est. 1967

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#117: St Catherines College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


2008 AGM minutes

  Printer Friendly Version 31 March 2009  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

7:00pm, Tuesday 1 April 2008
Events Centre Theatre, Twizel (Agenda)

Meeting opens at 7:08PM chaired by NZSSRA President, Trudy Keys

  1. Roll Call/Quorum: there are 105 schools entered at the regatta. The quorum for the meeting is 20% (21) of those schools (ref clauses 10.11). The roll call establishes there are 49 members present by delegate or proxy, of whom 44 are entered in the regatta: aqui, avsg, bthc, chco, eggs, hamb, hamg, hlcr, horo, jhar, jmcg, kaia, kava, macl, marn, mlbb, mlbg, obhs, oghs, otum, qhsd, rahs, ronc, rotg, sldb, splh, stbd, sthi, stkt, stkv, stmg, stpc, taka, timb, timg, trgb, trgg, twiz, vill, whak, wkds, wlgc, wncc, wncs, wtlb, G CARR-SMITH, Br T COSTELLO, F STRACHAN, M JONES. In addition, 2 members arrived after roll call and 1 was elected during the AGM: agsb, shak, J COLLIN
  2. Apologies: edwt, jpcr*, kgca*, nayl, ncog, nelb, rgtt, rrgs*, stln, wmea, P Irvine
    *=apology for voting delegate
  3. President's Address: the President reads her report, which is also circulated at the meeting. Attention is drawn to NZSSSC's school team eligibility criteria, which have been applied for the first time this season, and the Executive Committee's position on the principles of sportsmanship and ethical practice are stated.
  4. Correspondence in/out: the Executive Officer advises correspondence will be dealt with under individual items in the Agenda.
  5. Minutes of Previous AGM: the Minutes of the 2007 AGM, having been circulated to schools are moved for adoption as a correct record (the Chairman takes this opportunity to explain how voting is conducted at the AGM)
    moved: G Carr-Smith seconded: Wanganui Collegiate outcome: CARRIED
  6. Minutes of 2007 SGM: the Minutes of the 2007 SGM are confirmed as accurate by the Executive Officer (business was conducted by postal ballot) and are moved for adoption as a correct record
    moved: Chairman seconded: St Kentigern College outcome: CARRIED
  7. New Life Member: Mr Jack Collin is nominated for membership by Villa Maria College, their citation is read by the Chairman.
    Jack has been instrumental in bolstering school rowing wherever he resides. Wellington, Nelson and more recently Canterbury are just three regions that have benefited tremendously from the Jack's enthusiasm for school rowing and his drive and dedication. Jack's fine contribution to rowing has been recognised with Life Memberships in several clubs around the country. In addition Jack has served on the NZSSRA Executive as well as the NZARA Council.
    nominated: Villa Maria College endorsed: Executive Committee outcome: ELECTED by acclamation
    Jack is presented with his Life Membership badge and a copy of "The Maadi Cup Story" by the President.
  8. Election of Officers
    1. Hon Solicitor: Mr Richard Watts is the only candidate and is elected for another term by acclamation.
    2. Hon Auditor: No nominations were received prior to the AGM so the Chairman calls for nominations from the floor for the positions of Hon Auditor. There being no nominations it is moved the Executive Committee be given the power to appoint if somebody can be found.
      moved: Roncalli College seconded: Christ's College outcome: CARRIED
  9. Treasurer's Report: the Executive Officer reads his report, which is circulated at the meeting and adopted.
    moved: Executive Officer seconded: Waikato Diocesan School outcome: CARRIED
  10. Report on business carried out by Executive Committee during past year: the Executive Officer invites attendees to read the report, which is circulated at the AGM, at their leisure; except for the section on the Winter Review of the Annual Subscription, which carries recommendations with it.
    The inaugural Winter Review carried out by the Executive Committee determined the last subscription review was carried out around 1990, at which time the subscription was raised from $40 to $80 and at the same time the $40 late fee was replaced by a $40 early payment discount. It's not been established when the subscription was set at $40 but it has effectively been that rate for well over 20 years. After consulting with members and considering the current financial position the Executive Committee concluded:
    • The current fee level is adequate to meet the Association's basic annual costs and occasional extra expenditure e.g. TM licensing (2006), new computer (2007)
    • The current fee level is not adequate to meet on an ongoing basis the cost of major regatta services the Association has paid for in recent years. These services are the Maadi web cast and rowIT Ltd's online regatta entry and results system. If such costs continue to be borne without change our assets will be drained within a few years.
    The Executive Committee believes the Association should continue to provide such services to members where possible and be more proactive in the development of our sport. Therefore the Executive Committee recommends:
    1. The annual subscription be increased from $80 to $160; so the cost of the web cast can be met in future years; and
    2. The amenity fee for Championships regattas be increased by $2 per pupil to meet the cost of online entry and results services; or the annual subscription be increased by a further $80 (to $240) to meet this cost

    A motion is put by Wanganui Collegiate School that the annual subscription should be increased from $80 to $240 (encompassing both recommendations from the Executive relating to the subscription) but it is subsequently withdrawn when discussion begins about amending the motion from $240 to $160, to allow the two recommendations to be dealt with separately. A new motion is put in relation to the first of the Executive Committee's recommendations:

    That the annual subscription be increased from $80 to
    $160 per annum and the $40 prompt payment discount 
    remain available
    moved: Wanganui Collegiate School seconded: St Peters School outcome: CARRIED (clear majority)

    A motion is put in relation to the second part of second of the Executive Committee's recommendations:

    That the annual subscription be further increased from
    $160 to $240 per annum to meet the cost of online entry
    and results services
    A vigorous debate follows comparing the merits of the remit as put with its alternative, a $2 per pupil increase in the amenity fee for each regatta. Members identify the advantage to those with large contingents of pupils and the disadvantages and substantial per-pupil increase that would be placed upon the many Members with small numbers of pupils. The debate encompasses alternative courses of action such as letting each member decide whether to pay an increased annual subscription or an increased amenity fee; or even putting the remit to a SGM.
    Eventually the remit is put to the vote but voting by voice is inconclusive so the Chairman calls for a show of hands. The outcome is 26:24 in favour of the remit at which point several Members call for a poll. The results of the poll follow:
    For: G Carr-Smith, T Costello, agsb, aqui, bthc, chco, hamb,
    hamg, otum, ronc, shak, splh, stbd, stkt, stmg, stpc, taka,
    trgb, vill, wkds, wlcg, wncc, wncs, wtlb
    Against: M Jones, F Strachan, avsg, eggs, hlcr, jhar, jmcg,
    kaia, kava, macl, marn, mlbg, obhs, oghs, qhsd, rahs, rotg,
    sldb, sthi, stkv, timb, timg, trgg, twiz
    24:24 = TIE. Chairman's casting vote: Against
    moved: Wanganui Collegiate School seconded: St Peters School outcome: FAILED

    After the motion fails a new motion is put in relation to the first part of the Executive Committee's second recommendation:

    The proposed amenity fees for Championships regattas be 
    increased by $2 per pupil to meet the cost of rowIT Ltd's
    online regatta entry and results services
    moved: Otago Boys High School seconded: Marlborough Girls College outcome: CARRIED (by show of hands, 27:17)
  11. Remits
    1. REMIT
      That the licensing and usage of NZSSRA's Trade Marks not
      be enshrined in the constitution and instead be managed 
      as part of the general affairs of the Association.
      The Executive Officer explains the 2007 AGM ended with members unable to agree upon any wording for including in the constitution provisions for managing NZSSRA's trade marks; instead the 2007 AGM passed a general resolution of intent that management of the marks should be included in the constitution. In the interim the marks have been managed as part of the general business of the Association. The Executive Committee believes this has worked satisfactorily and has no new suggestion about how the marks could be included in the constitution so put forward the remit.
      moved: The Executive seconded: Bethlehem College outcome: CARRIED (wide majority, a few abstentions)
    2. REMIT
      That balloting of tent sites be included as part of
      the requirements of future applications for hosting 
      a Championships regatta.
      An Executive Committee member speaks to the remit explaining the method of tent site allocation varies from year to year and is different between North Island (balloted) and South Island (first-in-first-served). It is suggested the Association should have a policy that provides all members with an equal opportunity to secure prime tent sites: balloting.
      A debate follow during which Members explain the differences in circumstances between Lake Ruataniwha and other venues, with emphasis on the geology of the area, the existence of customised sites and ongoing work to raise the standard of all sites to a high level. There are comments on the infrastructure that is already in place for specific users of some sites and suggestions the issue should be left to hosts. Members comment on the perception that, regardless of allocation method, proximity to the boat park seems to be related to proximity to the venue. A written submission from SIR is read by the Executive Officer. SIR is against balloting, the reasons given are similar to those raised by members.
      moved: The Executive seconded: Hamilton Boys High School outcome: FAILED (clear majority)
  12. Championship Regattas
    1. 2007: Chief Umpire's report on the 2007 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta.
      The Executive Officer, announces the Chief Umpire's report is available in the AGM material and invites members to read it at their leisure.
    2. 2009: Applications to host Championships regattas
      1. North Island Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from KRI to host the 2009 NISSC at Karapiro but no date has been proposed. The Executive Committee recommends accepting the application provided a suitable date can be set.
        moved: The Executive seconded: Christ's College outcome: CARRIED
      2. South Island Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from SIR to host the 2009 SISSC at Lake Ruataniwha on 14 and 15 March 2009; supporting documentation is in the material handed out during the AGM. The regatta is not scheduled for Summer Tournament week as that would clash with Maadi. The Executive Committee recommends the application be accepted.
        moved: The Executive seconded: Wanganui Collegiate School outcome: CARRIED
    3. 2009: fees proposals for Championships regattas (fees ex-GST)
      1. North Island Championships:
        The Executive Officer advises KRI proposes leaving NISSC fees unchanged except for the amenity fee, which KRI seeks to increase from $12.50 to $15 per pupil. There is a query from the floor about the increase and Lee Spear is on hand from KRI to answer. Lee explains there are increased costs related to St Johns, security and fuel; all of which are set out in the fees proposal for Maadi that is available at the AGM.
        Fees for the NISSC shall be amended by increasing the amenity fee from $12.50 to $17 per pupil (including $2 per pupil for rowIT online entry and results services as passed earlier in the meeting)
        moved: Tauranga Girls College seconded: Wanganui Collegiate School outcome: CARRIED
        = [8+ $30, 4x/4- $24, 2x/2- $18, 1X $12, Amenity fee (per pupil) $17]
      2. South Island Championships:
        The Executive Officer advises there is a proposal for new SISSC fees from SIRI included in the AGM material. SIRI is estimating fees of $7.20 per seat but seeks the ability to set fees two months prior to the regatta.
        Entry fees for the SISSC shall become the fees set in January 2009 by the Regatta Committee in conjunction with South Island secondary schools (including $2 per pupil for rowIT online entry and results services as passed earlier in the meeting).
        moved: St Bede's College seconded: St Margaret's College outcome: CARRIED
        = [8+ $57.60*, 4x/4- $28.80*, 2x/2- $14.40*, 1X $7.20*, Amenity fee (per pupil) at least $2]
        * = estimate only
      3. New Zealand Championships:
        The Executive Officer advises there is a proposal for new Maadi fees from KRI included in the AGM material.
        Fees for Maadi shall be changed to: 8+ $60, 4x/4- $45, 2x/2- $35, 1X $25, Amenity fee (per pupil) $22 (including $2 per pupil for rowIT online entry and results services as passed earlier in the meeting), tent site (front/back) $200/$160
        moved: The Executive seconded: Wanganui Collegiate School outcome: CARRIED
        = [8+ $60, 4x/4- $45, 2x/2- $35, 1X $25, Amenity fee (per pupil) $22, tent site (front/back) $200/$160]
    4. 2010: Applications to host Championships regattas
      1. North Island Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from KRI to host the 2010 NISSC at Lake Karapiro but no date has been proposed. The Executive Committee recommends accepting the application provided a suitable date can be set.
        moved: Wanganui Collegiate School seconded: St Kentigern College outcome: CARRIED
      2. South Island Championships
        The Executive Officer advises an application has been received from SIR to host the 2010 SISSC at Lake Ruataniwha on 6 and 7 March 2010; supporting documentation is in the material handed out during the AGM. The regatta is not scheduled for Summer Tournament week, as that would clash with Maadi. The Executive Committee recommends the application be accepted.
        moved: St Margarets College seconded: Christ's College outcome: CARRIED
      3. Maadi (New Zealand Championships)
        The Executive Officer advises a single application has been received to host the 2010 Maadi and, contrary to rumour, there is no application from KRI. The application is from SIR to host the 2010 Maadi at Lake Ruataniwha during Summer Tournament week (22-28 March 2010); supporting documentation is in the material handed out during the AGM. The Executive Committee recommends the application be accepted.
        moved: Roncalli College seconded: St Hilda's College outcome: CARRIED
  13. Other matters/business from the floor:
    • NZSSSC Service to Sport award Peter Sharpe (NZSSSC Chief Executive) is invited to make a special presentation on behalf of the NZSSSC. Peter tells members Fred Strachan's contribution to school sport has been recognised by the NZSSSC with a Service to Sport award and presents this to Fred. The award is greeted by acclamation from Members.
    • Bona fide pupils Christ's College raises a question about the definition of bona fide pupil in the context of pupils transferring schools. Peter Sharpe is invited to answer, as the defition used by NZSSRA is that of the NZSSSC. Peter explains these are two separate issues and the definition of bona fide student is not meant to address the issue of transferring pupils; the school team criteria serve this purpose. Bethlehem College's Principal advises the Association that, in any other context, a pupil is considered a bona fide pupil of a school as soon as they are enrolled at the school - there is no stand down period or attendance requirements. Christ's College is invited to submit a remit if they want to make NZSSRA's Rules more stringent than those of the NZSSSC.
    • Rule change St Bede's College asks about Rule changes. The Executive Officer confirms the 2009 AGM will be a Rule change AGM and there is an extensive list of changes waiting to be brought forward, including those recommended by Chief Umpires in their Championships reports.
    • NZSSSC G Carr-Smith advises the Association Peter Sharpe is retiring from NZSSSC and asks for a show of appreciation for the work he has done with the NZSSSC and NZSSRA. Members acknowledge Peter with a round of acclamation. Peter thanks members and the Association for the cooperation and leadership it has show among school sports.
    • Seeding at Championships Hamilton Boys College asks whether the Maadi heats were seeded like at the 2008 NISSC. The Executive Officer advises that to the best of his knowledge the draw was a random draw carried out by ROWMAN. Speaking on behalf of rowIT Ltd the Executive Officer advises seeding information was provided by rowIT Ltd to SIR but due to unrelated technical problems it was not used. A brief explanation of the basis for rowIT Ltd's seeding is provided leading into a discussion about seeding techniques. St Bede's requests seeding be used for future Championships. Members are in agreement and the President advises the request will be taken to Race Committees once they are appointed.
    • NZRA Youth Policy NZRA Youth Commissioner, John O'Connor, introduces himself and invites Members to meet with him during the regatta; especially if they have any thoughts regarding development of a Youth Policy by NZRA.
    • NISSC u18 Novice 8+ Sacred Heart (Auckland) asks whether u18 Novice Eights will be included in the NISSC programme of events. The Executive Officer explains the Executive Committee can approve inclusion of the events if sought by the Regatta Committee and if there are special circumstances. Citing the long inclusion of the events at NISS regattas Members tell the Executive Committee they consider there are special circumstances allowing the events to be approved if sought.
    • Notices The Chairman passes on two notices from the Regatta Committee:
      • Cyclists should wear helmets whenever they are riding their bikes; including within the venue. Members are reminded this is a legal requirement when they are on the roads and it is a health and safety issue on the SIRI property.
      • Members are advised it is intended to run finals at 20 minutes intervals starting at 8:30am each day rather than 15 minute intervals begining at 9:00am (as advertised in the printed programme)

The Executive Officer