Newsletter - 2006/11 |
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2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -
2007 Annual General MeetingNotice is given that the 2007 Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held during the 2007 Aon New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Championships Regatta at the Events Centre, Lake Karapiro on Tuesday 27th March at 7.00 pm. The business will be:
Nominations for Life MembershipNotice is given that Nomination for Life membership of the Association close on Friday, 16 February 2007. Reference is made to clause 5.2 of the constitution for persons who may be nominated and the process. Nominations For OfficeNotice is given that Nominations for President, Executive Officer, Hon Auditor and Hon Solicitor close on Friday, 16 February 2007. Persons being nominated for these positions should first be contacted to see if they wish to be nominated. RemitsNotice is given that remits for discussion at the AGM close on Friday, 16 February 2007. Application to host 2009 MaadiNotice is given that applications to host the 2009 Maadi (national championships regatta) close on Friday, 16 February 2007. Such application should be made on the form given in Appendix (F)1 of the Constitution. Major 2007 regattasWe are pleased to announce Aon NZ is continuing its close relationship with school rowing and has signed up to be the major sponsor of Maadi (our national championships) for at least another two years. So we can look forward to the: "2007 Aon New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Championships Regatta" In addition to the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta, the NZSSRA has sanctioned a North Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships and a South Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships for 2007. All three events are also sanctioned by the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council and appear on their calendar of approved events. Dates and venues for the three major NZSSRA regattas are:
Other regattas run by our local associations or intended for school-age rowers are listed in the calendar on our website. NZSSRA would like to acknowledge the role Rowing New Zealand's new Youth Commissioner, John O'Connor, played in helping secure the excellent facilities at Lake Ruataniwha for our South Island Secondary School Championships. GAP students requests for placementsEach year the NZSSRA receives a number of queries from young foreign rowers looking for a New Zealand school where they can complete a gap year or student exchange. We currently have two such people:
If your school takes gap students or is interested in helping one of these boys please contact the Executive Officer (xo[] Gearing articleAt the 2006 AGM there was some robust discussion arising from the remit to drop under-15 sweep oar events. That remit was defeated and sweep oar events for our youngest rowers will continue to have a place in NZSSRA regattas for at least the next four years. During the discussion it was submitted it is incredibly important to have a boat properly geared for younger rowers. Coaches need to be aware boats cannot be rigged on a one-setting-fits-all basis across different age-groups. Thanks to David Rogers NZSSRA has been fortunate enough to be provided with an article explaining gearing and how to change a boat's riggiing to achieve different gearing. That article has been made available in the library section of our website at: 2007 Aon Maadi Cup RegattaMembers should note the regatta will start on Monday, 26 March. There will be an official spare half day being the morning of Sunday, 1 April. However this only extends to midday, as time must be given to enable schools to vacate accommodation, return rentals and make flights etc; also, so the pupils and staff can be back at school on Monday. When making booking for 2007 please bear in mind the (hopefully remote) possibility there can be racing on the morning of Sunday 1 April. Tent sitesKRI is in the process of reorganising tent site arrangements for the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta. Consequently, at this time they are not taking any bookings or enquiries regarding tent sites. Schools are advised to check the website for updates on this topic. Race patronsKRI is already signing up race patrons for the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta. Information about race sponsorship, the benefits of becoming a race patron and the different packages available can be found on our website or by contacting Roger Milne ((09) 575 6266, (021) 636 601, milnerl[] Other racesEvery year at Maadi we endeavour to hold a number of exhibition races; the most popular of these being the coxswains' race. Weather permitting; the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta should be no different. So, we suggest it is not only coxswains but also coaches and parents who should brush off their rowing skills on the off-chance they can take to the water during the regatta. Warning Radios and cell phonesWe are seeing an increase in the usage of radios and cell phones as communication tools during training. While we applaud schools who embrace modern technology we also remind them not to grow complacent or dependant on its use. Coaches and rowers are reminded there is an absolute prohibition against carrying such equipment during a race (whether or not it is used) and the penalty is mandatory disqualification of the SCHOOL (rule 4.8). Because there were rumours of cell phone usage during Maadi 2006 the organisers are going to be especially vigilant in enforcing rule 4.8 during the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta. You have been warned, so we can now look forward to a disqualification-free regatta. Communication with the organisers of the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta can be made using email at: 2007.maadi[] RemindersOnline Regatta EntryIn 2007 NZSSRA's Online Regatta Entry system (ORE) will be the exclusive means of entry into the major regattas: North and South Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships and the AON NZ Secondary Schools Rowing Championships. Attached to the copy of this newsletter being sent to all schools and addressed to the SPORTS CO-ORDINATOR will be the PASSWORDS necessary for the school to gain entry to the system. These passwords will be activated once your subscription is paid. ColoursIt is a requirement of membership of the NZSSRA for all schools to compete in colours approved by the Executive Officer. This process should be completed BEFORE singlets are ordered as if there is any clash your choice may be declined. Any school competing in unapproved colours can be disqualified (Rule 10.1) so it is essential you check your colours on the website. If your colours are not shown or are different to those given then YOU MUST send an application to have your new colours registered. TAKE SPECIAL CARE IF CHANGING TO ROW-SUITS AS THESE MIGHT NOT END UP THE SAME AS YOUR REGISTERED COLOURS. AN APPROVAL FOR THE ALTERATION MUST BE OBTAINED. Competition Licences & NZRA safety systemsAll rowers who race in Rowing New Zealand sanctioned regattas must either hold a current competition licence or obtain a day licence. Because the regattas NZSSRA sanctioned as our North and South Island Championships are also sanctioned by Rowing New Zealand the licensing requirements will be applied. We also take this opportunity to draw members' attention to Rowing New Zealand's safety systems, which will be in place at our North and South Island Championships. Included in the requirements of those safety systems is "All persons participating in rowing or sculling must be in good health and able to swim a minimum of [50]m in light clothing and shoes". We recommend members ensure all their rowing pupils meet this requirement as early in the season as possible. Copies of Rowing New Zealand's safety systems can be found in our library or on Rowing NZ's website. Membership AccountThe annual account for membership has been sent to schools with this newsletter. This is for $80.00 however if paid before 31 December 2006 then the $40.00 discount may be taken. If any clubs receiving a copy of this newsletter have started new schools since March 2006 or are planning to do so then they should contact the Executive Officer regarding setting up membership for the school and establishing the school's rowing colours. A current list of schools is given on our web site. |
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