est. 1967

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#74: St Cuthberts College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Newsletter - 2005/03

  Printer Friendly Version March 2005  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

  • 2005 AGM
  • Safety meeting
  • Training
  • Future size of Championships
  • Reminder re trophies
  • Championship results/daysheets
  • Executive Officer standing down

2005 Annual General Meeting

The agenda for the 2005 NZSSRA Annual General Meeting is attached. This will be held at the Events Centre, Lake Karapiro on Tuesday 5th April 2005 at 7:00pm.

Safety Meeting

We remind all schools attending that a representative from each school must attend the Safety Coaches and Officials meeting being held on the Sunday prior to the regatta commencing. A roll call will be held and schools not attending will not be permitted to compete. The school safety officers must be named on the School Party form, which makes up one of the documents that accompany entries.


All boating activity on the Lake and waters in the area are covered by local body by-laws, which reflect the MSA Safety requirements. A properly equipped coaching boat must accompany any crews wishing to train. Crews breaching this requirement on any waters in the area or any of the safety provisions given or published will be subject to the penalties laid down in Rule 17 of the NZSSRA Rules and Regulations. This can include expulsion from the regatta.

Future size of Championships

The executive has been aware of growing concerns regarding the continued growth of the championships and associated regattas and are working on a two-fold strategy to resolve these concerns. We believe that it is possible, by changing the manner the regatta is run and the events it caters for, that the number of days required can be considerably reduced. We also believe we can put in place mechanisms which will enable the regatta to be kept within a manageable size and number of days for some years in the future.

The actual remits to implement these changes are not being put at the next AGM but the strategy the Executive is following will be put. After taking members views from the floor it is intended to call a Special General Meeting by Postal Ballot where the agreed changes will be put along with the necessary remits to bring them into effect. It is believed that if the meeting is called in May/June then subject to the motions being passed the changes can come into effect immediately and be applied to the 2006 Championships.

Reminder re trophies

Schools who hold trophies won at the 2004 Championships are reminded that these should be handed into the regatta Secretary on the day the regatta commences. The rules require these to be cleaned and engraved and good order and repair.

Championship results/daysheets

In order to provide members with a continuously updated searchable results service covering all phases of the regatta we are adding to the schools rowing web site ( a results service. This can be searched by school and a number of other ways to keep you informed as to the progress of the regatta. We will also be publishing the day sheets so those interested can see when the various events will be run each day and the crews competing in those events. This we hope to also make searchable.

  • We regret we will not be able to offer the email message service.
  • We ask if you could let your wider rowing community know of these facilities
  • We hope to be able to post some comment regarding what is going on at the regatta.
  • The results service is being trialled with the North Island Championships

Executive Officer to stand down

As your executive officer for the past 14 or more years it is my wish to not offer my self for re-election this year. In my time I have seen the NZSSRA grow from some 55 schools and about 900 rowers to an organisation with over 160 schools as members with near 3200 rowers. We continue to grow at between 5 and 10% per annum. My first Championships had about 12 tents in 'Tent City' most of which seemed to have been borrowed from car dealers, and today we have well over 100 at Karapiro in two tiers and most purpose made school tents. Then the regatta took 3 days to complete! When I started 90% of correspondence was by mail with the balance being by the newly arrived 'Fax' machine. Today 99% is by Email. At the meeting I took office it voted, without dissention, to extend the championships by one day. Over the following weeks the new President and I fielded calls from over 20 irate principals asking by what authority we the executive had done this and those principals were some what taken aback when we advised that it was a motion from the floor at the meeting that had been passed unanimously by their delegate (s) that had resulted in this action. 'What delegate?' was generally the next question...! Things have changed since then.

I have enjoyed my time as your executive officer and wish to thank all those principals at the schools who have supported me during my term of office. I also must thank the coaches and parent supporters and especially the people without whom we would not exist � your students who have so enthusiastically taken to the water and make this sport so unique in so many respects. Your wisdom in electing Brother Terence Costello, John O'Connor and Trudy Keys as presidents during my term has made my life easier with their support. I cannot also but thank one of your life members, who got me initially involved in rowing, a person who has coached school crews for well over 50 years now, a man who was in attendance at the first meeting of the NZSSRA, has been its president and a huge source of knowledge and source of inspiration � Noel Lynch

We have one nomination for my replacement with my eldest son Andrew being nominated by the Executive to take my place.

Andrew is the person responsible for setting up and maintaining the NZSSRA web site and he was responsible for designing and implementing the on-line entry system for our major regattas. This certainly was a first for rowing in NZ and possibly for any sport in this country and one of the very first for rowing internationally. In doing this he became very conversant with our governing documents and their meaning and intent. He is also knows how to operate the major data base maintained by the NZSSRA and the Accounting system we use. He of course has been exposed to the 'goings on' within schools rowing for many years having been exposed to his fathers grumblings. A lawyer who works as a legal advisor to the board of a Government Department he has other qualities that can be useful to you as your Executive Officer.

Garry Carr-Smith
Executive Officer