est. 1967

Otago Boys High School's approved colours
#46: Otago Boys High School

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


2014 AGM Agenda

  Printer Friendly Version March 2014  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

5pm, Sunday 23 March 2014
Events Centre Theatre, Twizel (draft Minutes)
(following the Maadi Safety Briefing)

The order of business will be as follows:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Apologies
  3. President's Address
  4. Correspondence in/out
  5. Minutes of Previous AGM
  6. Finance Report
  7. Report on business carried out by the Schools Committee during the past year
  8. Life Member
    1. John O'Connor has been nominated by James Hargest College, seconded by Southland Boys High School, Southland Girls High School. this nomination is endorsed by the Schools Committee.
  9. Election of Officers
    1. Elected Members of Schools Committee.
      The position is for a two year term. We have one candidate nominated
      1. Scott Wilson - nominated by Hamilton Girls High School
  10. Ratification of appointment to the Schools Committee
    Janey Wackrow has been appointed to the Schools Committee by the NZSSRA Board. The appointment is subject to ratification by Members.
  11. Championship Regattas
    1. 2015 Fee Change Proposal for Championships regattas (fees ex-GST)
      1. 2015 North Island Secondary School Championships
        Changes: no changes
      2. 2015 South Island Secondary School Championships
        Changes: no changes
      3. 2015 New Zealand Secondary School Championships
        Changes: Proposal for boat type fees to increase by $1-$3, the amenity fees also increases by $1. Non-progression fee increases by $60.

      A table of the fee changes proposed and the existing fees is provided below.
      FeesMaadi CurrentMaadi proposedMaadi 2013NISSC CurrentNISSC ProposedSISSC CurrentSISSC Proposed
      Other feesMaadi CurrentMaadi proposedMaadi 2013NISSC CurrentNISSC ProposedSISSC CurrentSISSC Proposed
      Entry Protest$20$20$20$20$20$20$20
      Non-Notified Crew Change$0$0$0$50$50$0$0
      Late Scratching$40$40$40$40$40$40$40
      Non progression$40$100$40$50$40$40$40
      Race Protest$20$20$20$20$20$20$20

    2. Applications to host Championships regattas
      1. From Karapiro Rowing to host the 2016 North Island Championships.
      2. From Ruataniwha Rowing to host the 2016 South Island Championships.
      3. From Ruataniwha Rowing to host the 2016 New Zealand Championships.
      Applications are attached to the Agenda
  12. Remits
    From the NZSSRA Board
    1. that Article 25 "transitional provisions" be deleted from the Constitution.
      Explanation: we are now incorporated and no longer require this clause.
    2. that references to "Schools Committee" in Article 15 sub-clauses 9 and 10 be changed to "Board".
      Explanation: this should have happened when the old constitution was updated because finances are the Board's responsibility. Unfortunately they got overlooked in the more general changeover of instances of Executive Committee to Schools Committee.
    From the Schools Committee
    1. Change the type of financial statements the Board causes to be prepared i.e. so they are no longer "an audited set" but are "a set".
      Explanation: The requirement to "audit" accounts is not considered necessary by the companies office where the accounts are held and it is onerous and expensive. It is also one the Board has not achieved and nor did the Executive Committee manage to achieve it for many years before that.
    2. This final remit is declared by the Schools Committee as an emergency rule change (Article 14.6)
      That Rule 4.4 be amended to include the shoe quick release system to that of the NZRA rules. "...all boats must be equipped with stretchers or shoes which allow the rowers to get clear of the boat with the least possible delay and where laces, velcro or similar materials must be open before the athlete may remove their feet from the shoes or other device, these must be able to be released immediately by the athlete with a single quick hand action of pulling on one easily accessible strap."

      Explanation: Quick-release systems are considered safer than (or at least as safe as) systems where you can get out without any use of the hands. Consequently, schools should be allowed to use such systems as soon as possible and without having to wait until the next Rule-change AGM.
  13. Other Matter/Business from the Floor
  14. Date for next AGM