est. 1967

Te Aho O Te Kura Pounamu's approved colours
#124: Te Aho O Te Kura Pounamu

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


2015 AGM Agenda

  Printer Friendly Version March 2015  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Date: Sunday 22 March 2015
Time: 5pm
Venue: Don Rowlands Centre, Lake Karapiro
(draft Minutes)

The order of business will be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Apologies
  3. In Memoriam
  4. President's Address
  5. Correspondence
  6. Minutes of Previous AGM
  7. Finance Report
  8. Report on business carried out by the Schools Committee during the past year
  9. Election of Officers
    1. Elected Members of Schools Committee.
      The position is for a two year term. We have six candidate nominated
      1. Nick Lloyd - Kings College
      2. Lauren Farnden - St Hildas Collegiate
      3. Donald MacDonald - Napier Boys High School
      4. Simon Koller - Huanui College
      5. Catherine Stapleton - Te Awamutu College
      6. Rob Ryan - Westlake Boys High School
    Attached is a summary provided from each candidate and we will open the floor to the candidates should they wish to make further comment.
  10. Ratification of appointment to the Schools Committee
    Bruce Tong has been appointed to the Schools Committee by the NZSSRA Board. The appointment is subject to ratification by Members.
  11. Championship Regattas
    1. 2016 South Island Secondary Schools Dates
      1. Ruataniwha Rowing were approved as the hosts for the 2016 regatta but members were not happy with the practice of starting finals on Saturday.
    2. 2016 Maadi Cup dates
      1. NZSSSC were approached about changing the School Summer Tournament week. They are not able to change the dates; these are confirmed to be 4-10 April 2016. NZSSSC reminded NZSSRA that they will not be able to sanction our event should this be planned outside of these dates.
    3. 2016 Fee Change Proposal for Championships regattas (fees ex-GST)
      1. 2016 North Island Secondary School Championships
        Changes: No proposal received therefore no changes
      2. 2016 South Island Secondary School Championships
        Changes: Singles cost has increased by $3. Fours/Quads have decreased by $2. Amenity fees have increased by $2
      3. 2016 New Zealand Secondary School Championships
        Changes: Doubles/Pairs decrease by $5, Fours/Quads decrease by $5, Eight/Octuples increase by $3, amenity increases by $0.50.

      A table of the fee changes proposed and the existing fees is provided below.
      FeesMaadi CurrentMaadi proposedMaadi 2014NISSC CurrentNISSC ProposedSISSC CurrentSISSC Proposed
      Singles $26 $26 $25 $14$14$12$15
      Doubles/Pairs $37 $32$35 $20$20$20$20
      Fours/Quads $49 $44$47 $25$25$32$30
      Eights/Octuples$65 $68$62 $32$32$40$40
      Amenity $23.50$24$22.50$19$19$14$16
      Other feesMaadi CurrentMaadi proposedMaadi 2014NISSC CurrentNISSC ProposedSISSC CurrentSISSC Proposed
      Entry Protest $20 $20 $20$20$20$20$20
      Non-Notified Crew Change$0 $0 $0 $50$50$0 $0
      Late Scratching $40 $40 $40$40$40$40$40
      Non progression $100$100$40$50$40$40$40
      Race Protest $20 $20 $20$20$20$20$20
      Appeal $20 $20 $20$20$20$20$20

    4. Applications to host Championships regattas
      1. From Karapiro Rowing to host the 2017 North Island Secondary School Championships.
      2. From Ruataniwha Rowing to host the 2017 South Island Secondary School Championships.
      3. From Karapiro Rowing to host the 2017 New Zealand Secondary School Championships.
      Applications are attached to the agenda
  12. Remits
    From the Schools Committee
    • Remit 1:
      B. "...that the lake has been closed while training of if instructed to do so..."
      Remit: That 'of' should be changed to 'or' in the sentence
      Explanation: fixing a typo
    • Remit 2:

      Remit: That "PDF" should be changed to "PFD"
      Explanation: fixing two typos
    • Remit 3:
      A. This states that "A manned safety boat shall be available at all times the lake is open..."
      Remit: That it should be a sufficient number of boats so the sentence reads "A sufficient number of manned safety boats shall be available..."
      Explanation: at times when the lake is very busy there should be a requirement for more than just "A" manned safety boat.
  13. Other Matter/Business from the Floor
  14. Date for next AGM