est. 1967

Queens High School's approved colours
#60: Queens High School

Aon NZ


2012 AGM minutes

  Printer Friendly Version 25 March 2012  

2023 Aon Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

5pm, Sunday 25 March 2012
Events Centre Theatre, Twizel (Agenda)
(following the Maadi Safety Briefing)

Meeting opens at 5:15PM chaired by NZSSRA President, Trudy Keys, who is joined by the Transitional Schools Committee: Gillian Simpson (NZRA Board Member for Schools), Andrew Carr-Smith (NZSSRA Executive Officer), Simon Peterson (NZRA CEO), Leith Menzies (NZSSRA Executive Committee Member, ASSRA Chairman)

  1. Roll Call: there are 116 Member schools entered at the regatta. The quorum for the meeting is 40% (47) of those schools (ref clauses 10.6 & 10.11). The roll call establishes there are 70 members present by delegate or proxy so the quorum is met: agsb, avsg, camb, chbc*, chco, colu, crai, crom, culi, dioc, eggs, hamb, hamg, hasg*, haur, have*, iona, jhar, jpcr, kaia, kgca, lind, marn, mlbb, mlbg, mtal, mtas, napb, napg, nelb, ncog, ngta, onsl, obhs, oghs, otum, qcha, rahs, rotb, rotg, rotl, shak, samu, sldb, sldg, stan, stbd, sthi, sjhs, stkt, stmg, stpa, stpc, stcc, taka, trgb, trgg, timg, vill, wkds, wmea, wtkg, wngc, whhs, wtlb, wtlg, wood, J COLLIN, T COSTELLO, F STRACHAN (70 - includes late arrivals), also in attendance is Don Craig (for Karapiro Rowing)
    Note: 14 Members did not appoint a delegate: ashs*, edwt*, hlcr, horo*, lytt*, mart*, onew*, rgtt*, rose, splh, sund*, tekc, twiz*, wtkb*
    * not entered at Maadi
  2. Apologies: avdc, bthc, burn, camp, carm, dilw, manc, piop, ronc, shna, smco, stmw, tawa, teaw, trid, verd, waiu, wlco, Alun Brown (WNCS delegate), Dale Burden (MTAL Headmaster), Greg Stothers (HTVH delegate), Ken MacLeod (LIND Rector), Matt Plaisted (KHSD delegate), Rex Farrelly (RRGS delegate), Ross Tong (SJHM delegate)
  3. President's Address: the President welcomes attendees and guests then reads her report, which is also circulated at the meeting. She closes by thanking Marion and Graham Palmer who, in addition to providing long and dedicated service as the St John team at Maadi, organised the parade of schools through Twizel. The parade was held earlier in the afternoon and allowed the Twizel community to embrace the spirit of the Maadi Cup.
  4. Correspondence in/out: the Executive Officer advises there was no correspondence received in relation to the AGM other than material that will be presented for individual items in the Agenda.
  5. Minutes of Previous AGM: the Minutes of the 2011 AGM, having been circulated to schools are moved for adoption as a correct record.
    moved: SAMU seconded: ONSL outcome: CARRIED
  6. Election of Officers
    1. Hon Solicitor: Mr Richard Watts (incumbent) is the only candidate and is elected for another term by acclamation.
    2. Hon Auditor: No nominations were received prior to the AGM so the Chairman calls for nominations from the floor for the position of Hon Auditor. There are no nominations.
  7. Treasurer's Report: the Executive Officer reads his report, which is circulated at the meeting. A six thousand dollar loss is announced but explained as being the result of Sponsorship Management Agreement funds ($10k) falling due a month later than previous years; thus appearing in the next financial year. The Executive Officer draws attention to the declaration of interest, which clearly sets out his relationship with rowIT Ltd.
    moved, accepted: SHAK seconded: SAMU outcome: CARRIED
    The Executive Officer notes that, despite the Honorary Auditor position remaining vacant, the Association did manage to get accounts reviewed; thanks to the closer integration with NZRA. The review was carried out by Rachelle Stoddart, CA and RowingNZ Commercial Manager. A vote of thanks to Rachelle for the time she put in is moved by the Executive Officer and passed by acclamation.
  8. Report on business carried out by Executive Committee during past year: the report is circulated at the AGM and attention is drawn to the outcomes of the Review of the Annual Subscription. The Executive Committee recommended leaving the subscription unchanged but they also support the Executive Officer's request for the introduction of a late payment penalty. A late payment penalty is suggested of $40 per month for each month the payment is late. There is discussion confirming the constitution specifies payment is to be made no later than 1 December but only 75% of Members meet this requirement. It is also confirmed approximately 15% of Members do not pay until February, which is over 2 months late and also falls during the Executive Officer's busiest period. There is some discussion about why Members fail to meet the deadline and talk about when the penalty should apply. The Executive Officer advises the intent is to apply the fee on the 1st of each month so Members who pay in December won't be penalised but those who pay in January or February will.
    moved, a $40 per month late fee should be applied to overdue annual subscriptions: NELB seconded: NCOG outcome: CARRIED (near unanimously)
    Attendees are invited to read the rest of the report at their leisure and the Executive Officer offers to make himself available throughout the regatta to answer any questions attendees might have.
  9. Remits
    1. That Regulation 11.2 be altered from "... the eight centre lanes in any final..." to "... eight lanes in any final..." to give "Entries from overseas Crews will be accepted on the understanding that not less than eight lanes in any final shall be reserved exclusively for New Zealand crews whenever there are sufficient New Zealand entries"
      Note: The remit is business carried over from 2011, as there were insufficient attendees at that AGM to meet the quorum for considering this item of business.
      {discussion, members against overseas crews at all, members in favour of overseas crews, shouldn't be disadvantaging NZ crews - implication outside lanes "disadvantaged", confusion over safety element (explain can put slow boat beside camera boat), "emergency" only to allow urgent consideration i.e. as overseas school at this regatta, safety only one element - also unfair/unsporting/"racist", focus on safety, emphasis from schools not wanting overseas involvement, put to vote}
      moved: SHAK seconded: SAMU outcome: NOT CARRIED (show of hands, approx 3:1 against, 30% Members abstaining, remit required 75% in favour to pass)
  10. Championship Regattas
    1. 2012: date change request
      Karapiro Rowing, hosts of the 2013 NISSC, are seeking a date change for that regatta: from 1-3 to 8-10 March (Maadi is 18-24 March). Karapiro Rowing Chairman, Don Craig, speaks to this request. He explains the early date of Maadi has compressed their regatta structure and will result in one less regatta next year unless they can shift the dates. That regatta would be the Mighty Rover Power Junior regatta which is an important schools regatta in the lead up to Maadi. Mr Craig confirms the entry close-off date for Maadi will be shifted so entries close after NISSC is complete. There is considerable discussion from Members to establish how the date date shift will affect other regattas. That discussion explores a large variety of ways the regatta calendar at Karapiro could be adjusted and how those changes would affect other North Island regattas. Some schools also raise the possibility they will be unable to attend NISSC if the date is changed to be closer to Maadi. Auckland's Head of Harbour regatta dates are considered as are those of any Mighty River Power Junior regatta, which could then be held while NZRA's Nationals are on. After a substantial discussion Life Member Fred Strachan asks that the matter be put to the vote or shifted to a committee outside the AGM. The motion is put to the vote.
      moved: the date for NISSC 2013 be changed to 8-10 March 2013: SHAK seconded: SAMU outcome: CARRIED (show of hands, approx 2:1 in favour)
    2. 2013: fees proposals for Championships regattas (fees ex-GST)
      1. From Karapiro Rowing Inc. for the North Island Championships
        Changes: new $50 non-notifed crew change penalty.
        business lapses for lack of motion to adjust fees as proposed
      2. From South Island Rowing Inc. for the South Island Championships
        Changes: amenity fee increase of $2, from $12 to $14 per pupil
        moved, the proposed fees be adopted: CHCO seconded: SLDB outcome: CARRIED
      3. From Karapiro Rowing Inc. for the New Zealand Championships
        Changes (vs 2011): no change to crew/amenity fees, $5 substitution fee removed, $50 non-notified crew change penalty added
        Changes (vs. 2010 when KRI last hosted): as above (because those fees were rolled over to 2011
        moved, the proposed fees be adopted: STKT seconded: TRGB outcome: CARRIED

      A table of the resulting fees follows. Other existing fees are: $20 entry protest, $20 race protest, $20 appeal. Other existing penalties are: $40 late scratching, $40 non-progression ($50 at NISSC)
      1X $14.00 $12.00 $25.00
      2X/2- $20.00 $20.00 $35.00
      4X+/4+ $25.00 $32.00 $47.00
      8+ $32.00 $40.00 $62.00
      Amenity $19.00 $14.00 $22.50
      Substitution$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
      n-ncc Penalty$0.00$0.00$50.00
      Substitution$0.00 $0.00 $0.00
      Tent (front)$160.00 $160.00
      Tent (rear) $130.00 $130.00
      Tent (power)$120.00 $120.00

    3. 2014: Applications to host Championships regattas:
      1. 2014 North Island Championships: application from Karapiro Rowing Inc. to host at Lake Karapiro, 7-9 March 2014.
        moved, KRI's application to host NISSC 2014 be accepted: ONSL seconded: KGCA outcome: CARRIED
      2. 2014 New Zealand Championships: application from South Island Rowing Inc. to host at Lake Ruataniwha, 24-30 March 2014.
        moved, SIRI's application to host Maadi 2014 be accepted : STCC seconded: JHAR outcome: CARRIED
        Note: KRI did not pursue a request to change the date of this regatta and shift it out of Summer Tournament week.
      3. 2014 South Island Championships: application from South Island Rowing Inc. to host at Lake Ruataniwha, 8-9 March 2014.
        moved, SIRI's application to host SISSC 2014 be accepted: STBD seconded: AVSG outcome: CARRIED
  11. Report: on progress towards implementation of the Project Plan for closer integration with NZRA. Simon Peterson, Rowing New Zealand CEO, talks to the meeting explaining the steps NZRA has taken to progress the project plan for closer integration between NZSSRA and NZRA. Since the last AGM NZRA has updated its constitution to formalise the Schools Committee as one of its Board Committees but with its members appointed by NZSSRA. NZRA went further than this and also created a new Director position on their Board, which is filled by an appointee of the Schools Committee. Gillian Simpson, principal at St Margarets College, is the first appointee to this new position. Gillian takes the opportunity to talk to the AGM. She encourages Members to keep up the momentum of the project plan. There are no questions from the floor.
  12. Other matters/business from the floor
    • President advises attendees Rowing New Zealand is holding sessions about their coaching courses. Details will be posted on the notice board by the Secretary's office.
    • President notes the breakfast for Principals has been relocated and asks attendees to make sure their principal is aware of this.
  13. Date for next AGM: 2013 AGM will be held on Sunday 17 March 2013 at Lake Karapiro (subsequent to, and at the same venue as, the Safety Briefing).
  • The AGM closes at 8:40PM

The Executive Officer