est. 1967

St Kentigern College's approved colours
#81: St Kentigern College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Newsletter - Summer 2017/2018

  Printer Friendly Version Summer 2017/2018  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

Download a full copy of the newsletter
(comes with photos, regatta dates and few more things) [.pdf 1.3MB]

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We hope all the training is going well and that you all enjoy the summer holiday season.

Reminder - Lightweight Not Sanctioned at School Regattas

A reminder - The New Zealand Secondary School Sports Council (NZSSSC) advised all schools in April that their board has resolved not to provide a sanction for lightweight rowing events at the NISS, SISS and Maadi Cup Rowing Championship regattas.

NZSSSC release available here

Dates for Selection to NZ Teams

Does your school have athletes who would want to be a part of the North vs South Under-18 team? Or are they interested in Junior level? Then they need to complete the Rowing New Zealand online nomination form and email a copy of New Zealand Passport to Rowing New Zealand.

  • Rowers and coxswains due date for nominations is 26th February 2018
  • Coaches/Managers due date for nominations is 19th January 2018

The guidelines and Nomination forms for Junior and Under-18 are at

NZSSRA 2018 AGM - Remits due

The NZSSRA 2018 AGM will take place on Sunday 18th March after the safety briefing of the Aon Maadi Cup, in Twizel. As per the 4-yearly cycle the review of the programme is presented, this is currently underway and the Schools Committee welcome all feedback (contact Sonya). Please note the Rules and Regulations are not up for change in 2018.

Remits - All remits for the AGM are due by 11th February 2018

Nominations - The nominations for the following positions are called for and due on the accompanying dates.

  • Schools Committee Appointed Member - 4th February 2018
  • Schools Committee Elected Member - 11th February 2018
  • NZSSRA Life Members - 7th January 2018

Applications to host 2020 Champs and any 2019 fee change proposals - 11th February 2018

We are also calling for Nominations for NZSSRA Volunteer of the Year - this is awarded at the NZRA AGM in May.

Please make these remits, nominations and applications in writing to [email protected]

2018 Aon Maadi Cup Week

The 2018 programme is the same as the previous year.
18 March - Sunday: Parade, Safety Briefing, NZSSRA AGM
19 March - Monday: heats begin
20 March - Tuesday: heats conclude and all repechages begin
21 March - Wednesday: repechages end, quarter-finals, E&F Finals
22 March - Thursday: Semi-finals, C&D Finals
23 March - Friday: A&B Finals (events 1-26)
24 March - Saturday: A&B Finals (events 27-52)
25 March - Sunday: spare day (until 12pm)

This schedule is subject to change particularly due to weather issues

Maadi Programme Review

A review panel has been established and is undertaking work on the programme (order of events). The panel is seeking your school's feedback on the current order of events - what works well, what events are too close or are there any boat clash issues you regularly experience. Options of programmes will be presented in early 2018 for your further comment. If you have any areas you would like to comment on now please email them to [email protected]

NZSSSC School Team Eligibility Criteria

Reminder that the Primary Caregiver Relocation Exemptions (PCRE) is now included within the school tem eligibility criteria. PCRE's now have a limit of 2 per team (or in rowing's case boat). If you have an eight it will only be allowed 2 PCRE students and 3 NEW students within the crew. If you have a four it will only be allowed 2 PCRE students and 1 NEW student.

PCRE need to be approved by NZSSSC so all applications need to go to them, more information here

Here is a further reminder for all the other criteria for "new" Students...

  • The NZSSSC team eligibility criteria apply at our Championships regattas on a crew-by-crew basis.
  • The criteria apply to all pupils (sweep oar and/or sculling and/or coxswains).
  • The new pupil limit for an eight/octuple is THREE pupils who are new to the school over the past two years.
  • For all other boats the new pupil limit is ONE pupil new to the school over the past two years.
  • The PCRE limit is 2 students per boat

Exemptions include:
Pupils who join the school in Year 9 or earlier. Pupils with a Primary Caregiver Relocation Exemption (PCRE - issued through NZSSSC regional offices) - with the new limit of 2 students. Pupils who transfer after Year 9 who have not been involved in rowing before e.g. novices.

More information on the changes can be found here
All the details of the School Team Eligibility Criteria here

Bluebridge Deal for Clubs and Schools

Bluebridge are continuing the special deal for ferry crossings by the rowing community. Simply use the promo code "OARSOME" when booking and then present the Rowing NZ Bluebridge card upon check in and your rowing club will receive heavily discounted rates from the preferred supplier for Cook Strait transport.
Visit for more information.

School Colours updating your rowsuits

Schools are required to compete in approved colours so if you are updating your rowsuit stock please make sure the colours you have are the ones registered against your school name. Check out for a list of school colours. If your school is new or would like to change its colours you will also need to contact Sonya at [email protected] and get your new colours approved (this is a quick and easy process and can save you a lot of trouble and dollars should your colours conflict!).

Remember all colours need to be unique to the school (or a boys/girls school pairing) and distinctive from other approved school colours (and where practical distinctive from the club colours approved by the NZRA).

Updating your Contact Details

If your school has had changes in your sports coordinators or teachers in charge of rowing please email these new details to Sonya so we can provide your school with all the relevant information for the coming season. Any coaches who would also like to receive these updates please also send your details.