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#89: Tauhara College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


2014 AGM minutes

  Printer Friendly Version 22 March 2015  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

5pm, Sunday 23 March 2014
Twizel Events Centre (Agenda)

Meeting opened at 5:01pm

  1. Present: members in attendance by delegate or proxy
    By Proxy: Leslie Saywood, Garry Carr-Smith, John Drummond
    (Number of schools entered at Maadi = 125, quorum percentage = 40% so quorum = 50 schools)
    Also in attendance:
    Members of the Schools Committee - Trudy Keys (NZSSRA President) Leith Menzies, Bradley Fenner, Janey Wackrow, Craig Bocock,
    Members of the NZSSRA Board - Andrew Carr-Smith, Gus Scott, Peter O'Connor
    Other - Don Craig (Karapiro Rowing), Vanessa McIver (2014 Maadi Cup Chief Umpire)
  2. Apologies
    APAR, BARA, BURN, DILW, FRAN, HUAN, KATI, MANC, MASS, ONEW, PUKC, SMCO, SPTW, STLN, TAWA, TEAW, TRGG, WKDS, WTKB, Kerry Pile (HORO), Jenny Williams (Principal SAMU), Clare Humber (Principal PUKC)
    Schools Committee Chairperson - Gillian Simpson
    Other - John O'Connor
  3. President's Address
    At the beginning of the President's Address the President notifies the meeting of the passing of the following people:
    In Memoriam
    The President notifies members of the passing of two special people to the Association.
    Peter Irvine, Life Member and successful school rowing coach, selector, writer and coach educator.
    Russell Baxter, although not from a member school Russell was integral in producing the Aon Maadi Cup production for many years, from running the webcast, big screen, to providing DVD footage for schools, clubs and individuals.
    Members observed a moments silence for both Peter and Russell.
    The President then welcomed all members and a written report was circulated.
  4. Correspondence
    No correspondence received in relation to the AGM other than material that will be presented for individual items in the Agenda.
  5. Minutes of the Previous AGM
    Draft minutes dated 17th March were circulated prior to this meeting and were moved for adoption as a true and correct record.
    Moved: STBD Seconded: SAMU Carried Unanimously
  6. Finance Report
    Finance report is circulated; the President notes that the unusual large expense of $5750 was the bulk purchase of the Top Ten Badges which were due to run out this year. The President also warned that the budget for the webcasting may also be affected next year (due to a change in suppliers after Russell's passing).
    NELB/NCOG asks what the miscellaneous expense was, the President confirmed this was the Top Ten Badges were listed as.
    It was moved that these accounts be accepted.
    Moved: MLBG Seconded: STPC Carried Unanimously
  7. Report on business
    The report from Sonya Walker and Andrew Carr-Smith is circulated.
    Sonya spoke about the integration process, that Rowing NZ is wanting to add value to School Rowing, they have taken on all financial costs of the position including travel and administration aspects, provided the Principal's Breakfast here at the Maadi Cup regatta, increased the funding to school rowing by 25% which is for the Schools Committee to decide on its use. The new position will mean more contact with members and she welcomed feedback at any time about what the committee and Rowing NZ can do for School Rowing.
    Speaking to the report over the last year Sonya highlighted that this is the last year for Leith Menzies on the Schools Committee and the last year of Andrew Carr-Smith also left his voluntary role (after the introduction of the new position) and the Schools Committee would also like to thank them for their contributions to school rowing. The review of the programme was completed and the new 2015 programme sees the Octuples and Novice eights included officially. Fees for the first time this year incurred penalties for late payments. The media production side of the Maadi Cup may see increase in costs for future events.
    Note: one correction to the report - Mary Thomas Cup is for the GU16 1x not boys.
  8. Life Member
    John O'Connor has been nominated by James Hargest College, seconded by Southland Boys High School, Southland Girls High School. This nomination is endorsed by the Schools Committee.
    John's Nomination Citation summarized: John has been involved in school rowing or over 30 years, as a coach of numerous Southland Rowing Schools, as an administrator of both club activities and organising secondary school championships, he is a licensed umpire and held the Chief Umpire position at several SISS and the 2012 Maadi Cup, a commentator at a large number of regattas and is a regional coach liaison officer. He was President of NZSSRA from 1996-2003, has been on the Rowing NZ Domestic Rowing Commission (now Committee0 since 1996 and was a Rowing NZ Board Member from 2006-2011. John also coached the NZ Junior Women's Quad in 2012 and 2013. John's input into school rowing is unconditional and he promotes and acts for the betterment of the sport. John is a worthy recipient for Life Membership of NZSSRA.
    John sent his apologies and humble surprise at this honour. Peter Sinclair spoke to this nomination and accepted it on John's behalf.
    The nomination to award John O'Connor a Life Membership was moved.
    Moved: JHAR Seconded: SBHS Carried: By acclamation
  9. Election of Officers
    Elected Member of the Schools Committee
    The position is for a two year term.
    Scott Wilson
    Moved: HAMG Seconded: STPC Carried Unanimously
  10. Ratification of appointment to the School Committee
    Janey Wackrow has been appointed to the Schools Committee by the NZSSRA Board.
    Elected By acclamation
  11. Championship Regattas
    1. Proposed fee changes to 2015 regattas
      There were proposed changes to the Maadi fees, but none to the NISSC and SISSC. Don Craig spoke to the changes for Maadi: The fee changes were a small increase to combat a large increase from Waipa District Council (13-14%), there was also the incremental salary increase of 2-3% for the permanent manager. Karapiro Rowing would rather give small increases rather than wait and give a larger one.
      Don stated that the reasons for the penalty fee increase for non-progression were: it brings it in line with club regattas so it is consistent, they don't believe Maadi should be a training ground and the message is to come with set crews, there are currently numerous dropouts at the B-final stage meaning members are not given the opportunity to race in finals.
      STPC questioned whether a school would be charged a non-progression fee and a late scratching fee so a total of $140 or was it just the $100.
      Don replied it would be the $140 if they did a late scratching and a non-progression.
      CGHS commented that by not showing up they were doing someone else out of a final.
      It was moved that this fee proposal be accepted.
      Moved: SHAK Seconded: WNCS Carried, 3 against
      A table of the resulting fees follows.
      1X $14.00 $12.00 $26.00
      2X/2- $20.00 $20.00 $37.00
      4X+/4+ $25.00 $32.00 $49.00
      8+ $32.00 $40.00 $65.00
      Amenity $19.00 $14.00 $23.50
      Tent (front)$160.00 n/a $160.00
      Tent (rear) $130.00 n/a $130.00
      Tent (power)$120.00 n/a $120.00

      Other existing fees are: $20 entry protest, $20 race protest, $20 appeal. Other existing penalties are: $40 late scratching, non-progression $40 at SISSC, $50 at NISSC, and $100 at NI Maadi, $50 non-notified crew change (Maadi only)
    2. Applications to host 2016 Championship regattas
      Applications were attached to the agenda.
      Janey Wackrow had two concerns firstly the 2016 Maadi dates being so much later and that the 2016 SISSC might hold finals on Saturday.
      There was much discussion regarding the timing of finals and the length of the SISSC.
      Fred Strachan commented that he was dis-satisfied that finals were held on Saturday after racing heats on the same day and Ruataniwha Rowing should consider holding a regatta with a Friday start or a longer time on Sunday. He felt this was unfair and affected results. It was understood that it was due to getting volunteers and that Nelson/Blenheim rowers getting home but they go to Ashburton first anyway. It appears that the race committees are making these decisions for the schools regattas and just because there is a precedent doesn't mean it is right, and he would not be happy if it were to be done next year, perhaps we need to look at a Friday start, longer on Sunday or even consider Lake Hood.
      WAKA said if it was a 3 day regatta they would not be able to attend, they have all voluntary coaches and the time off work to do this just would not be feasible.
      Vanessa McIver (Chief Umpire for Maadi) commented that Ruataniwha Rowing would struggle to find volunteers for a Friday start.
      WGCS commented that the North Island have at least one to two three day regattas and it is standard now.
      Nelson and Blenheim schools were asked would they be able to go later on a Sunday to 3:30pm for example, Nelson said no, Blenheim said yes.
      Sonya stated that we could agree on the location of the regatta in 2016 and that she could contact Ruataniwha Rowing with respect to the timing of the finals and discuss better options.
      In terms of Maadi 2016 discussion was held over why it has to be that late, Sonya explained due to the timing of Easter during that year the school summer tournament week was placed at the beginning of April therefore Maadi 2016 would be held then.
      SHAK asked why it had to be in tournament week if Easter falls awkwardly. Why could we not hold it straight after the NISSC/SISSC, and stated if it was because of the lead in time for the programme a programme was not needed and they would rather not have one.
      Sonya replied it was not to do with the programme but more to do with the timing the NZ Secondary Schools Sports Council (NZSSSC) places the tournament week and she had already had discussions with them and they were not willing to change it. Schools prepare accordingly for that week being the sports week.
      CGHS commented that the sports week is vitally important and that schools plan internal assessments around these dates and that is why they are decided as a nationwide date.
      SHAK asked that Sonya approach the NZSSSC again regarding the dates.
      Moved that the venues for the 2016 School regattas be accepted and further discussion to be held with RR and NZSSSC in terms of regatta timing to be carried out.
      Moved: HAMB Seconded: CRAI Carried Unanimously
    RRGS asked about the fees for these regattas and why was it that the school regattas be more than the club regattas. And that school rowers are subsidizing Rowing NZ.
    Sonya replied none of the fees goes to Rowing NZ it is to Karapiro and Ruataniwha Rowing, the fees were just decided in the section 11.1 earlier and that this had just been approved.
  12. Remits
    From the NZSSRA Board:
    1. that Article 25 "transitional provisions" be deleted from the Constitution.
      Explanation: we are now incorporated and no longer require this clause.
      Moved: CHCO Seconded: STBD No discussion Carried Unanimously
    2. that references to "Schools Committee" in Article 15 sub-clauses 9 and 10 be changed to "Board".
      Explanation: this should have happened when the old constitution was updated because finances are the Board's responsibility. Unfortunately they got overlooked in the more general changeover of instances of Executive Committee to Schools Committee.
      Moved: WGCS Seconded: HAMG No discussion Carried Unanimously
    From the Schools Committee
    1. Change the type of financial statements the Board causes to be prepared i.e. so they are no longer "an audited set" but are "a set".
      Explanation: The requirement to "audit" accounts is not considered necessary by the Companies Office where the accounts are held and it is onerous and expensive. It is also one the Board has not achieved and nor did the Executive Committee manage to achieve it for many years before that.
      Moved: MLBG Seconded: CHCO No discussion Carried Unanimously
    2. This final remit is declared by the Schools Committee as an emergency rule change (Article 14.6)
      That Rule 4.4 be amended to include the shoe quick release system to that of the NZRA rules. "...all boats must be equipped with stretchers or shoes which allow the rowers to get clear of the boat with the least possible delay and where laces, velcro or similar materials must be open before the athlete may remove their feet from the shoes or other device, these must be able to be released immediately by the athlete with a single quick hand action of pulling on one easily accessible strap."

      Explanation: Quick-release systems are considered safer than (or at least as safe as) systems where you can get out without any use of the hands. Consequently, schools should be allowed to use such systems as soon as possible and without having to wait until the next Rule-change AGM.
      Moved: QHSD Seconded: WGCS No discussion Carried Unanimously
  13. Other Matters/Business from the Floor
    • Training Times
      ROTL expressed their concern at the lack of training time available on the Sunday before Maadi this year. They arrived only over the weekend, because they drive a long way and volunteer drivers couldn't get off work and the session in the morning was not enough time. Perhaps the times for the Parade, Safety meeting and AGM should be altered.
      Vanessa McIver told the group that the Parade was organised by the Twizel Community not Ruataniwha Rowing or Rowing NZ.
      Many questioned the reason for the times in the first place and why the lake was closed.
      SLDB asked why this was a new safety procedure and why it was put in place so late.
      Sonya did apologise for the lack of time on Sunday and understood it was an issue that would be reviewed. She stated it was not a new safety requirement, it is in our own safety rules that a coach boat is to accompany up to 3 boats, and if unaccompanied they must have pfds. ECAN came to a previous regatta and noticed that schools/clubs were not adhering to this and they were therefore going to come and fine crews. We discussed options to make training happen and the sessions were agreed to with ECAN (and the Chief Umpire to find volunteers). Several coaches present said they would have done it if told about it. Sonya confirmed she did request assistance and Vanessa said 12 people from schools were all that volunteered. Many said they would support this in the future.
    • Nike Tick Formation
      STBD questioned the use of the Nike tick that was listed as an option in the programme. They felt it should not be used, at this or any Maadi in the future.
      Margaret Webster from Rowing NZ confirmed that this had not been discussed or planned for this Maadi with any of the media present.
      STBD asked to move that the Nike Tick option not be used at this and any subsequent Maadi Cups.
      Moved: STBD Seconded: MLBG Carried Unanimously
    • New Pupil category
      CROM asked if there was any way of changing the New Pupil rules, at their school there are students who arrive particularly for outdoor pursuits and they wanted to know how this could be included. Andrew Carr-Smith confirmed this would need to be handled by the Principal to the Secondary School Sports Council.
    • C-F Finals Inclusion
      TIMG questioned the need for C-F finals and were they really necessary and were they just creating a bigger programme.
      Andrew Carr-Smith told of the review held after last Maadi where the new progression system was decided and the feedback was that many schools liked the C-F finals, they saw it as a way to rank the schools and know where they are aiming for (one year in the E final the next in the D final). The problems of the large programme was part of a bigger discussion, the C-F finals are schedules in gaps between the Semi-finals which would have to be there anyway due to turn around.
      It was commented that people are already pulling out of B finals so are the C-F crews being added. Andrew confirmed that where possible the next person is contacted and placed into the race.
  14. Date of next AGM - Sunday, March 22nd 2015

Meeting closed 6:14pm