est. 1967

Whanganui Girls College's approved colours
#115: Whanganui Girls College

Aon NZ


Newsletter - 2006/02

  Printer Friendly Version February 2006  

2023 Aon Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  


2006 AON NZ Secondary Schools Rowing Champs Ruataniwha, 27 March - 2 April 2006


The School Rowing Championships will be held at Lake Ruataniwha near Twizel in the MacKenzie Basin, South Island. Racing starts on Monday 27th March with heats followed by repechages and semi-finals leading up to finals on Friday 31st March and Saturday 1st April. The regatta's Terms and Conditions are attached. If you are planning to send a team then you should have made accommodation bookings by now. We know accommodation is now extremely tight.

Regatta Entry

This year entry into the regatta is by way of Online Regatta Entry on our website: Entries close at 1pm on Tuesday 14 March 2006 (the Tuesday after North Champs and the South Island Schools Regatta). If your school is using CdS Regatta software and/or needs help with Online Regatta Entry please contact the Executive Officer: xo[]


We remind all schools attending Maadi that all on-water equipment must be washed before being used on the lake for the first time. SIRI are experienced with the procedures required and have a designated washing area and facilities by the boat park entrance. The actual washing will be carried out by regatta officials prior to letting equipment enter the boat park. So, schools should be prepared to have all on-water equipment including coxswains' equipment available for washing upon arrival at Lake Ruataniwha. Those schools that wrap or cover their boats for the trip will also need to be prepared to uncover them for washing.

[addendum: The requirement to wash at the lake (as opposed to elsewhere) is one of Meridian Energy's conditions for SIRI's ongoing usage of the lake.]

Safety Meeting

We remind all schools attending Maadi that the school's Adult Safety Officer must attend the Safety, Coaches and Officials meeting being held on at the MacRae Lounge, Lake Ruataniwha on Sunday 26th March at 4:00pm. A roll call will be held. Schools that have not attended a safety meeting will not be permitted to take part in the regatta (Rule 17). The Adult Safety Officers must be named on the School Party form, which makes up one of the documents that accompany entries.


All boating activity on the Lake and waters in the area is covered by local body by-laws, which reflect the MSA Safety requirements. A properly equipped coaching boat must accompany any crews wishing to train. Crews breaching this requirement on any waters in the area or breaching any of the safety provisions given (or published) will be subject to the penalties laid down in Rule 17 of the NZSSRA Rules and Regulations. This can include expulsion from the regatta.

Progression System

The progression system being used for the regatta can be viewed on our website at: It is the "option 1" progression system developed as a result of the Special Committee Meeting held last year. If you have queries about the progression system please contact the Executive Officer.

Championship Results/Day Sheets

In order to provide members with a continuously updated searchable results service covering all phases of the regatta we are adding to the schools rowing web site ( a results service. This can be searched by school and a number of other ways to keep you informed of the progress of the regatta. We will also be publishing the day sheets so those interested can see when the various events will be run each day and the crews competing in those events.

  • We ask if you could let your wider rowing community know of these facilities
  • We also hope to be able to post some comment regarding what is going on at the regatta day-to-day.

Medical Volunteers

Also, if schools have any medical practitioners among their school party or supporters it would greatly be appreciated if they could make themselves known to the regatta organisers. This can help prevent local resources being stretched too far. Any volunteers can make themselves known by either emailing secretary[] or, once at the Lake, by contacting the Regatta Secretary. Thank you.

2006 Annual General Meeting


The agenda for the 2006 NZSSRA Annual General Meeting is attached. This will be held at the Sports Hall in Twizel on Tuesday 28th March 2006 at 7:00pm. Business includes 5 remits and an application to host our 2008 National Championships regatta; from SIRI. There were no nominations for the positions of Honorary Auditor and Honorary Solicitor.

AGM Remits

There are 5 remits for discussion at this year's AGM; including one put forward by the NZSSRA Executive, which would result in all under-15 events being sculling events. For an article discussing this aspect of Youth Rowing see
More details of all the remits can be found on the Notices page of the website.

AGM Voting

Principals will have the ability to cast their schools' votes by:

  • Attending the AGM
  • Appointing a voting delegate
  • Appointing a proxy
  • Completing the appropriate section of the entry forms.

Speed Limits

We are advised some of the roads around Twizel have had their speed limits re-zoned since we last held our National Championships at Lake Ruataniwha. Schools should take care not to exceed the speed limit while travelling to and from the lake.


Schools who hold trophies won at the 2005 Championships are reminded that these should be handed into the Regatta Secretary on the day the regatta commences. The rules require these to be cleaned and engraved and good order and repair.

School Colours

Rule 10.1 of our Rules for Racing allows crews from a school that are not wearing approved colours to be disqualified from the regatta, so it essential you take the time to check your colours online: If you need changes to your colours approved then please contact the Executive Officer: xo[]

Contact Details

We are still missing contact email addresses for many of our members. Ideally we should have email addresses for the following people:

  • The School's Principal
  • The School's Sports Co-ordinator and/or Teacher in Charge of Rowing.
  • A contact within the rowing community

If you have not alreeady provided these addresses (hint: did you receive an email about the newsletter?) then please make them available to the Executive Officer: update.records[]

Andrew Carr-Smith
Executive Officer