ncog, nelb, obhs, oghs, otum, pmrg, QHSD, rgtt, ronc, rrgs, samu, splh, sthi, stkt, stmg, stpc, taka, tekc, timb, trgb, twiz, vill, whak, whhs, wkds, wlgc, wncs, wnhs, wtlb, wtlg, N LYNCH, F STRACHAN + jpcr*
- Apologies: puke, stkv, Br T Costello, M Jones
Members stand in silence to mark the passing of Graeme Hodge and Eric Craies both of whom had contributed significantly to rowing in schools.
- President's Address: the President summarises her report, which is circulated at the meeting. Attention is drawn to NZSSSC's new eligibility criteria and members are advised they will be included in the Terms and Conditions of future regattas.
- Correspondence in/out: the Executive Officer advises correspondence will be dealt with under individual items in the Agenda.
- Minutes of Previous AGM: the Minutes of the 2006 AGM, having been circulated to schools are moved for adoption as a correct record.
moved: Fairfield College seconded: Otumoetai College outcome: CARRIED
- Treasurers Report: the Executive Officer reads his report, which is circulated at the meeting and adopted.
moved: Executive Officer seconded: Christchurch Girls High School outcome: CARRIED
- Report on business carried out by Executive Committee during past year: the President summarises the report, which is circulated at the meeting, on business carried out during the year: 1 age-group dispensation, 5 new trophies, trade mark registrations, reviews (progression system, programme of events for championships, Executive Officer's honorarium), meetings (MaritimeNZ, Drug Free Sport, RowingNZ).
- New Life Member: Mr Garry Carr-Smith is nominated for membership
Garry was Secretary/Treasurer then subsequently Executive Officer of NZSSRA for 16 years. Garry also served on the NZARA Council (precursor to RowingNZ Board). Garry's contribution to school sport was recently recognised by a Service to Sport Award from NZSSSC. Members and the Executive Committee recounted and acknowledged Garry's contribution to school rowing. moved: Lytton High School seconded: Noel Lynch outcome: CARRIED unanimously
- Election of Officers
- President: Mrs Trudy Keys is the only candidate and is appointed for another term by acclamation.
- Executive Officer: Mr Andrew Carr-Smith is the only candidate is appointed for another term by acclamation.
- Hon Solicitor: Mr Richard Watts is the only candidate, he is appointed for his first term by acclamation.
- Hon Auditor: The Chairman calls for nominations from the floor for the positions of Hon Auditor. There being no nominations it is moved the Executive Committee be given the power to appoint as necessary.
CARRIED by acclamation
- Remits
That Rule 17 (Safety) be altered so the Director of
Maritime Safety is satisfied NZSSRA has a safety system
that can be approved for the purposes of Maritime
Safety Rule 91.4(2)(d) (exemption to carrying/wearing
personal flotation devices).
The Executive Officer speaks to the remit explaining NZSSRA has been in discussion with MaritimeNZ regarding obtaining recognition so NZSSRA's safety rules can be used as an exemption to the requirement for all boats to have enough personal floatation devices on board for everybody on board the boat. The exemption would be in force for all NZSSRA and NZSSRA sanctioned regattas and mean NZSSRA would not need to apply to other parties for an exemption every time a regatta is held. Maritime Safety has indicated they will not recognise NZSSRA's safety system while it has any requirements that are less than those in NZRA's safety system. The Executive Officer advises MaritimeNZ also expressed a preference for NZSSRA to use its affiliate status with NZRA and use NZRA's safety system if possible; discussions are underway with NZRA to find a way to make their safety system accessible to NZSSRA without imposing extra obligations on our members or pupils. The Executive Officer suggests the way forward is to bring NZSSRA's safety system up to the standard of NZRA's safety system in those few areas where it does not already meet or exceed that standard. KRI had asked to make a submission on this remit and they advise they are in favour of anything that reduces the differences between safety systems. The Executive Officer is asked what alteration to the safety Rule is required; he begins proposing the specific wording required to update NZSSRA's Rules 17 in 3 areas but there is a suggestion from the floor for the detail to be dealt with another time and the remit to be amended in a more general manner. The proposed amendment:
That the remit become: That Rule 17 (Safety) be amended
to incorporate NZRA's safety system requirements where
Amendment moved: The Executive seconded: Bethlehem College outcome: CARRIED Remit (as amended) moved: The Executive seconded: Garry Carr-Smith outcome: CARRIED (unanimously)
That the President be paid an annual honorarium ($500).
An Executive Committee member speaks to this remit explaining the Executive Committee believes the President's contribution to the Association should be recognised by an honorarium, which would go some way to helping with out-of-pocket expenses associated with the role. moved: The Executive seconded: F Strachan outcome: CARRIED (wide majority)
That a review of the annual membership subscription
be carried out by the Executive every four years.
An Executive Committee member speaks to the remit explaining it was determined during the review of the Executive Officer's honorarium that the annual subscription had not been reviewed for many years. Garry Carr-Smith, former Executive Officer, advises the subscription was last reviewed in the early 90s. The Executive Committee is concerned that, if the subscription is not regularly reviewed, members might be faced with a substantial rise in the future rather than incremental rises over time. moved: The Executive seconded: Birkenhead College outcome: CARRIED (wide majority) There is a question from the floor about when the first review will take place and it is agreed it should take place this winter, with the results to be presented at the 2008 AGM.
That the constitution be altered to include provisions
for managing NZSSRA's trade marks (encompassing the
traditional use of those marks by member schools).
The Executive Officer advises NZSSRA has registered trade marks for "MAADI" and "MAADI CUP" in three different categories: events, sports equipment and clothing.
Members from the Nelson/Marlborough region complain they were not consulted in the decision to register the trade marks.
NZRA expresses disappointment that it did not gain ownership of the trade marks and asserts ownership of the Maadi Cup trophy.
There is a lot of confusion about the nature of trade marks. The Executive Officers tries to explain the marks are not about the physical trophy that is awarded for the boys under-18 eights they are about the goodwill and value that is associated with the week-long event.
It is pointed out from the floor that the trade marks are registered and the decision was taken by the Executive Committee, which members have appointed to represent them; the Executive Committee wants to enshrine some guidance for trade mark use in the constitution and this is what is being discussed.
The Executive Officer advises the Honorary Solicitor has provided wording for a new definition in the constitution:
"NZSSRA's Marks" means any trade mark, name, logo, slogan
or other sign (whether registered or not) of NZSSRA.
And wording for a new clause 17 for the constitution:
17.1 Any member shall be entitled, on application in writing
to NZSSRA, to a non-transferable, non-exclusive licence
to use NZSSRA's Marks in connection with NZSSRA's regattas.
Members discuss the wording and enquire about cost. The trade mark licences are to be royalty-free.
There is considerable discussion about how trade marks will be managed; Members do not like the idea of needing to apply in writing to use them. The Executive Officer offers to consult with the Honorary Solicitor to determine whether the application process is necessary but the discussion moves on.
There is a vigorous discussion about enforcement; members wanting to know whose job that is. The Executive Officer advises it is up to all members to keep a watch for breaches of the trade marks and, at regattas, it will be the host's responsibility too; particularly where merchandising is concerned. SIRI objects to the idea of any policing role.
It is pointed out the purpose of the trademarks is not to stop schools using them but to prevent people selling items using the Maadi name.
Members are unable to agree on the wording for altering the constitution.
The proposed amendment to the remit with wording to alter the constitution lapses without a second. Members agree there is a need to add the trade marks to the constitution and pass the original remit.
moved: The Executive seconded: Fairfield College outcome: CARRIED (majority)
That the right to merchandise licensed apparel at NZSSRA
regattas be offered in the first instance to the Local
Association of the region in which the regatta is being
held, on such terms and conditions as are agreed between
NZSSRA and the Local Association.
Waikato/Bay of Plenty speak to their remit explaining the background to it: they currently have merchandising rights at Karapiro for Maadi, rely on those rights for income for the programmes they contribute to that support rowing in the region, and they are concerned about losing the merchandising. Waikato/Bay of Plenty explains it believes local associations should be able to benefit from the regattas held in their regions and it sees the remit as achieving that. Representatives from SIRI and KRI speak against the remit. SIRI explains they have existing merchandising arrangements for regattas at Lake Ruataniwha and these provide an important income stream for SIRI. KRI advises it has no interest in merchandising but it believes it should not be constrained to using a Local Association, so it can get the best income for the regatta. KRI also notes it exercises a preference for using school and rowing organisations to provide services at regattas where possible. Members voice concern that a Local Association should be able to benefit from this remit simply because they are favoured by geography. Members also a express a preference for any benefit from a regatta to go to all members rather than be restricted to one region. moved: WBoPSSRA seconded: Villa Maria College outcome: LOST
That NZSSRA retain the right to control and approve fund
raising activities undertaken by participating schools at
venues hosting NZSSRA sanctioned regattas.
Waikato/Bay of Plenty Secondary Schools Rowing Association speak to their remit explaining they believe members should be able to carry out fund raising activities at regattas and NZSSRA is the appropriate body to manage those. SIRI and KRI representatives speak against the remit; SIRI state they require control of the venue, KRI notes the potential for conflict between members' sponsorship activities and official regatta merchandisers/concessions. KRI advises it is always receptive to requests by members and reasonable in granting them. moved: WBoPSSRA seconded: Otumoetai College outcome: LOST
That the definition of "Championships" be amended to
clarify the fact the North Island Secondary Schools Rowing
Championships and the South Island Secondary Schools Rowing
Championships are Championships regattas for the purposes
of NZSSRA's Constitution, Rules and Regulations.
Christchurch Girls High School speak to their remit explaining they were unhappy with way the SIRI had conducted the South Island School Champs, which was sanctioned by NZSSRA, and they believe if the regatta had been hosted for NZSSRA, like Maadi, and run using unaltered rules and regulations these problems would not have arisen. There was a discussion about composite crews and the way they were managed at the regatta. SIRI spoke against the remit expressing a desire to be able to innovate.
In response to a question from the floor the Executive Officer affirmed the remit was desirable from an operational perspective particularly for the purposes of managing NZSSSC sanctioning. Members do not discuss the wording for altering the constitution.
moved: Christchurch Girls High School seconded: Christs College outcome: CARRIED (near unanimously)
- National Championship Regattas
- 2006: Chief Umpire's report and SIRI's financial report on the 2006 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta are circulated at the meeting and accepted.
moved: Executive Officer seconded: F Strachan oucome: CARRIED
- 2008: South Island Rowing Inc's proposed fees for the 2008 Maadi and the supporting budget are considered by members. Members decide SIRI's proposal to extend amenity fees to cover "coaches and members of management teams" is completely unworkable. Members decide to keep the amenity applying only to pupils and increase it from the proposed $16 to $17 to offset the reduced coverage. The new Maadi fees (GST exclusive) are: 1x = $24 || 2x/2- = $32 || 4x/4+ = $40 || 8+ = $56 || amenity = $17 (applies to pupils only) || other fees are unchanged.
moved: N Lynch seconded: F Strachan outcome: CARRIED
- 2009: Karapiro Rowing Inc's application to host the 2009 Maadi between 30th March and 5th April 2009 is considered. D Swales, Chairman of KRI, is on hand to answer questions about why KRI struck out a term of the standard hosting application. Members decide to accept KRI's application subject to KRI agreeing to NZSSRA's standard hosting terms.
moved: Bethlehem College seconded: Otumoetai College outcome: CARRIED
- Other matters
- 2008 South Island Championships: Members decide to accept South Island Rowing Inc's application to host a South Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships for NZSSRA in 2008. Members direct the Executive Committee to decide whether the regatta should be 2 or 3 days long.
moved: N Lynch seconded: F Strachan outcome: CARRIED
- Reminder: the President reminds members that weather concerns mean semi-final racing has been brought forward and will begin tomorrow with event 7 then events 1-17.