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#110: Waitaki Girls High School

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


2024 SGM Minutes

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2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Date: Friday 8th November 2024
Time: 2:00pm
Venue: electronic link, through Teams

  1. Welcome
    Mark welcomed attendees and explained this was the first ever in person electronic General Meeting of NZSSRA
  2. Apologies
    Waimea College, Otumoetai College
  3. Declaration of Membership
    SGM taking place at unusual time of year. Currently 7 Life Members, 140 Member Schools = 147 members eligible to vote. Article 14.12 requires 40% of those for quorum. This is 59 members.
  4. Roll Call
    See appendix

    Total in attendance in person, by delegate, or by proxy = 61members. The quorum is met.

    Following the 28 minute roll call, it was noted by Principals how this process was very disrespectful to Principals time.
  5. Minutes of the 2024 NZSSRA AGM
    Motion to ratify the minutes:
    Moved: Jane Stanley       Seconded: Gus Scott

    There were no corrections.

    Voting: 48 votes for, 0 against, 5 abstain
    Outcome: Minutes of the 2024 NZSSRA AGM are ratified unanimously.
  6. No Remits Received
    Mark explained 2025 is the next rule-change AGM, NZSSRA Constitution Article 14.6 allows the Rules to change only every four years. 2024 is the third year in the cycle, therefore a remit to alter the Rules and Regulations would need to be submitted, and deemed necessary by the Schools Committee, before they can be accepted out of the four-yearly cycle. Mark advised no such remits in relation to the business of the SGM had been received.
    Mark explained a remit could not be put forth during this SGM because it would be contrary to the Constitution and unfair to members who aren't here because they haven't had time to read over review and then provide a vote.

    There was discussion and debate if principals had been notified that a remit was required to be submitted prior to this SGM.

    Principals expressed a range of sentiments which led to a call for a vote of no confidence in NZSSRA.

    New item of business: Motion of no confidence in NZSSRA.
    Moved: Tim O'Connor       Seconded: Steven Hargreaves

    There was no discussion.

    Voting: 36 votes for, 4 votes against, 7 abstain
    Outcome: vote of no confidence is passed by simple majority
  7. Business of the SGM
    The business of the SGM is a policy be adopted:
    "Any student who is a Year 14 will not be permitted to participate at the Maadi Cup from 2025. Exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis following approval of an Independent panel. This panel will be made up of Principal representatives, who will assess the legitimacy of the student by taking into account factors such as academic need"

    Mark advised simple majority vote process, if this matter gains more than 31 votes for, the policy will be adopted, and this matter will be raised at the upcoming 2025 AGM for all members to decide if policy were to become enforceable. Discussions highlighted schools want to expedite this policy to be implemented prior to the 2025 Maadi Regatta.

    Discussion around this policy questioned the legitimacy of NZSSRA Impact Assessment report, consequences of Year 13's losing a seat to complete due to Year14's racing, queried if School Sport NZ should lead this, and queried if discouraging participation may deny students other opportunities e.g. scholarships.

    No amendments were put forward to adjust the policy. It was confirmed the policy relates only to Maadi (New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Championships).

    James Bentley asked everyone to vote on if they agree with this policy by recording their vote in the chat.

    Voting by poll: 47 votes for, 4 votes against.
    Outcome: new NZSSRA policy is adopted by simple majority.
  8. Post business discussion.
    Tim O'Connor advised he would like to go one step further and suggests he address this matter directly to Rowing New Zealand Board, given the vote of no confidence in NZSSRA committee, and to notify Rowing New Zealand about the way principals have been treated through this process. Additionally, Tim will take this matter to School Sport NZ so Member Schools can progress this in an appropriate and fair manner. Tim called for support on this and gained 23 votes for, 0 against, 0 abstain.

    Suggestion put forth for NZSSRA to liaise with James Bentley directly to construct a sufficient remit. Small working group consisting of Patrick Walsh, James Bentley, Andrew Carr-Smith, Heather McRae, John O'Connor, and Axel Dickinson was confirmed to get remit underway.

    Andrew confirmed members can call another SGM to expedite this, noting a time frame of 10 weeks puts that over New Years, so could consider email voting or postal ballot.
  9. Meeting closed 3:17pm