2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap - 7pm, Tuesday 29 March 2011 Lecture Theatre, St Peters School, Cambridge (draft Minutes)
The order of business will be as follows:
- Roll Call
- Apologies
- President's Address
- Correspondence in/out
- Minutes of Previous AGM, Minutes of Postal GM
- Election of Officers
- President: Mrs Trudy Keys has indicated her willingness to stand again.
- Executive Officer: Mr Andrew Carr-Smith has indicated his willingness to stand again.
- Hon Solicitor: Mr Richard Watts has been nominated by the Executive Committee.
- Hon Auditor: no nominations were received
- Treasurer's Report
- Report on business carried out by Executive Committee during past year
- Introduction of the Interim Schools Committee
- Remits
- That Regulation 11.2 be altered from "... the eight centre lanes in any final..." to "... eight lanes in any final..." to give "Entries from overseas Crews will be accepted on the understanding that not less than eight lanes in any final shall be reserved exclusively for New Zealand crews whenever there are sufficient New Zealand entries."
This change is proposed by the Executive Committee. It arises from the 2010 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta where the existing Regulation 11.2 wording (which was new from the 2009 AGM) was implemented for the first time. From that regatta it was reported back to the Executive Committee the "centre lanes" requirement, by shifting overseas crews to the outside lane from the lane they would have normally drawn during finals, created a safety concern and also made it more difficult to umpire those A finals. The identified solution was to leave the lane draw as it falls and not shift overseas crews to the outside. The proposed change achieves this, while still ensuring no New Zealand crew is excluded from an A final due to the presence of an invitational overseas crew.
Because there is a safety element and Regulations are not due for changes until 2013, which would mean the issue would be unresolved until 2014 Championships, the Executive Committee deems the proposed change to be an emergency for the purposes of clause 10.6.
The remit requires 75% approval for the amendment to be made.
- Championship Regattas
- 2012: fees proposals for Championships regattas (fees ex-GST)
- From Karapiro Rowing Inc. for the North Island Championships
Changes: removal of $5 substitution fee, amenity fee increase of $1.50 to cover rising domain hire charges.
- From South Island Rowing Inc. for the South Island Championships
Changes: change to a seat rate structure, comparative effect unknown
- From South Island Rowing Inc. for the New Zealand Championships
Changes (vs 2010): small boat fees decrease, big boat fees increase, amenity increase $5.50
Changes (vs. 2009 when SIRI hosted): eights increase $10, amenity increase $4
Note: SIRI want the right to review entry fees (for SISSC and Maadi) closer to the regattas and agree with NZSSRA on any changes.
A table of the fee changes proposed and the existing fees follows. Other existing fees are: $20 entry protest, $20 race protest, $20 appeal, $5 crew change. Other existing penalties are: $40 late scratching, $40 non-progression ($50 at NISSC)
FEE | NISSC Current | NISSC Proposed | SISSC Current | SISSC Proposed* | Maadi Current | Maadi Proposed | Maadi 2009 |
1X | $14.00 | $14.00 | $12.00 | $10.00 | $25.00 | $24.00 | $24.00 |
2X / 2- | $20.00 | $20.00 | $20.00 | $20.00 | $35.00 | $32.00 | $32.00 |
4X+ / 4+ | $25.00 | $25.00 | $32.00 | $40.00 | $47.00 | $48.00 | $48.00 |
8+ . | $32.00 | $32.00 | $40.00 | $80.00 | $62.00 | $64.00 | $54.00 |
Amenity | $17.50 | $19.00 | $12.00 | $0.00 | $22.50 | $28.00 | $24.00 |
Substitution | $5.00 | $0.00 | | | $5.00 | $5.00 | $5.00 |
Tent (front) | $150.00 | $160.00 | | | | | |
Tent (rear) | | | | | | | |
Tent (power) | | $100.00 | | | | | |
* SISC proposed = $10 seat fee
- 2012/13: Applications to host Championships regattas:
- From Karapiro Rowing Inc. to host the 2013 North Island Championships
- From Karapiro Rowing Inc. to host the 2013 New Zealand Championships
- From South Island Rowing Inc. to host the 2013 South Island Championships
Applications are attached to the agenda. Members' attention is drawn to the following alterations made to the standard hosting application forms supplied by South Island Rowing Inc.
- Paragraph 1: addition of "In view of the prevailing economic climate, SIR reserves the right to review the level of entry fees and agree with NZSSRA on any changes"
- Paragraph 2: addition of "provided they do not conflict with the externally imposed rules and regulations and "natural justice""
- Paragraph 3: addition of "provided this does not conflict with the sponsorship arrangements in place by SIR or RNZ". (South Island Rowing Inc has not advised of any sponsorship arrangements in place for this regatta at the time of this application)
- Other matters/business from the floor
- Date for next AGM
The Executive Officer |