est. 1967

Bethlehem College's approved colours
#4: Bethlehem College

SISSC 2025

NISSC 2025


Newsletter - 2008/11

  Printer Friendly Version November 2008  

2025 Maadi Regatta NoticesNewsletter - Sitemap -  

  • 2009 AGM...
  • Reminders
    • Online Regatta Entry
    • Colours
    • Competition licences & NZRA safety systems
    • Maadi 2010
    • Annual subscription

Supporting rowing safety at Lake Ruataiwha

The 2008 Aon Maadi Cup Regatta, hosted for us by South Island Rowing Inc at Lake Ruataniwha, was a fantastic success and as a result of our sponsorship with Aon for the regatta NZSSRA was able to give $6,500 to South Island Rowing Inc. This money was used towards a $12,300 upgrade of the safety radio equipment (VHF repeater, channel and handheld radios) at Lake Ruataniwha.

Major 2009 regattas

The 2009 Maadi Cup Regatta and 2009 North Island Secondary Schools Championships will be hosted for us by Karapiro Rowing Inc at Lake Karapiro. South Island Rowing Inc is hosting our South Island Secondary Schools Championship at Lake Ruataniwha. All three events are also sanctioned by the New Zealand Secondary Schools Sports Council and appear on their calendar of approved events. Dates and venues for the three major NZSSRA regattas are:

  • North Island Secondary Schools Championships
    13-15 March 2009, Lake Karapiro (hosted by Karapiro Rowing Inc)
  • South Island Secondary Schools Championships
    14 & 15 March 2009, Lake Ruataniwha (hosted by South Island Rowing Inc)
  • Maadi Cup Regatta
    30 March - 5 April 2009, Lake Karapiro (hosted by Karapiro Rowing Inc)

Other regattas run by our local associations or intended for school-age rowers are listed in the calendar on our website.

New pupil eligibility criteria

The school team eligibility criteria introduced by NZSSSC will again form part of the Terms and Conditions of our Championships regattas. These criteria affect the number of pupils who are new to a school (including transfers and exchange pupils) who can be entered in a crew. Schools should familiarise themselves with the eligibility criteria, which can be found in our library or on NZSSSC's website (in its constitution). We also have an article explaining the application of the NZSSSC criteria to rowing.

Any school having a query about how the new criteria might affect its circumstances should contact the Executive Officer.

A form for schools to use to record any pupils who are exempt the NZSSSC criteria will be released in the new year.

2009 Maadi Cup Regatta

Members should note the regatta will start on Monday, 30 March. There will be an official spare half day being the morning of Sunday, 5 April. However this only extends to midday, as time must be given to enable schools to vacate accommodation, return rentals and make flights etc; also, so the pupils and staff can be back at school on Monday.

Sponsorship Opportunities become a Race Patron

There are a limited number of opportunities to become a Race Patron at the 2009 Maadi Cup Regatta. Patronage gives you race naming rights, an invitation to present medals to the race's medalists, advertising within the printed programme, space in the Maadi Village, car parking, VIP Lounge access, online presence and more...

If you or somebody you know might be interested in becoming a Race Patron there is information available on the Maadi Cup Regatta website: Maadi 2009 (including a full proposal) or you could contact Roger Milne: milnerl[]

Overseas schools

We have had expressions of interest from several overseas schools interested in attending the 2009 Maadi Cup Regatta. Thank you to all our members who have responded with offers of assistance. Hopefully some of those schools' plans will come to fruition adding a new dimension to the regatta - we have ordered some extra medals just in case!

Communication with the organisers of the 2009 Maadi Cup Regatta can be made using email at: 2009.maadi[]

2009 North Island Secondary Schools Championships

Members who attended the 2008 event will be aware this regatta has reached its capacity and is struggling to be completed within the three-day limit sought by Principals when we last reviewed our Championships in 2005. Consequently, in 2009, there is a distinct possibility the regatta will need to be run with a limit of one-crew-per-event-per-school and/or under the more cut-throat option 2 progression system. Another possible stop-gap solution for the 2009 regatta is to make use of some form of qualifying regatta(s). Members are encouraged to express their preferred solution to their local member of the Executive Committee member. A longer term resolution to the problem can be discussed at the 2009 AGM.

Communication with the organisers of the 2009 North Island Secondary Schools Championships Regatta can be made using email at: 2009.niss[]

2009 Annual General Meeting

Notice is given that the 2009 Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held during the 2009 New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Championships Regatta on the evening of Tuesday 31st of March. The business will be:

  1. Roll Call
  2. Apologies
  3. President's Address
  4. Correspondence in/out
  5. Minutes Previous AGM
  6. Treasurer's Report
  7. Election of Officers
  8. Remits
  9. General

Nominations for Life Membership

Notice is given that nominations for Life Membership of the Association close on Monday, 19 January 2009. Reference is made to clause 5.2 of the constitution for persons who may be nominated and the process.

Nominations for Office

Notice is given that nominations for the President, Executive Officer, Honorary Auditor and Honorary Solicitor close on Monday, 23 February 2009. Persons being nominated for these positions should first be contacted to see if they wish to be nominated.

Remits Rule-change year

Notice is given that the closing date for submission of remits for the AGM is Monday, 23 February 2009.

Note: This year is a rule change year (ref cl 10.6 of constitution) so remits can be accepted that will change or alter the Rules and Regulations. When proposing such a remit it is suggested you make early contact with the Executive Officer so the wording can be checked to see that it fits within the constitution and also to ensure that the changes proposed do not impact other clauses which may also have to be modified.

Potential rule-change remits

Over the past four years we have been gathering feedback from a number of sources, including members and our Chief Umpires, about changes they would like to see to the Rules and Regulations. That list has grown to a considerable size so we can expect many remits to be up for discussion in 2009. A sample of the type of topics remits might cover includes:

  • Lightweight rowing
  • Junior sweep oar rowing
  • Novice U15 rowing
  • Safety (separate document out of Rules)
  • Limits (NZSSSC school team eligibility/per-pupil limits)
  • Definitions ("race", "season")
  • Daylight rowing
  • Non-discretionary penalties
  • Substitutions
  • NZSSRA's objects: non-competitive sport
  • Officers (Hon Solicitor/Auditor term duration, moving motions)
  • Voting (email ballots)
  • Finances (EFT-POS account)

We are planning on making details of remits available online as early as possible so members have plenty of time to consider them before the AGM.

Application to host NZSSRA Championships regattas

Notice is given that the closing date for receipt of applications to host the 2011 NZSSRA Championships regattas (Maadi, North Island Championship and/or South Island Championships) is Monday, 23 February 2009. Such applications should be made on the form given in Appendix (F)1 of the Constitution.


Online Regatta Entry

In 2009 Online Regatta Entry (ORE) is again the exclusive means of entry into all NZSSRA's major regattas: North Island and South Island Secondary Schools Rowing Championships and the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rowing Championships. Some other Secondary School Regattas e.g. Wellington's McLachlan Shield will also be accessible through our online entry service. In the new year members will be able to access online entry and update their school rosters (or earlier if other regattas are opened through our website before then).

In a break from tradition members will not be issued with new PASSWORDS and can continue to use the password from earlier this year. Replacement passwords for those members who have misplaced theirs can be obtained by Sports Coordinators from the Executive Officer.


It is a requirement of membership of the NZSSRA for all schools to compete in colours approved by the Executive Officer. This process should be completed BEFORE singlets/row suits are ordered; if there is any clash your choice may be declined.

Any school competing in unapproved colours can be disqualified (Rule 10.1) so it is essential you check your colours on the website. If your colours are not shown or are different to those given then YOU MUST send an application to have your new colours registered.


Competition Licences & NZRA safety systems

All rowers who race in Rowing New Zealand sanctioned regattas must either hold a current competition licence or obtain a day licence. Where practicable NZSSRA also uses Competition Licence data for our register of school rowers and for the Regatta Control Program used by our hosts. To enable this program to be used at our Championships it is essential that all rowers for your school be correctly registered with Rowing New Zealand; this should be completed by the end of December.

Please check with your school's club to make sure your rowers' Competition Licences are up to date.

We also take this opportunity to draw members' attention to Rowing New Zealand's safety systems (which are encompassed within our Safety Rule). Included in the Rowing New Zealand requirements is "All persons participating in rowing or sculling must be in good health and able to swim a minimum of [50]m in light clothing and shoes". We recommend members ensure all their rowing pupils meet this requirement as early in the season as possible.

Copies of Rowing New Zealand's safety systems can be found in our library or on Rowing NZ's website.

Maadi 2010

Expected to be held at Lake Ruataniwha from Monday, 22 March until Saturday, 27 March 2010 with Sunday, 28 March (until noon) being the reserve day. Note: this date is earlier than recent seasons.

Membership Account

The annual account for membership has been emailed to schools' Sports Coordinators. This is for $160.00 but if the invoice is paid by 31 December 2008 then the $40.00 discount may be taken.

If any clubs receiving a copy of this newsletter have started new schools since March 2008 or are planning to do so then they should contact the Executive Officer regarding setting up membership for the school and establishing the school's rowing colours. A current list of schools is given on our web site.