est. 1967

Scots College's approved colours
#67: Scots College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Newsletter - 2013/12

  Printer Friendly Version December 2013  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Download a full copy of the newsletter (comes with photos, regatta dates and few more things) [.pdf 1.27MB]

New School Rowing Manager

In August Rowing New Zealand employed a new School and University Rowing Manager, Sonya Walker. All matters to do with School Rowing or feedback you can now contact Sonya on [email protected] or 021 2565258.

Novice Eights feature as Exhibition Events in 2014

It is with delight we announce that the 2014 Aon Maadi Cup and the 2014 Meridian South Island Secondary School Championships will include Novice Eights as exhibition events. The girl's event will take place as event 9A and the boys as event 17A. So get your crews training and we will see you competing at Lake Ruataniwha!
(note: Novice Eights are already raced at NISS).

Crew Limits at Championship Events

There will be limits again for entries to these championships events, due to the large numbers and limited time regattas have to complete the events we are forced to restrict entries.

  • Aon NISS Limits - 2 crews per school per event except eights
  • Meridian SISS Limits - 2 crews per school per event except eights
  • Aon Maadi Limits - Event 26 and 45 (U162x) only are 1 crew per school

All races with limits imposed will be open to supplementary entries after the entry closure date to fill any remaining lanes or races.

Membership Fees

The annual account for membership has been emailed to schools. If you have not received an invoice please contact Sonya to check the accounts address for your school. Payments need to be made in order for your school to enter the school regattas in March (entry will not be possible without membership completed.)

New 2015-18 Championship Programme

After a lengthy review process the 2015-18 Championship Programme has been decided. This programme will for the first time include the new octuple events which were voted in at the last AGM. And due to their popularity novice eights will also again be included. The programme in 2015 will consist of a massive 52 events!

The octuples will first feature in the 2015 programme and will be raced towards the end of the programme. We look forward to seeing these extra events in 2015 at Lake Karapiro.

School Colours updating your rowsuits

Schools are required to compete in approved colours so if you are updating your rowsuit stock please make sure the colours you have are the ones registered against your school name. Check out for a list of colours. If your school is new or would like to change its colours you will also need to contact Sonya.

Safety Concerns

There have been several incidents around the country which have caused concern. Please make sure your school rowers have proper safety procedures and they are following them!

Here are some key points that you need to check are in place within your programmes...

  • A Risk Management Plan
  • All the safety equipment is on board the coach boats
  • Check the weather forecast (and listen to it!)
  • Use log books (for both the rowers and the coach boats)
  • If an incident occurs - REPORT IT to your club safety officer or if serious (significant damage to the boat, near collisions, or someone is seriously harmed or injured) then report to Maritime New Zealand
  • Coaches need to attend the Club Safety Boat Operator Course
  • Procedure for capsize - e.g. Attend to rowers in distress before all other duties, getting the rowers out of the water is the priority.
  • Rower Education - what they should do if they fall out - e.g. never leave the boat, hang on or climb on top of the boat to get their body out of the water, count that all their crewmates have appeared and render help by waving and yelling.
  • If you allow unaccompanied training - PFDs must be on board
  • Keep Records of any incidents, accidents or safety education that takes place

Deals for Rowing Community

Bluebridge have announced a special deal for ferry crossings by the rowing community. Simply use the promo code "OARSOME" when booking and then present the RowingNZ/Bluebridge card upon check in and your rowing club will receive heavily discounted rates from the preferred supplier for Cook Strait transport. Visit for more information.

Rowing NZ has just sent Clubs and Schools their Rowing NZ/Bluebridge Oarsome cards shortly so look out for them in the post.

NZSSSC School Team Eligibility Criteria

Unsure of what the limits are for "new" pupils? Here's a reminder...

  • The NZSSSC team eligibility criteria apply at our Championships regattas on a crew-by-crew basis.
  • The criteria apply to all pupils (sweep oar and/or sculling and/or coxswains).
  • The limit for a coxed eight is THREE pupils who are new to the school over the past two years.
  • For all other boats the limit is ONE pupil new to the school over the past two years.

Exemptions include:
Pupils who join the school in Year 9 or earlier
Pupils with a Primary Caregiver Relocation Exemption (issued through NZSSSC regional offices)

And the new exemption from the 2013 AGM:
Pupils who transfer after Year 9 who have not been involved in rowing before e.g. novices

More information here.

NZSSRA 2014 AGM Remits and Life Membership

The NZSSRA 2014 AGM will take place on Sunday 23rd of March after the safety briefing of the Aon Maadi Cup, at the Events Centre, Twizel.

Remits - Notice is given that the closing date for submission of remits for the AGM is February 15th 2014. Note: The Rules and Regulations are not up for change in 2014 (ref art 14.6 of constitution) so unless there is an emergency to be dealt with remits should be of a general nature or relate only to changes of the constitution.

Nominations - The nominations for the following positions are called for and due on the accompanying dates.

  • Life Memberships - due 11th January 2014
  • Schools Committee Elected Member - 15th February 2014
  • Applications to host 2016 Championship events and any host fee change proposals for 2015 - 15th February 2014

Please make these nominations/applications/proposals in writing to [email protected]

Updating your Contact Details

If your school has had changes in your sports coordinators or teachers in charge of rowing please email these new details to Sonya so we can provide your school with all the relevant information for the coming season. Any coaches who would also like to receive these updates please also send your details.