NZSSRA's online regatta entry system is OPEN for entries and entries will CLOSE at 8:00AM on Tuesday 26 February.
Schools are strongly encouraged to log in for Roster Maintenance and tidy up their roster of pupils before starting entries, as doing this while making regatta entries considerably slows down the process. Passwords for online regatta entry are held by Member Schools' Sports Coordinators (schools should contact the Schools Committee regarding misplaced passwords.)
If your school is showing as having incomplete entries then there are crews that have been selected but not yet entered in the regatta. To remedy this:
When you do this an email confirmation of your entries, together with an entry summary and the declaration forms required for the regatta, will be sent to your school's Sports Coordinator and the email address given on the first of the "other forms".
* If you have already submitted your entries but later made changes to those entries which need re-submitting then you will also show on the incomplete list and the link and submission button (see 3 & 5 above) will say "update entries". (If the link is not active you need to also check your "other forms").
Entry fees (exclusive of GST) for the regatta were set by members at the 2012 AGM and are: 1X $14, 2X/2- $20, 4X+/4+ $25, 8+ $32, amenity $19.00 per pupil.
Any non-financial members cannot enter NZSSRA Championships and should contact the Schools Committee urgently if they are hoping to enter NISSC.
Due to the scale of entries received for this regatta it has had entry limits in place for many seasons now. The usual limit of 2 crews-per-school-per-event will apply. The limit applies to all events other than eights.
Schools must also be aware the compressed nature of this regatta means there should be no expectation any pupil who is entered in more than one event will have sufficient time available to compete in all of those events. There is only enough time to be able to hold semi-finals for the most heavily entered events and this brings together events that might usually be spread well apart during heats and finals.
Note: entry limits do not apply to supplementary entries
The NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria were revised with effect from 2012. An updated article about the NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria is available to help members assess whether or not each of their pupils is considered new to their school. Schools are limited to 3 "new" pupils in an eight and 1 "new" pupil in other boats ("new" looks back over the past 2 years).
While North Island schools are competing on Lake Karapiro for recognition as the best the North Island has to offer their South Island counter-parts will be do the same thing up at the 2013 Meridian South Island Champs on Lake Ruataniwha. Keep a watch on both regattas for indicators of who may claim the top spot at Maadi!
1658 pupils (including 51 reserves) from 89 schools entered in 1086 crews. 270 Races were required to complete the regatta and find the winners of all 50 events.
This New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Association regatta is sanctioned by the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council.
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