est. 1967

Ruataniwha Rowing Board


Vanessa McIver (Chief Umpire)

Markus Molly (Chief Judge)
Justin Wall (Chief Starter)
Trudy Keys (NZSSRA)
Karl Morgan (Regatta Committee)

NISSC 2014


2014 Meridian SISSC

  Printer Friendly Version February 2014  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

2014 Meridian South Island Secondary Schools Champs Lake Ruataniwha, 8 & 9 March 2014
terms & conditions | programme of events | progression system | entries | results

  • Where: Lake Ruataniwha [map], Mackenzie Country, New Zealand.
  • When: Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 March 2014
  • What: South Island schools competing for supremacy in 50* events and preparing to challenge the North Islanders at Maadi 2014.
  • Communication with the organisers of the 2014 South Island Secondary School Champs can be made using email to: [email protected]

* this year there are 2 exhibition events added to the usual 48 events

The Champions

A great regatta was had. St Margaret's College won the Girls Under-18 Eights and St Bede's College won the Boys Under-18 Eights. Christchurch Boys High School went home with the most medals from events (4 gold, 5 silver, 4 bronze) but 33 other schools also collected medals. The standard of competiton was high and no school can claim dominance, as evidenced by the fact the 12 pennant events (those with unrestricted entry i.e. U18 non-novice, non-lightweight) were won by 12 different schools.

We can look forward to seeing a lot of the crews again at the 2014 Aon Maadi regatta. And we can also look forward to seeing many of them appear on the Maadi medal dais!

Results by rowIT

Full results are available on the rowIT website:

Results for:

  • Day One: Saturday (heats & some finals): complete.

Day sheets

Day sheets are now available online. You can filter the online version to give you a school-specific day sheet (click the cog icon at the top of the table). Hard copy day sheets can be obtained at the lake.

DisqualificationEquipment non-compliance

A quad was disqualified when it was discovered the crew had undone their heel restraints on the water. The crew had been checked going on the water and was compliant. A second check later found the change.

Heel restraints form an important part of a boat's safety system and removing them can jeopardise the crew's ability to safely exit the boat in an emergency.

Schools need to be mindful the safety system is in place for protection of pupils and should not be thought of as an inconvenience to be circumvented. Breaches of the safety system lead to disqualification.

Lessons to learn from NISSC

Safety Incident

There was a serious safety incident on Friday when a pupil decided it was a good idea to swim out onto the course while a race was underway. The pupil has been expelled from the regatta by their school and sent home.

Everybody is reminded the rowing course is off-limits during racing; and for good reason. If you see somebody doing something stupid then please don't be afraid to intervene or, at the very least, find an Official to intervene.

Exclusions: crew changes

A handful of crews were excluded from races or results after it was discovered they had non-notified or illegal crew changes. Some of these were picked up during the random checks that were being conducted at the start. Others were due to schools submitting illegal crew changes. A few were due to schools mixing their crews up.

Schools must be familiar with the Substitution Rule and if you have more than one crew entered in an event it is vital you know which bow number belongs to which crew. Don't guess; check!

Officials up North are now taking a more proactive approach and they will be conducting additional random checks in the boat park to try and catch crews while they still have time to submit a change. There is no excuse for being slack with paperwork!

Exclusions: weigh-ins

A number of crews were excluded from races or the results due to weighing in late or not weighing in at all. Some of those cases were related to the crew change issues above e.g. because the coach thought they could make a change that they actually could not make they sent the wrong coxswain along and the correct coxswain missed their weigh-in window. Coxswains are not interchangeable!.

One crew was also disqualified when the coxswain took the wrong deadweight to the race. The cox took their weights to rach 50kg instead of the ones for 55kg, which were required for the event.

News 2014-02-25

Safety briefing

There was an excellent 100% turnout for the safety briefing.


While South Island schools are competing on Lake Ruataniwha for recognition as the best the South Island has to offer their North Island counter-parts will do the same thing up at the 2014 Aon North Island Champs on Lake Karapiro. Keep a watch on both regattas for indicators of who may claim the top spot at Maadi!

2014 Stats

1039 pupils (excluding reserves) from 49 schools entered in 2881 seats in 812 crews. 187 races will be required to complete the regatta and find the winners of all 50 events.

MeaslesMinistry of Health advisory

Because NISSC will bring together nearly 2000 pupils from around the North Island it's important schools be aware there is a concern about measles. To raise awareness the Ministry of Health has provided some brief advice [pdf 42KB] for schools to take on board.

Lightweight reminder for pupils in multiple lightweight events

We take this opportunity to remind Members who have entered lightweight rowers in both lightweight events that NZSSRA Rules require crews to weigh in before EACH event (Rule 12). Pupils cannot weigh-in once for both events. This is different from coxswains but coxswains can be check-weighed at any time whereas lightweights cannot.

As we have been repeatedly assured all lightweights at our regattas are genuine lightweights and naturally below the weight limits the Rule requirements should present no challenges with respect to making weight. An athlete who has to avoid re-hydrating and eating between events in order to make weight for both events should not be racing lightweight.

Exhibition eventsNovice eights

The Schools Committee has approved a request from the Regatta Committee (following a request from Member Schools at the 2013 NZSSRA AGM) to include Novice Eights as exhibition events at the regatta. The novice eights will appear in the programme as events 9A (girls) and 17A (boys). They will also be appearing at Maadi 2014 too.

Note: exhibition events are not Championships events so not eligible for medals (see Reg 6.4.D).

Race schedule

This regatta is a little different from the usual club regattas held at Ruataniwha. The NZSSSC has sanctioned this as a South Island Championships event; it is the second biggest event behind Maadi on the school rowing calendar for South Island schools. There are medals and school pride on the line. The Championships Programme of Events requires 8 hours to complete finals so finals will begin on Saturday following a break after the conclusion of heats. 'A' Finals will run at 10-minute intervals.

ENTRY LIMITS 2 crews per school per event (excluding eights)

Due to the scale of entries received for this regatta it has had entry limits for a couple of Seasons now. This Season the limit of 2 crews-per-school-per-event will apply for events other than eights. There is no limit for all eights events.

Schools must also be aware the compressed nature of this regatta means there should be no expectation any pupil who is entered in more than one event will have sufficient time available between events to compete in all of those events.

Note: entry limits do not apply to supplementary entries

NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria pupils "new" to a school

The NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria were revised with effect from 2012 and then tweaked for rowing at NZSSRA's 2013 AGM. An updated article about the NZSSSC School Team Eligibility criteria is available to help members assess whether or not each of their pupils is considered new to their school. Schools are limited to 3 "new" pupils in an eight and 1 "new" pupil in other boats ("new" pupils are those who've swapped schools or come from overseas and looks back over the past 2 years).

Stats from 2013

963 pupils (excluding reserves) from 48 schools entered in 2699 seats in 789 crews. 181 races were required to complete the regatta and find the winners of all 48 events.


This New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Association regatta is sanctioned by the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council.
