est. 1967

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#46: Nayland College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


2009 AGM Remits

  Printer Friendly Version updated: 10 July 2015  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  


  1. Rule Correction. 16.2.
    That the reference to "the Executive." in Rule 16.2 be corrected to "the Executive Committee"
  2. Rule Correction. 20.1.B
    That the reference to "Executive Council" in Rule 20.1 be corrected to "Executive Committee"


  1. Constitution Relocation (to Regs). Clause 15.
    That Constitution clause 15 ("Medals & Awards") be shifted to join the Regulations relating to "Prizes, Grants and Sponsorship Contracts" (17) and "Trophies" (19) and become Regulation 18 with existing regulations re-numbered accordingly.
    Commentary: This clause deals with the requirement for regattas not the running of the Association and more properly belongs in the Regulations for Regattas with the Regulations relating to prizes and trophies.
  2. Rule Relocation. 2 & 11.
    That the second part of Rule 11.1 (beginning "In addition..."), which defines whether an athlete is eligible to be considered a pupil of a school, be shifted to become sub-clause 2 of Rule 2 ("Eligibility") with the words "In addition no" be replaced with "No" to start the re-located sub-clause and the following sub-clauses re-numbered accordingly.
    Commentary: This sub-clause which incorporates the NZSSSC requirements for identifying whether a rower is a pupil of a given school does not classify rowers and more properly belongs with the other sub-clauses relating to eligibility.
  3. Rule Relocation. 6.5 and 23.
    That Rule 6.5, which deals with Race Committee membership when protests are considered, be relocated to become sub-clause 5 of Rule 23 ("Protests") and the following sub-clauses be re-numbered accordingly.
    Commentary: Rule 6.5 deals with protests and more properly belongs in the Rule relating to protests.
  4. Rule Relocation. 6. Regulation change. 18.
    That the requirements for licensed officials be consolidated under Regulation 18 by:
    • deleting Rule 6.4, which deals with non-Championships regattas, and re-numbering following sub-clauses accordingly; and
    • adding the following to Regulation 18.2 " For all other regattas at least the Chief Umpire shall hold a NZRA License."; and
    • adding the following to Rule 6.2 " For all other regattas the Race Committee shall be confirmed by the Local Association."
    Commentary: Rule 6.4 combines two requirements relating to non-Championship regattas that have specific clauses dealing with their Championships equivalents. This remit proposes consolidating the requirements more rationally.
  5. Rule Relocation. 6.2. Regulation Change 18.
    That the requirements relating to appointing the Race Committee be shifted from Rule 6.2 to the Regulations as Regulation 18.1 (and subsequent sub-clauses re-numbered) and Rule 6.2 become "The Race Committee is appointed in accordance with Regulation 18."
    Commentary: The appointment process occurs pre-regatta and it is one of the Regatta Committee's jobs to nominate appointees - this part of the Rule more properly belongs in the Regulations.
  6. Regulation Relocation (to Rules). 11.
    That Regulation 11, which deals with announcing the draw, be shifted into the Rules immediately after Rule 16 ("Qualification System"), as Rule 17 with subsequent Rules re-numbered accordingly.
    Commentary: Conducting the draw and preparing and publishing are Regatta Control's duties and so this clause more properly belongs in the Rules than the Regulations.
  7. Regulation Relocation. 18.
    That Regulation 18 ("Licensed Race Officials"), which deals with more than just licensed race official be re-named "REGATTA OFFICIALS" and be shifted to become Regulation 5 (with subsequent Regulations re-numbered accordingly)
    Commentary: This Regulation deals with more than just the licence status of officials and it more logically fits at the start of the Regulations rather than among Regulations relating to prizes and trophies.

old constitution

  1. Constitution Change. 6.7.
    That clause 6.7 be expanded to clarify the right of non-voting Executive members to speak includes the right to move motions, by adding "and the right to move motions" after the words "right to speak".
    Commentary: The constitution is silent on the right to move motions but this usually attaches to the right to vote leaving Executive Committee members without the ability to move motions e.g. for the region they represent or when the Executive Officer tables material he would traditionally then move be accepted.
  2. Constitution Change. 11.5.
    That the Association's signatory requirements be amended to allow for modern banking practices and Clause 11.5 be changed to become "Any Association bank account shall be operated on as determined by the Executive Committee from time to time."
    Commentary: This change stems from the 2008 AGM. The current requirement for accounts to be operated jointly by the Executive Officer and the President precludes the use of EFT-POS and requires cash be held or cheques, which are increasingly not an accepted means of payment, be used or individuals meeting Associations costs in the first instance and then getting reimbursed. It would be preferable to bring the operation of our accounts into the 21st century.

old regulations

  1. Regulation Change. 1.
    That a time frame be established for ensuring Regatta Committees are appointed in a timely manner by adding a new sub-clause to the end of Regulation 1 as follows "The Regatta Committee shall be appointed not less than 15 months prior its regatta and the appointments shall be announced to members."
    Commentary: The appointment of Regatta Committees has been inconsistent in recent years, for example this years' Championships Regatta Committees were only appointed in February. As hosts are appointed two years in advance of the regatta this provides ample opportunity (9 months) for the host to nominate Committee members to the Association. It means the Regatta Committee will definitely be in place when major decisions (proposals for dates and fees) are made. It also provides an opportunity for more continuity between events as the Regatta Committee for an event will over-lap with the the Regatta Committee of the preceeding event..
  2. Regulation Change. 1.
    That a sub-clause be added to Regulation 1 as follows "The Regatta Committee shall submit a report upon their Championships to the Executive Committee within 10 weeks after the Championship. The report shall incorporate the information required for an NZSSSC sanctioning event report. The report shall include a financial statement, which may be an interim statement, however a fully audited set of accounts covering the running of the Championship are due by the end of August in the year in which the regatta is held".
    Commentary: There is currently no requirement for Regatta Committees to report to NZSSRA about how their regatta turned out. There is however a requirement, as part of the application to host Championships, that a fully audited set of accounts is provided. In addition the NZSSSC requires an event report as part of the sanctioning process for Championships regattas. The information required but NZSSSC is also of interest to NZSSRA. This report would be distinct from (but could include) the Chief Umpire's report, as it covers organisational aspects whereas the Chief Umpire's report covers the operational aspects.
  3. Regulation Change. 5.4.
    That provision be made for exhibition events by adding "The Regatta Committee may seek the approval of the Executive Committee to conduct an exhibition event during the regatta. An exhibition event:
    1. shall only be open to crews not contemplated under the existing Rules and Regulations; and
    2. shall not be eligible for medals, awards or trophies; and
    3. shall be in addition to, not part of, the programme of events.
    Approval may be given on such terms and conditions as shall be specified by the Executive Committee."
    Commentary: Allowing for exhibition events is a way of bringing miscellaneous events (e.g. coxswains race, coaches race) formally into the regatta. Such events can be fit around existing gaps in the programme and would not be allowed to create additional time pressures. The races could also be used to trial events members might be interested in adding to the standard programme in the lead-up to the four-yearly review of the programme of events.
  4. Regulation Change. 6.1.A.
    That the ability to accept entries entirely electronically be allowed where feasible by adding to Rule 6.1.A the following "The Executive Committee may make provision for forms, including declarations from Principals, to be submitted entirely electronically."
    Commentary: At present all forms are completed electronically but then need to be printed out, signed by the Principal and posted to the Regatta Committee. It would be preferable, if possible, to allow the entire submission process to be carried out electronically thus avoiding unnecessary printing and the delays associated with posting material.
  5. Regulation Change. 6.3.
    That the ability to limit entries with a per-pupil limit be added to the existing limits by combining Regulations 6.3.A and 6.3.B and adding a new Regulation 6.3.B giving:
    1. The Regatta Committee may impose a limitation setting the maximum number of crews a member may enter in an event. A limitation on members may apply to one or more events.
    2. The Regatta Committee may impose a limitation setting the maximum number of events a rower may enter. A limitation on rowers may apply to one or more classes of rower.
    Commentary: adding the ability to limit the number of events each pupil can enter gives Regatta Committees an additional means of controlling entries while retaining standard qualifying systems and without resorting to extremes in the use of existing limits
  6. Regulation Change. 10.2 [WTLB].
    That the provision in Regulation 10.2 for overseas schools in finals be amended by changing the lanes reserved for New Zealand Schools from "six" to "the eight centre" lanes.
    {The Executive Committee notes these provisions do not appear to have been updated since both our usual Championships hosts moved from using 6 lanes to using 8 lanes at Championships}
  7. Regulation Change. 18.1.[NZRROA]
    That all Race Committee members should be NZRA licensed race officials and this be achieved by changing ", the Chief Starter and Chief Judge" to "and members of the Race Committee" and "current NZRA or equivalent licences" to "current NZRA Race Officials Licences"
    Commentary: "NZRROA believes it important that all members of the Race Committee are licensed officials as they need to deliberate over matters concerning The Rules of Racing. Currently licensed Race Officials are best placed to do this."

old rules

  1. Rule Change. 2.
    That NZSSSC's school team eligibility criteria, which are in force at Championships regattas, be incorporated in the Rules by adding a new sub-clause to the end of rule 2 as follows "No rower shall be eligible to compete in a crew where the inclusion of that rower would cause the crew to be in breach of NZSSSC's school team eligibility criteria."
    Commentary: All members are also members of the NZSSSC and thus are subject to the school team eligibility criteria. Since being introduced in 2007 the criteria have been part of the T&C for Championships - pending an opportunity to add them to our Rules.
  2. Rule Change. 2. [CHCO]
    That a new sub-clause be added to rule 2 providing "A pupil may not compete for a school at a Championship Regatta if they have competed for another school at a previous Championship regatta. A special dispensation may be sought from the Executive Committee of the NZSSRA in order for a pupil to compete for another school. The circumstances for the granting of such a dispensation are the prerogative of the Executive Committee."
    Commentary: to be provided by CHCO
  3. Rule Change. 5.
    That the requirements for boat numbers be updated by changing Rule 5.1 and 5.2 to
    1. Boat numbers shall be at least 180mm high and coloured air sea rescue orange or bright red except where boat numbers are provided by the Regatta Committee for use by all crews.
    2. Each boat at Championships shall carry at the bow the lane number of the starting position which has been drawn by its crew. This lane number must be provided by the School unless boat numbers are provided by the Regatta Committee for use by all crews.
    Commentary: The requirement for "air sea rescue orange numbers provided by schools dates from times when all members were given a set of these numbers by the major Sponsor. The majority of numbers in use these days are no longer air sea rescue orange (more commonly they are red) and the rule makes it difficult for Regatta Committees to innovate e.g. by providing alpha-numeric numbers.
  4. Rule Change. 6.2.
    That a time frame be added for appointing the Race Committee in a timely manner by adding the following to the end of Rule 6.2 "The Race Committee shall be appointed not less than 5 months prior its regatta and the appointments shall be announced to members."
    Commentary: The five month time frame puts the appointment at the start of the school rowing season.
  5. Rule Change. 6.2. [NZRROA]
    That the Race Committee nomination process be changed to "For Championships the Regatta Committee shall, on a recommendation from NZRROA, submit nominations for the positions of Chief Umpire, Chief Judge and Chief Starter to the Executive Committee for approval."
    Commentary: "New Zealand Rowing Race Officials' Association Inc became an affiliated member of the NZ Rowing Association in 2007. The majority of licensed officials are members. One of its primary purposes is to attain national consistency in the training, development and licensing of officials for the benefit of all rowers. It is important for NZRROA to be involved in the appointment of Chief Umpire, Chief Starter and Chief Judge to ensure that the most appropriate and experienced, licensed people are on the Race Committee so that the best possible decisions can be made."
  6. Rule Change. 6.3.
    That Rule 6.3 be shifted to the end of Rule 6 and be amended by adding the words "Regatta Committee and to the " before "Executive Committee"
    Commentary: The Chief Umpire is responsible for overseeing the regatta and is best placed to report to the Regatta Committee on the effectiveness of their preparations.
  7. Rule Change. 11.3.
    That the definition in Rule 11.3 of when a new season starts be amended by replacing "at the conclusion of the New Zealand Championships" with "on 1 September each year".
    Commentary: The starting date for a new season should be de-coupled from our New Zealand Championships and instead be linked to a fixed date. This will bring the NZSSRA season in line with proposed changes to the NZRA season. It also allows for the possibility one year Maadi might be cancelled, postponed (e.g. from the start of the year to the end of the year), or brought forward earlier in the year. It further allows for the possibility regattas might be held after Maadi but within the same school season.
  8. Rule Change. 13.5. [CHCO]
    That the check weighing of coxswains in Rule 13.5 be changed from "Thereafter they may be required to be check weighed prior to and or after each race including heats, repechages, semi-finals and finals." to "Following each race the dead weight may be weighed."
  9. Rule Change. 13.6.
    That the types of life jackets acceptable for use by coxswains be clarified by adding the following words to Rule 13.6 " that is not an automatic inflatable lifejacket."
    Commentary: coxswains are not allowed to wear automatically inflating life jackets and this should be made clear in the rules.
  10. Rule Change. 14.2.
    That the existing ambiguous substitution limit wording in Rule 14.2 be clarified by replacing the words "(as well as the coxswain)" with "and may also substitute its coxswain, "
    Commentary: coxswains are specifically subject to the same substitution rules as rowers (rule 13.7) but the wording used to determine how many crew members can be substituted was ambiguous. The proposed wording clarifies that limit by excluding coxswains from the count of crew members while still allowing they can be substituted.
  11. Rule Change. 14.
    That athletes substituted prior to heats for medical reasons be allowed to return to their crews for later rounds of racing if they recover and Rule 14.2.C be adjusted by adding "If a substitution is due to illness or injury a medical certificate must be provided and the rower must be substituted from all their crews." and by re-arranging and slightly changing Rule 14.3's sub-clauses to give:
    1. In the event of serious illness or serious injury to a rower substantiated by a medical certificate.
    2. A rower who has been substituted out of a crew for medical reasons may regain their position in their crew(s) on the production of a further medical certificate certifying complete recovery of health of the rower.
    3. In the case of the expulsion of a rower from the regatta according to Rule 20.3
    Commentary: The rule as it stands does not allow a pupil who was substituted pre-heats for medical reasons to be returned to the crew if they recover. The problem extends to the highest levels of racing where FISA dealt with it by issuing a by-law allowing for such substitutions
  12. Rule Change. 14.
    That the substitutions rules in Rule 14 be extended by adding a further sub-clause "5. In exceptional circumstances the Chief Umpire may authorise a substitution that is otherwise contrary to the Rules provided the crew will no longer be eligible for medals, trophies or awards."
    Commentary: Chief Umpires have asked for the ability to formalise the recognition there can be special circumstances where an irregular crew change might be warranted to give a crew an opportunity to row; one good past example is a school losing its only coxswain, which would have meant it had to scratch all its big boats.
  13. Rule Change. 16.3.
    That it be possible to direct the Race Committee as to the method of allocating crews to preliminary heats and this be achieved by adding the words " Executive Committee in consultation with the" before "Race Committee"
    Commentary: Members have sought the ability to determine how preliminary heats should be allocated but this is currently in the hands of the Race Committee
  14. Rule Change. 17.12.C.
    That training hours allowed under Rule 17.12.C be able to be extended beyond the current window of after sunrise and before sunset if the Chief Umpire is satisfied there is sufficient light for this to safely happen and the rule be amended by adding the words " however these times may be altered by the Chief Umpire if the Chief Umpire is satisfied there is adequate lighting."
    Commentary: Chief Umpires have asked for more flexiblity in allowing boats on the water outside the prescribed hours. (It may be necessary to add a further proviso reminding crews they must also comply with Maritime Safety rules e.g." and provided crews on the water meet any applicable Maritime Rules relating to lighting".)
  15. Rule Change. 22.1.
    That the existing Rule 22.1 be changed from "During racing the crews must obey the Rules of Racing." to "All rowers shall compete in their races in accordance with the Rules of Racing"
    Commentary: NZSSRA's rules do not currently include a requirement to "compete" during a race.


  1. Rule Change. 17.
    That the operational parts of Rule 17. Safety (excluding sub-clauses 4 and 13, which are penalties) be removed from the Rules and kept in a separate Safety System document and Rule 17 be changed to:
    1. Safety
      1. All regattas are to be run in accordance with the requirements of the Safety System.
      2. Any crew in breach of the Safety System may be fined a monetary penalty determined by the Race Committee and the crew members may be disqualified by the Chief Umpire from taking further part in the regatta. The Chief Umpire shall reprimand the coach.
    and the following consequential changes be made
    • Clause 2 be modified to add a new sub-clause 2.10 (with subsequent sub-clauses re-numbered accordingly) of "2.10 ''Safety System'' shall mean the Safety System of the Association for the time being in force."
    • Clause 3 be modified to add ", safety systems " after "regulations for regattas"
    • Clause 5.3.B be modified to add ", Safety Systems" after "Regulations"
    • Clause 9.2 be modified to replace " or Regulations" with ", Regulations or Safety System"
    • Clause 9.5.B be modified to replace " or Regulations" with ", Regulations or Safety System"
    • Clause 10.5 be modified to replace "regulations or rules" with "Regulations, Rules or Safety System"
    • Clause 10.7 be modified to replace "regulations or rules" with "Regulations, Rules or Safety System" and also to replace "Constitution Rules or Regulations" with "Constitution, Regulations, Rules or Safety System"
    • Clause 10.8 be modified to replace "Constitution, Rules or Regulations" with "Constitution, Regulations, Rules or Safety System"
    • Clause 10.13 be modified to replace "Constitution, Rules or Regulations" with "Constitution, Regulations, Rules or Safety System"
    • Clause 12.4.A be modified to replace "Constitution, Rules and Regulations" with "Constitution, Regulations, Rules and Safety System"
    • Clause 18.1 be modified to replace "Constitution, Rules or Regulations" with "Constitution, Regulations, Rules or Safety System"
    • Regulation 2 be modified to include ", Safety System" after "Regulations for Regattas"
    • Regulation 3.12 be modified to replace " and Regulations for Regattas" with ", Regulations for Regattas and Safety System"
    • Rule 6.6.B be modified to replace " and Regulations for Regattas" with ", Regulations for Regattas and Safety System"
    • Rule 7.1 be modified to replace "Safety Requirements are" with "Safety System is"
    • Rule 8.1 be modified to replace " and Regulations for Regattas" with ", Regulations for Regattas and Safety System"
    • Rule 9.1 be modified to replace " and Regulations for Regattas" with ", Regulations for Regattas and Safety System"
    • Rule 20.1 be modified to include ", Safety System" after "Regulations for Regattas"

    Commentary: the Safety Rule no longer comfortably fits within the confines of the Rules and should be a separate document that can be maintained annually, rather than waiting for the 4-year Rule change AGM or requiring an emergency be declared at a standard AGM.
  2. Rule Change. 11. Regulation change. 5.3
    That the Association stop classifying athletes by weight with the change to take effect in 2011 after the Programme of Events has next been reviewed by the Executive Committee and that this be achieved by removing Rule 11.1.D and the associated detail in Rule 11.5 and by removing "Lightweight four oars with coxswain" from the boat types listed under "BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 18" in rule 5.3.
    Commentary: At present there is provision within one of our age-groups to classify pupils by their weight at our Championships. This provision allows 17 year-olds who are under 72.5 kg (boys) or under 59 kg (girls) to compete in a separate race that excludes their heavier peers.

    The remit from the Executive Committee proposes phasing out this provision at the next update to the programme of events, which is in time for the 2011 Championships.

    Essentially, the Executive Committee believes having a weight-based event in an age-based regatta is an anomaly and it poses an unacceptable risk when the majority of pupils who compete in the event are not natural candidates for it. This is a risk all members are exposed to if one member or its pupils should fail to properly manage the health issues related to lightweight rowing.

    It is very important to note this remit is not a reflection on those 17 year-olds who are natural lightweights. The remit arises because the vast majority of pupils who compete in the class do not fall into that category.

    In the last 5 years:
    ~ Only 5 of the 154 crews entered for lightweight events consisted entirely of athletes who are 17 year-olds.
    ~ 97% of all crews entered for lightweight events made use of athletes younger than 17 to fill seats
    ~ 50% of crews had no 17 year-olds in them at all
    ~ 67% of pupils who compete in the events when they are younger than 17 do not go on to become 17 year-old lightweight rowers

    The primary concern associated with weight-based classification is a health issue. Improper or poorly supervised nutrition control or dieting can have serious ongoing consequences for young athletes. For example, bone mineralisation continues into a person's early twenties and inappropriate weight management jeopardises this. Although sports nutrition is introduced at level two of the NZ coaching qualification (which many school coaches do not hold anyway) the requirements for coaching lightweight rowing are so specialised they will only come in at level three (coaches of elite/international crews).

    A bigger problem than not having properly trained coaches is the tendency for athletes to self-regulate their weight in spite of or contrary to their coach's directions. Eating disorders are a very real concern. And with secondary school rowing the problem is exacerbated by peer-pressure and the fact almost all schools have insufficient 17 year-old natural lightweight rowers to make up a crew; so they rely upon younger rowers to fill seats. As the pupils who make up the majority of lightweight crews do not turn out to be 17 year-old lightweights themselves the risks and concerns associated with lightweight rowing are even more applicable to those pupils.

    The Executive Committee enquired of the New Zealand Rowing Association whether it has a formal policy on lightweight rowing and NZRA confirmed it does not support the practice; for many of the same reasons given above (a copy of NZRA's response is available).

    It is for all these reasons the Executive Committee is strongly recommending we stop classifying pupils by weight.

    By analogy, we wouldn't expect pupils to be able to control their height as they grow during a season so we should not expect them to control their natural weight.
  3. Regulation Change. 5.3.
    That under-15 age-group pupils be restricted to to rowing sculling events and such changes take effect from 2011 when the Programme of Events has been next reviewed. That this be achieved by removing "Eight oars with coxswain" and "Four oars with coxswain" from the boat types listed under "BOYS AND GIRLS UNDER 15" in rule 5.3 and by adding an additional classification as Rule 11.1.E being "method" with an explanation added as a new sub-clause to the end of Rule 11 as follows "Classification according to method. Events shall be classified as sweep oar or sculling events. No rower who is in the under-15 age group shall be eligible to compete in sweep oar events."
  4. Constitution Change. 2.10. Regulation. 10. Rule. 2.1. [WTLB]
    That the ability for overseas schools to attend Championships regattas be struck from the constitution, Rules and Regulations and the following amendments be made to achieve that outcome:
    1. the words "New Zealand" be added to clause 2.10 of the constitution before the words "school established"
    2. regulation 10 "Overseas schools" be deleted and subsequent regulations be re-numbered accordingly
    3. the words ", or, in the case of overseas schools, those which are invited to attend by the Executive Committee" be deleted from Rule 2.1.


  1. That an investigation be conducted in relation to the Association's current status as an unincorporated body and the implication this has for members in relation to liability, taxes, etc. The results of the investigation to be reported back to the 2010 AGM with any recommendation regarding changing that status.
  2. That a policy be developed for establishing to whom and at what rate our Trade Marks can be licensed.
  3. That a Special Committee be convened to consider the future format of the North Island Championships and report back to members by September 2009 and, if necessary, a Special General Meeting be held at that time to implement changes recommended by the Special Committee in time for NISSC 2010.
  4. [Wanganui] That a working party be convened to consider the implementation of a Time Trial Progression system (specific system) at the 2010 NISSC and report back to the members by September 2009. And if necessary a special meeting to be held at that time to implement changes recommended by the working party in time for NISSC 2010.