est. 1967

Marian College's approved colours
#42: Marian College

Aon NZ


Regulations for regattas

  Printer Friendly Version Sunday, 26 March 2017  

2023 Aon Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Preamble: These regulations are primarily drawn up for the conduct of Championships. For school regattas organised by local associations these regulations may, where necessary, be adapted to suit local requirements see Regulation 12.

    1. The organising and control of a regatta are the responsibility of the Regatta Committee appointed by the NZSSRA, Local Association or School conducting it. This committee in agreement with the NZSSRA, Local Association or School is responsible for:
      1. Ensuring that the course and all necessary installations on land and water provide the necessary services for rowerscompetitors in a safe and secure environment.
      2. Preparing a regatta programme and sending it out to all schools
      3. Appointing the members of the Race Committee, assistant umpires, starters and judges and the Regatta Control.
      4. Taking out public liability insurance for the regattas under its control.
    2. The Regatta Committee shall include a representative appointed by the Schools Committee.
    3. In the event of the NZSSRA contracting the major sponsorship with the NZRA the Regatta Committee shall also include a representative appointed by the Executive Officer of the NZRA.
    4. The Regatta Committee shall be appointed not less than fifteen months prior to its regatta and the appointments shall be announced to members.
    5. The Regatta Committee shall submit a report upon its Championships to the Schools Committee within 10 weeks after the Championship. The report shall incorporate the information required for an NZSSSC sanctioning event report. The report shall include a financial statement, which may be an interim statement, however a fully audited set of accounts covering the running of the Championship are due by the end of August in the year in which the regatta is held

    1. For Championships the Regatta Committee shall submit nominations for the Race Committee to the Schools Committee for approval. For all other regattas the Race Committee shall be confirmed by the Local Association. The Race Committee shall be appointed not less than 5 months prior its regatta and the appointments shall be announced to members.
    2. For Championships all umpires, the Chief Starter and Chief Judge shall be holders of current NZRA or equivalent licences. For all other regattas at least the Chief Umpire shall hold a NZRA License and the Race Committee shall be confirmed by the Local Association.
    3. The official uniform for Regatta Officials shall be decided by the Regatta Committee.

    All school regattas conducted by any School Association or member of the NZSSRA shall be conducted according to the NZSSRA Rules, Regulations, Safety System and Directives.
    Each regatta notice and programme shall include:
    1. The place, date and time of the regatta.
    2. The type of boat.
    3. Classification of races.
    4. The order of events and conditions applying to the regatta.
    5. The amount of the entry fee, and any other fees or bonds that will be charged.
    6. The category and length of the course, whether or not it is straight, still or running water, the numbering of stations and if possible a plan.
    7. The date(s) and time(s) at which entries close and the date, time and place of the team managers meeting.
    8. The address for entries and correspondence.
    9. Arrangements in the event of qualification heatsraces and method of proceeding to succeeding rounds.
    10. Maximum number of crews in all races.
    11. The names of challenge trophies.
    12. That the regatta is being held in accordance with the NZSSRA Rules, Regulations and Safety System.
    13. That the regatta programme has been approved by the NZSSRA (or Local Association if not a Championships).
    14. Additional local information as required.

    For other than Championships, the Regatta Committee shall secure the approval of the proposed programme from the Local Association. For Championships, approval shall be secured from the Schools Committee.
    1. The venue and dates at which the Championships are to be rowed shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting of the NZSSRA. Each venue shall be decided two years or more in advance.
    2. Applications to host an NZSSRA Championship Regatta may be made by completing the APPLICATION FORM for this purpose and submitting it to the Schools Committee not less than five weeks before the Annual General Meeting.
      1. Where possible Championships shall be held in the first term tournament week set by the NZ Secondary Schools Sports Council.
      2. Should the dates being applied for differ from those set by the NZSSSC then the applicant(s) shall give an explanation as to why alternative dates are requested.
      3. The Schools Committee shall circulate details of the application with the agenda prior to the Annual General Meeting.
      4. If after an application to host a Championships has been accepted by the members the host decides to withdraw the Executive shall invite other interested parties to assume the role of hosts at a venue to be agreed and on dates that comply with 6.2.A above.
    3. Championships events shall be:
        • Eight oars with coxswain
        • Four oars with coxswain
        • Pair oars without coxswain
        • Quadruple sculls with coxswain
        • Double sculls
        • Single sculls
        • Four oars with coxswain
        • Double sculls
        • Four oars with coxswain
        • Double sculls
        • Eight oars with coxswain
        • Four oars with coxswain
        • Quadruple sculls with coxswain
        • Double sculls
        • Single Sculls
        • Eight oars with coxswain
        • Four oars with coxswain
        • Quadruple sculls with coxswain
        • Double sculls
        • Single Sculls
        • Eight oars with coxswain
        • Four oars with coxswain
        • Octuple sculls with coxswain*
        • Quadruple sculls with coxswain
        • Double sculls
    4. The Programme of all events for Championships shall be set for a four yearly cycle.
      1. The Programme of events shall be set by the Schools Committee in consultation with members, through their local Associations.
      2. The Regatta Committee may seek the approval of the Schools Committee to add an event to the programme. Such approval shall be given only in special circumstances on such terms and conditions as shall be specified by the Schools Committee.
      3. Should an event receive three or less entries for two consecutive years the Schools Committee may remove the event from the program and shall determine if a replacement event shall be added until the next four yearly programme review.
      4. The Regatta Committee may seek the approval of the Schools Committee to conduct an exhibition event during the regatta. An exhibition event:
        1. shall only be open to crews not contemplated under the existing Rules and Regulations; and
        2. shall not be eligible for medals, awards or trophies; and
        3. shall be in addition to, not part of, the programme of events.
        Approval may be given on such terms and conditions as shall be specified by the Schools Committee.

    1. Entries shall close not more than 28 days before the regatta.
      1. Entries shall be made on forms approved by the Schools Committee. The Schools Committee may make provision for forms, including declarations from Principals, to be submitted entirely electronically.
      2. The following information shall be given on the CREW ENTRY FORM:
        1. School Name
        2. Event Number and name assigned to event
        3. For each rower including Coxswain (if any) entered in event:- The first and family name of rowers and the rowers' registration number
        4. The name of coach(s)
      3. The Following information shall be given in the DECLARATION FORM:
        1. The School Name
        2. The registration number, first and family name of the rowers and coxswains and reserves entered on the CREW ENTRY FORM.
        3. The birth date of each person entered.
        4. The event numbers assigned to each race the rower has been entered into.
        5. A notice if any rower has completed a MEDICAL ALERT FORM
          The Declaration shall be signed by the principal.
      4. In the event of any rower having a medical condition that should be brought to the attention of the Regatta Committee for safety reasons, such shall be given on the MEDICAL ALERT FORM. Persons susceptible to asthma attack must be notified.
        1. The Regatta Committee shall prepare a schedule listing for each phase of the regatta by event and race number, the names of the schools that have rowers competing that have had medical alerts issued.and distribute this information to the Safety Officer, the Umpires and the safety boat.
          The original forms shall be taken to the Medical officer on duty for the regatta.
        2. The information and Medical Alert forms shall be destroyed following the conclusion of the regatta.
      5. The following information shall be given on the SCHOOL PARTY FORM:
        1. The name of the person attending the regatta, responsible for the school party.
        2. The address the school party shall be staying at for the duration of the regatta
        3. A phone contact number, if available, at which the school party can be contacted at during the course of the regatta.
        4. The name of the voting delegate for the AGM.
          The school party form shall be signed by the Principal.
      6. The Regatta Committee may choose to use the REGATTA SUMMARY FORM AND INVOICE.
      7. It is recommended that the person in charge of each school party has in their possession a document signed by the rower and rowers parents or guardians stating the conditions under which the rower is permitted to attend the regatta, and an agreement by the parents that should the rower be expelled from the regatta that the parents/guardian agrees to stand the costs of sending the rower home.
    2. Any false declaration concerning name, age, registration number, classification of a rower or school of attendance shall result in the exclusion of the rower's crew(s) from the regatta entered. Any trophies, medallions or badges won shall be forfeited. If after hearing from the school to which any such rower belongs, the Regatta Committee or Schools Committee considers it warranted to do so, especially if the false declaration arises from recklessness, willfulness or gross negligence, that school may be disqualified from the regatta. Any trophies, medallions or badges won in any race shall be forfeited.
    3. The Regatta Committee may limit entries to the regatta:
      1. The Regatta Committee may impose a limitation setting the maximum number of crews a member may enter in an event.
      2. A limitation may apply to one or more events.
      3. More than one limitation can be imposed upon a regatta.
      4. Every limitation will form part of the conditions applying to the regatta and, as such, must be notified in the programme and will be subject to approval by the appropriate Association.
    4. Entries shall close not more than 28 days before the regatta.
    5. The Regatta Committee may limit entries to the regatta:
      1. The Regatta Committee may impose a limitation setting the maximum number of crews a member may enter in an event.
      2. A limitation may apply to one or more events.
      3. More than one limitation can be imposed upon a regatta.
      4. Every limitation will form part of the conditions applying to the regatta and, as such, must be notified in the programme and will be subject to approval by the appropriate Association.
    6. Entries shall be made on forms approved by the Schools Committee. The Schools Committee may make provision for forms, including declarations from Principals, to be submitted entirely electronically.
      1. The following information shall be given in the CREW ENTRY FORM:
        1. School Name
        2. Event Number and name assigned to event
        3. Crew number
        4. For every seat in the crew, the name of the crew member
        5. The name of the person attending the regatta who is responsible for the crew (the coach of record)
      2. The Following information shall be given in the DECLARATION FORM:
        1. The School Name
        2. A list of the students who are entered on the CREW ENTRY FORMs and students from the school who are its reserves
        3. For each student on the list, their identification number, first and family names, date of birth, classifications, NZSSSC School Team Eligibility status, whether the student appears on the MEDICAL ALERT FORM , and a list of the event numbers the student is entered into
        4. A declaration the details provided are true and correct and all the students listed are eligible to represent the school
        5. Such other declarations as the Schools Committee may from time to time deem necessary
        Declarations shall be signed by the Principal.
      3. The following information shall be given in the MEDICAL ALERT FORM
        1. A list of the students from the DECLARATION FORM who are not in good health, have a disability or have a condition associated with an increased risk to the student while on the water
        2. A list of students from the DECLARATION FORM who are not able to swim 50m while dressed for competition
        3. Confirmation whether or not any of the students from the DECLARATION FORM have any of the conditions specified by the Schools Committee from time to time in the MEDICAL ALERT FORM; including asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, and severe allergy.
      4. The following information shall be given on the SCHOOL PARTY FORM:
        1. The main address the school party shall be staying at for the duration of the regatta.
        2. The name of the adult attending the regatta who is in charge of the school party and a phone number that person can be reached on during the regatta.
        3. The name of the adult attending the regatta who is the school's Safety Officer and a phone number that person can be reached on during the regatta. It is recommended this person also be responsible for oversight of the school's Health & Safety compliance.
        The school party form shall be signed by the Principal.
      5. The following information shall be given in the COACH CONTACT FORM:
        1. A list of the coaches who are entered on the CREW ENTRY FORMs
        2. For each coach on the list a cell phone number that can be used to contact them during the regatta
    7. Any false declaration concerning name, age, registration number, classification of a student or school of attendance shall result in the exclusion of the student's crew(s) from the regatta entered. Any trophies, medallions or badges won shall be forfeited.
      If after hearing from the school to which any student rower belongs, the Regatta Committee or Schools Committee considers it warranted to do so, especially if the false declaration arises from recklessness, wilfulness or gross negligence, that school may be disqualified from the regatta. Any trophies, medallions or badges won in any race shall be forfeited.
    8. It is recommended that the person in charge of each school party has in their possession a document signed by the student and student's parents or guardians stating the conditions under which the student is permitted to attend the regatta, and an agreement by the parents that should the student be expelled from the regatta that the parents/guardian agrees to stand the costs of sending the student home.

    1. The level of entrance fees and levies for local regattas can be set by Local Associations.
    2. For Championships, entrance fees and levies will be set at the Annual General Meeting held prior to the regatta. The proposal from the Host Association for Entry and other fees and levies shall be submitted in writing to the Schools Committee not less than five weeks before the Annual General meeting which shall decide the matter.

    1. The Regatta Committee may refuse an entry where it does not conform to these Regulations. The reason for the refusal must be given.
    2. No entries shall be accepted from unfinancial members.

    1. Any protest against an entry shall be submitted in writing to the Regatta Committee for investigation and must be lodged not later than 48 hours after the finish of the regatta.
    2. The entry protest shall be accompanied by any fee stipulated from time to time by the Association in general meeting. Such fee shall be retained by the Regatta Committee if the appeal is unsuccessful.

    1. Overseas crews, may by invitation of the Schools Committee, compete in regattas held under the auspices of the NZSSRA.
    2. Entries from overseas Crews will be accepted on the understanding that not less than the eight centre lanes in any final shall be reserved exclusively for New Zealand crews whenever there are sufficient New Zealand entries.
    3. In any final the first New Zealand crews past the finishing line shall be the winner of the race and shall be awarded any trophy. Any overseas crew shall be eligible to win medals. Local schools shall be awarded medals for places without reference to any overseas crews.
    4. First placed crews from overseas shall be included in the regatta records together with the first New Zealand crew.

    Regatta Committees are empowered to add local conditions to regulate their regattas provided that such conditions are not contrary to NZSSRA Regulations.
    1. If through circumstances beyond their control, a regatta cannot take place at the time, date or on the advertised course, the Regatta Committee may postpone it to another time or date or change the course.
    2. In the case of a re-row, or when races have been temporarily postponed, the Regatta Committee will decide when they are to be re-rowed.
    3. In the case of Championships such decisions to postpone to another date or change to another course shall be subject to confirmation by those members of the Schools Committee present.
    4. The racing of the under 18 boys and girls Fours and Eights, shall have priority over other events in the case of a shortened regatta. Should the time be limited "B" and other small finals shall abandoned. Fours and Eights races in other age groups will then have priority over other events.

    All races shall be rowed so as to start and finish between the official hours of sunrise and sunset for the day and location of the Regatta. If the course is provided with adequate artificial lighting over the entire course then racing may take place outside these hours should the need arise.
    1. For the purposes of advertising a school, on production of written confirmation to the Schools Committee of the approval of the Principal, may include the name of a sponsor in its school name. The school will be recognised officially by its own registered school name with the NZSSRA.
    2. Sponsors advertising on boats and oars and rowing singlets is permitted in addition to any dedicated name.
    3. If the sponsor's name/logo will change the approved colours of a school then prior approval of the Schools Committee must first be obtained before the singlet is changed.

    All income derived from principal sponsorship contracts and arrangements made by the NZSSRA shall be retained by the NZSSRA and used for the benefit of the sport as a whole. All other sponsorship arrangements shall be retained by the Regatta Committee.
    1. RowersStudents may receive cash or other prizes for competition.
    2. RowersStudents may also receive financial assistance by way of grants.

    1. First Second and Third place-getters at Championships shall be issued with a medallion (inscribed with the name and date of the regatta) and a suitable ribbon, the cost to be borne by the host regatta committee.
    2. The crew members and one coach of first, second, and third place-getters at Championships shall be issued with a medal (inscribed with the name and date of the regatta) on a suitable ribbon. A coach shall only be issued a medal if they are named in the crew entry. The cost of medals and ribbons is to be borne by the Regatta Committee.
    3. If more than 10 crews compete in the heatsqualifying races of an under-18 event, other than an event for novices, at the New Zealand Championship then the crews that compete in the final shall be awarded a top 10 badge. If a "B" Final is rowed then the remaining medals not awarded to those rowing in the final shall be awarded to the next placed crews in the "B" final so that a total not exceeding 10 crews shall be awarded badges for the event. The badges shall be sent out by the Schools Committee to the winning schools as soon as possible after the conclusion of the regatta.

    1. Trophies held by the Association shall remain the property of and under control of the NZSSRA.
    2. Trophies awarded to winning schools at Championships shall be held by the winning schools for the period between annual Championships.
    3. The trophies must be returned in a cleaned and undamaged condition to the Regatta Committee of the next Championships prior to the commencement of the regatta.
      The cost of repairing or cleaning any trophy shall be recovered by the Regatta Committee from the school that last held the trophy If a trophy is lost the school shall be responsible for purchasing a replacement trophy of such size and shape as that lost and the full engraving of the original wording and past winners.
    4. Winning schools shall have the trophies engraved and shall pay the engraving costs.
    5. If the contest for any trophy shall lapse, the trophies shall be returned to the NZSSRA until the contest is resumed. Lapsed trophies may be re-assigned to other events provided the original donors so agree or where this is not possible the Schools Committee shall decide.
    6. The Schools Committee may accept further trophies from donors for competition in events they deem fitting provided:
      1. Offers to donate new trophies are made in writing to the Schools Committee and shall contain:
        1. a description of the trophy,
        2. the intended wording to appear on the trophy, and
        3. the event the trophy is intended for.
      2. The Schools Committee shall:
        1. Verify that the event or purpose for which the trophy is to be awarded is available.
        2. Refer the proposal to the Schools Committee for approval.
        3. Notify the donor the decision of the Schools Committee.

Regulations dated 26 March 2017